I'm sorry.

I cannot keep up with this story.

My deepest apologizes to all of you who read it you've given me great criticism that I will take to heart for any future projects I may work on.

You guys have been great just to put up with me really.

Because I know my updates were rather spacy… and my chapters were rather short…

I'm just not a lengthy writer…

Also… if anyone wants to continue this feel free but do realize Satoshi, Yokoshita, and Kazuki belong to me if you use those characters…

If you want to continue it just send me a message okay?

I don't care for Yume Wado … actually I'd planned for her name to be Wado she's not even his daughter. : She's just an obsessed person who claims to be his daughter she's not actually of blood relation.

At least that's what I had planned but I can't think of anything else so …

Sorry. TwT