A Survivalist is You!: Alien Invasion

The Predalien Queen Arrives

Ginger was not happy.

It didn't help that she was probably permanently PMSing, in preparation for her egg sack. Or that she was a very single-minded being.

If she had an egg sack. She still wasn't sure yet. This was all still new to her.

Anyone taking a good first look at Ginger (granted, if they stayed that close and that alive long enough,) would probably piss their pants and try to turn tail and run, feeling the deep instincts that kept their ancestors alive rearing its head in fright. She was a good five or six feet tall, more when she stopped hunching over. A set of four, spider-like mandibles sat on either side of her mouth, which was filled with teeth sharper than any razor known to man. Her frame was thin and skeletal, but pure, solid muscle ripped its way across every bone, covered by a translucent exoskeleton, but patches and holes of what could have been bone came out all over her in an almost tribal pattern. Black touched upon large areas of greyish white across her body, covering the tops of her hands, head, and tail, but appearing on her back and the backs of her legs and feet. Her hands held three fingers and a thumb; her foot carried two sharp toes and outward-facing dewclaws. Her tail was riveted and spiked, carrying much resemblance to a scorpion's. Her head was cylindrical, curving back over her body. From both sides of her intricately-designed head, long extensions of what appeared to be dreadlocks hung, giving her a strangely human appearance.

She wandered the lonely halls of the spaceship she was stuck on, hungry and impatient. She found the remnants of another skin bag, and nibbled quietly on that for a while. There wasn't much left from her last picking, but it was enough. She then continued on to the front.

She hadn't been born on this ship; rather, she'd been picked up from a tiresome fight with an Ugly Creature. She was placed in a tough, clear substance that had initially prevented her escape. As she grew and recovered, however, the skin bags that watched her everyday began to lessen in number and appeared to be relaxing. One day, watching and waiting intently, she seized the moment and struggled, thrashing her tail and spitting acid. She'd overthrown those skin bags, and turned on the rest. She had then been able to take it over all on her own, feasting upon their flesh one by one. But now, with no one left to eat and nothing to put her eggs in, Ginger was, simply put, bored.

She knew this was the area where they controlled everything. They'd pressed buttons, making lots of noise into the machines, but she'd gotten to them first. Now, she wanted to know how they got this thing to other places. She needed to find a good place to settle down and have some kids. More skin bags, that's what she needed.

She observed the buttons in what could've been attempted fascination. With the permanent scowl on her face, though, it was hard to see. She stalked up to the control panel, cocking her head at all the little whirring gadgets and buttons. She let a hiss escape her teeth. She couldn't make head nor tail of any of this. It was all strange markings and glowing things. Something caught her eye in the view of space, though, and she glanced up.

A planet was coming into view. A smallish one, but one ridiculously large continent sat amidst a sea of blue. Ginger felt her guts squirm in possible excitement. Yes. This would do nicely.

She turned her head up and around as the ship began to appear to turn away from the planet, desperately looking for something to make it go back. Her hidden eyes spotted a larger button, a little to her left, that looked like the planet she saw, except it had more green and less white. She stared at it for a few precious seconds, and then slammed her slimy hand into it.


Ginger, of course, couldn't understand a word it said, but she relaxed when it stopped making noises and turned back towards the planet. She took several steps back, and then bolted for the area where the skin bags got on and off. She paced back and forth, jumped around, and chewed on several boxes while she waited for the transportation device to land. Finally, the ship started shaking, and she was forced to hide as things began moving around. After a few minutes, the ship stopped shaking and she dared a glance out as the door opened to a bright and green new world...


"Warning: Ship is landing in Eastern Port."

The assistant twitched unconsciously, and then turned to the tall, dark man who was talking to some of the others behind him.

"Mr- Mr. Valdez?" The suited man turned to him, eyes flashing briefly with the rage of being interrupted. "We might have a problem."

"Shit. And just when everything-" Sakyo Valdez stopped himself, watching the screen that showed a small transporter spaceship landing in the eastern jungle.

"Wait. Look up the calling history." Valdez commanded, and the assistant hurriedly typed away. He glanced at the ship again, and watched as something scurried out from the opening port door.

"Nothing called 'USS Verloc', sir."

"It's okay. I'll have someone go down and check." Sakyo scowled, and then added, "And blow up their ship."


Ginger was just testing the ground out when a sound was caught on her radar. It was a strange, quiet noise that steadily grew with a small, grey thing until it blasted over her head and hit the vessel, throwing her into the ground and lighting it on fire. Pieces of metal rolled along the forest floor, cutting into trees and leaving deep rivets in the dirt and carpeted floor. Ginger both panicked and grew pissed, but could not see where the BOOM had come from. She threw herself to her feet, glancing around in all directions. Finally, she saw something coming towards her.

Her nose, however many times it had been de-prioritized down the evolution chain on Ginger's side, still picked up on the strong smell of smoke emitting from the person walking towards her. He didn't really look at her at first, as he was too busy fumbling with his new cigars. Once he lit them, he stopped and closed his eyes, taking in the rich taste of them. Finally he turned to look at her...

And screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHWHATTHECRAPAREYOU?!?!" he screeched. Never, in all his days of facing clowns that could put themselves together after being chopped up and straw-hatted boys that could bend like rubber, even facing things he no longer wanted to remember, this thing topped the list right away.

Ginger stared at the skin bag. He smelled horrible, and her sense of smell never picked up on anything before. She stumbled back quickly, the noxious fumes overwhelming her senses. Instinctually, her hands reached up and tried to bat the smell away, all the while growling. If it would just stop she could kill him easily, but it was impossible to get within a few paces of him. Finally, she resorted to circling him widely, tail switching back and forth like a caged tiger.

Smoker wheezed, coughing up more smoke than usual after his sudden outburst. He patted his chest, sighing, and then tried again, having regained his control.

"S-sorry. Do you speak...English?"

Ginger hissed. He was making those funny noises again. If this island was inhabited by these things, she might have to grow used to it. For a short while, anyway.

Smoker shook his head. Another monster creature. Wonderful. What was he supposed to do now, just let it wander? Mr. Valdez had said if it was a competitor to greet them, but this thing...

Ginger edged her way around the skin bag, and then turned and bolted into the forest. Or, at least, that was the plan. Within a few paces, a giant ball of the nasty stuff formed in front of her, and the skin bag shaped himself out of it.

Ginger let out a shriek that could have been her equivalent of a whimper. Smoker winced, his eardrums pounding at the noise.

"Okay, now you d-" Smoker managed to say, reaching for his weapon. Ginger, however, was much faster than the average person. The next thing Smoker knew, he was slammed into the trunk of a tree- hard. So roughly, in fact, he heard several joint of his spine pop.

His eyes unfocused, he vaguely saw the alien take a step forward, and arms on either side, raise its head towards the sky, giving out an unearthly roar that echoed in the forest.

"Fuck it." he mumbled, and faded out to the background.

After having announced her dominance towards the skin bag, he did the right thing and fled, leaving this territory to her. She hadn't wanted to fight something that smelled so awful, but it appeared she hadn't had a choice.

She turned towards the dark edge of the treeline in front of her. Yes. Now she needed to find some more skin bags.


Smoker returned to the headquarters, and quickly explained what happened to Sakyo (though he'd already known what happened). Sakyo turned to look at the camera that was focused on the alien, and then grinned.

"What the hell. This'll make things more interesting for the audiences." He rubbed his chin, faking a typical thoughtful gesture. "I just wonder what having an X-factor will be like..."


I couldn't just keep her calling the "predalien queen" or "alien" and stuff like that, because that would be tiresome and annoying. She had to have a name. But, of course, no one knows this name except for me.

And no, I'm not going to write stories from her perspective, 'cause it'd go something like: KILL KILL KILL MAKEBABIES KILL KILL sleep KILL KILL.

Yeah. Aliens are notoriously not the most self-conscience creatures of the universe.

Go look in the Entry Post of the forums for Ginger's reference material. And yes, I'm using the Predalien Queen from the movie. She's cute, aint' she? ;)

The Alien franchise, along with Ginger/Predalien Queen does not belong to me. I'm just a simple-minded fan-being living the country of America!