I don't own Inuyasha

Kouga and Kagome got married after high school. Sango being the frady cat that she is, didn't tell her parents until the day before her wedding.

Kagome and Sango decided to have the two wedding one the same day, at the same time, for moral support and because it would allow them to celebrate with everyone they loved at the same time saving them the trip.

Kagome wore a perfect white, strapless, wedding gown that fit her curves wondrously. Sango on the other hand, wore a more traditional poofy, long wedding dress that matched her Vail.

Kouga growled deeply as Miroku smiled at the two beautifully dressed women coming down the isle.

They made their own vows up and then after the ' I do's' the two newly wed couples made out in front of all the cheering guests.

Kagome threw the bouquet of flowers aiming for her mother, but sadly they in in Rin's open hands. She squealed with excitement and pointed at Sesshomaru, who was glaring ruefully at Kagome. He could see her mouth an ' I'm sorry' while she watched Kouga pull off her garter with his teeth. Kagome blushed letting everyone see it as he looked up at her from the floor. Kouga took it out of his mouth after getting it off and then closed his eyes, he put one in on one finger and then pulled it back with the other. He let it go, flinging it like a rubber band onto Inuyasha's head.

Inuyasha went wide eyed and blushed realized what was on him. He threw it in the garbage and then looked at the floor after glaring at Kouga with angry eyes. Kouga overflowing with happiness seeing what he had done, even with his eyes closed.

Kagome patted Inuyasha on the back as her and Kouga along with Sango and Miroku ran out of the building holding hands and being pelted with rice. The groups parted and ran into separate cars, one saying Miroku & Sango 4 ever In love written all over the windows, while the other had dog food cans tied to the bumper, it was written in blue window paint on the back " don't go near if the car rocks, its owners have hydraulics".

Kouga got the dirty joke right away and threw a cup of water on the window. Kagome and Kouga ran to the car and then kissed once inside.

"Oh, Kouga, I'm so happy, we finally made it. We're married and now we can be with each other forever."

Kouga smiled and kissed her lips, tender and sweet.

"Yes, my Kagome, now we can love each other without any eruptions, would you like to go to the hotel now?"

Kagome nodded and pulled the beret from her hair.

"Yeah I cant wait to get this dress off it itches."

Me either Kagome, me either.

----------------------------------------- SANGO & MIROKU--------------------------------------

Miroku and Sango ran to there car already kissing, Miroku smirked as he put the keys in the ignition and started to drive. Miroku smiled at her and grabbed her hand instead of her butt for once.

"So Sango, ready for wonderful dream house you've been talking about."

"Sure am Miroku, but we still need to find one."

Miroku to a key out of his pocket and threw it in her lap.

"Nah, I already had one built, I hope it's to your likings. I thought we could break it in."

Sango gasped and kissed Miroku on the cheek.

"Why of course, Husband, why shouldn't we I mean we can go shopping for furniture if you want."

Miroku sighed at his clueless wife and then turned onto the Interstate.

"Oh, my dear Sango, when will you learn?" ( he-he sound familiar?)

Now the two couples are in houses of their own, living happy normal lives. Kouga and Kagome have 8 children with one on the way, they were quite busy in their in there young 20's and mid 30's.

Sango and Miroku have 4 children, being quadruplets. They each have a certain ability that came from their parents that their now discovering in their teenage years. Seena a girl, is able to put a barrier up around herself and other objects that she is holding or in front of. Kisi a boy, is able to woo girls just like his father, allow a lot of the time he comes home with a red mark on his face after school. Kichimi another girl can use many types of weapons, her favorite being a giant boomerang that her mother gave her from her grandparent's dojo. And last, but not least, Simoko is able to tell peoples fortunes like his father did. Most of the time its faint, but he can see the future that may or may not happen, shat he sees relies on what that person does.

The friends from high school talk often, and have even went on vacation together. Rin and Sesshomaru got married shortly after Kouga, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku did. Inuyasha though is still single and likes it that way. He finds his way to Kagome's house often, helping out with the kids or just hanging around with Kouga, who is now his best friend besides Kagome.

So now these people will lead happy and healthy lives with their families like they always hoped to do.


Sorry, but I'm ending it here, it may or may not continue depending on how many reviews I get. I truly am sorry, but I have two other stories that I'm writing and I don't want to juggle 3 even though I really can juggle.

So leave me reviews, if I get as many as I want then maybe I'll continue. But here's the catch, I'm not telling you how many I want, so now you cant just assume that I'll update at a certain amount!! MWAHAHA I'M EVIL LIKE SHIPPOU WHEN A PARASITE INFECTED HIM!!!! Ha-ha, but you still love MEEEEE!!