I do not own Inuyasha or anything to do with Inuyasha. Enjoy the story and Review please.


Kagome and Kouga were both high school Seniors. Kagome ruled one half of the school, while Kouga ruled the other. There was just one tiny problem though, Kouga and Kagome were, how can I put it, mortal enemies. They have been since they were in preschool fighting for a teddy bear. Since that day forward, the two would fight over the tiniest things, like who gets what table at lunch who goes to the bathroom the longest, who has better hair, and so on and so forth.

Kagome controlled her pack while Kouga controlled his. Kagome's pack was made up of her most loyal and trusted friends, Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, and Kikyo when she wasn't being a total you know what.

Kouga's pack consisted of Ginta, Hakakku, Ayame, and the other wolf demons that went to that school. They had an equal amount of pack mates and were evenly matched in all they did. (except for running, cuz even though Kouga didn't have shards he was the fastest in the school)

Kagome and Kouga stayed single throughout there high school years. No one seemed to catch their or show interest. So when all of Kouga and Kagome's friends started hookin up they felt left out. Luckily their friends had a solution to that problem. The school had a dating service set up, it was mostly for finding dates to the prom, but it could be used how ever. They knew that they would find someone for them because that's where they had met there sweet hearts. ( let me just say that the pairing are the same as in the show except that Ginta is dating Ayame and Hakakku is dating another female wolf.

"Hey Kagome"

Kagome turned around and saw her two best friends running towards her, Sango and Rin.

"Hey you guys, what's up?"

Sango and Rin skidded to a stop in front of her. Sango held out a sheet of paper folded in a tiny square.

"Sango, what's this?"

Sango smiled and gave Rin a sly wink.

"Well Kagome, the group and I got to talkin, and we're tired of you being so alone all the time. every time we go out as a group we always have someone on our arms, but you don't, you're always by yourself."

Kagome gave her a short glare.

"Come on Sango, get out with it."

Sango took a deep breath and opened the piece of paper reveling a user name and password.

"This, is your password and user name to the school dating service. We've already filled everything out, all you have to do is get on. You are going to get a boyfriend, and soon cuz the prom I comin up."

Kagome's face turned red.


Sango covered her ears and glared at her leader.

"Kagome you may be my leader, but I am second in command and I'm trying to help you. Now when that bell rings, you are going to go home, get on your computer, and start chatting it up with some boys."

Kagome crossed her arms.

"Ha, how ya gonna make me?"

Sango smirked and pulled a picture album from her purse.

"You remember my sleep over and how you drank a little to much beer. Or how you totally passed out and then we drew all over you. Or maybe you forgot when you were puking up your guts after eating some of Miroku's cooking."

Kagome's eyes widened.

"HEY! How'd you get those?"

Sango put away the album.

"Oh believe me Kagome, I have my ways. Mwahahaha!"

Kagome and Rin took a step back.

"Fine Sango, you got me. But next time tell me before you do something like this."

Sango smiled a not so innocent smile.

"Sure sure, now hurry up and get ready to leave, the last bell's about to ring."

Kagome sighed and turned around readying her stuff for the ride home.

On the other side of the school, Ginta and Hakakku were readying their stuff as well. They had the same plan as the other group, just a little different since they knew to be careful, cuz Kouga would clobber them. Kouga was talking to Ayame, who had finally gotten over the fact that Kouga didn't like her. He had his pack in his hand when the final bell rang, that's when Ginta and Hakakku decided t strike, since there would be lots of people in the hall.

"Hey Kouga," yelled Ginta and Hakakku in unison, running up on there leader. Kouga turned around and waved.

"Hey you two, what's up?"

Ginta gasped for a breath of air and held out a folded piece of paper.

"What's this, another girls phone number? God ,I wish they would take a hint."

Ginta and Hakakku gulped.

"No Kouga, it's not a number, its something else."

Kouga raised an eyebrow.

"Well, what is it then?"

Ginta unfolded the piece of paper revealing a username and password, just as Kagome's did.

"This is yours. It's to the schools dating service and we, along with the rest of the pack want you, to get on and find a girlfriend."

Kouga's eyebrow twitched. He grabbed both there shirt collars and lifted them up. He spoke through clenched teeth.

"WHAT, are you talking about. Everybody in the pack and half the school knows I don't want a girlfriend!! Why I outa throw you guys off of Shikon Peak, for what you did. How dare you go against your leader like that."

The principle saw the whole thing and cleared his throat. Kouga looked over to him and smiled a child like smile.

"Why did I say throw you off Shikon Peak? What I meant to say was take you to Shikon Peak," said Kouga putting down the two and patting their heads. The principle glared at him and then turned around walking into the teachers lounge. Kouga smiled at him all the way until he was inside, then he went to growling at hi two 'friends'.

"Kouga," Hakakku began, " We are just doing what we think is best for you. Now me and Ginta have filled it out for you, all you have to do is get on and start talking to the ladies. And you're going to do it, or I'll be forced to bring out the heavy artillery."

Kouga scoffed and put his nose in the air, as if something smelled bad.

"And what's that supposed to mean? Oh no, I'm shakin off my tail."

Ginta looked at Hakakku and then nodded. Hakakku reached in his back pocket and pulled out some pictures.

"This is what that means. Remember when you got drunk with Ayame, and had that huge make out session? Or maybe when you were seat dancing in the in my car that same night on your way home? Or maybe karaoke night at Ginta's moms restaurant? Hmmm?"

Kouga bared his teeth and growled a low, deep growl.

"Where'd you get those?!?!"

"We took them when you weren't looking. So are you gonna do it or not? Cuz I'm sure the pack, and the whole school would luhuuff to see these babies."

Kouga growled and turned the other way.

"Fine, you got me, but if I hear anything about this around school. Both of you are dead."

Ginta smiled triumphantly and Hakakku put the pictures away. They pretended to seal their lips shut and throw away the key. Kouga glared at them one last time and then walked away, his tail swishing back and forth, telling them that he wasn't to happy, but he's get over it. Both Kagome and Kouga drove home that day, dreading to see what would happen when they got online.