HI! this is my new fic. i just keep replaying this scene in my head and had to write it down. i hope you like it. please review so i know if i shoud continue it. sorry it's so short...

Disclaimer: i don't own KKM. if i did i would rule the world muhahahahah-*cough* i mean....

Warnings: probably spoilers for up to ep 50. Shonen Ai.


CHapter 1

"You're not really Yuuri, are you?" Ken Murata asked looking down at the double black at his feet. There were gasps behind him as 'Yuuri' looked up. A single tear ran down his pale cheek. Black eyes stared at the Great Sage in pain.

"How could you say that Murata?!?" the blonde boy asked falling to the ground next to 'Yuuri' hugging him closer to himself. Yuuri whimpered and pushed him away.

"Lord Von Bienfield-" Murata was cut off as 'Yuuri' pushed himself backwards so that he was leaning against the wall of the temple. Wolfram didn't move, glancing at the Great Sage and then at his fiancé. 'Yuuri' pulled his legs up to his chest and hugged himself tightly. His eyes closed he looked up at the roof and sighed.

"Murata is right" he whispered, eyes opening to see Wolfram's look of disbelief, "I am not Yuuri… but I also am, in a way"

Murata's eyes widened. Wolfram became even more confused as the boy before him began to fade. Wolfram could not believe his ears. 'Yuuri' looked exactly as he always had, how could this not be him? Glancing over the fading figure, he went over the image in his head. Same black eyes and hair, same sad smile-who could this be but Yuuri?


Tilting his head slightly 'Yuuri' felt tears forming in his eyes. They fell down his cheeks like rivers of pain. He could feel himself fading, back to where he should be - back to the dungeon.

He heard them gasp as he continued to fade, saw their eyes widen as his wounds appeared. A black eye, bloodied wrists, his shirt cut in many places and… long thin lines of blood where his shirt no longer covered his shin. Pain rippled through his body and he felt the dungeon become more visible-more real to him. He knew that they could not see why he arms were pulled to his sides, ankles twisted behind him at odd angles. But he could clearly see the chains.

He felt himself being pulled back to the dungeon and a voice inside his mind told him why.

'I just can't- anymore…please! Come back! I need-'

One more glance towards Wolfram and Murata saw them fading, just as he must appear to them and he cried out "Help me! Wolfram…"

'Help me…'

His black eyes filled with ever-lasting tears were the last things to fade into the shadows of the Temple of the Great One.

A/N: so.... what did you think? it was probably confusing, ne?

PLease review! cyber cookies for all!!!