A/N: Gah... Not enough Agito/Yayoi... *Twitch* Anyway, it doesn't say she's his official tuner yet. Yeah. My most popular story on Deviant Art, coming to you guys. YAY!

Edit A/N: SO! Grape Icies/ladyRanko here. I'm doing a REWRITE. This is too rushed for all the attention it gets. Also… If it catches my mood… I'll make it into a comic. Hmm… ONWARD!

DISCLAIMER: Ugh. I hate these, but it must be done… Air Gear and all related characters belong to Oh!Great, the ultimate master of hilarious, adventurous, perverted, and dramatic manga. Even if I want his characters, I think he'll do much better things with them.

Italics with apostrophes '…' mean thoughts

Regular quotation marks with regular text mean that they're speaking out loud

~*Boys Will Be Boys, Chapter One*~

God is it hot...

It seemed to be the same thought that everyone on team Kougarasumaru was thinking that hot, summer day. The sound of panting and the whir of tiny motors could be heard in the school's courtyard. It was that sort of day when no one wanted to go outside. At all. You could seriously fry an egg on the sidewalks because it was that hot. The weather report for that day said that temperatures would peak at 97 degrees Fahrenheit (or 36 degrees Celsius for everyone else), but of course, there was always that group of weirdoes that just had to take the day to stay outside. That's right. One of the hottest days of the damn summer and Kougarasumaru was outside. Practicing AT.

A small, delicate hand gripped onto a small wad of newspaper its owner had found lying around and fanned the girl's sweating face. She was lightly panting from the heat, hoping that the sun wouldn't burn her pale skin. A tan would be nice… But a lobster burn would really suck, Yayoi Nakayama mused to herself before she sighed and watched in partial annoyance and amusement as she watched the newest addition to Kougarasumaru get used to her AT alongside her longtime crush. Yayoi couldn't help but to smile as Kazu unknowingly fell into Emily's trap, temporarily helping her forget just how much it irked her to be outside in this god-forsaken heat. But just as quickly as the notion came, a frown replaced the smile on her face. Now if only her own interest weren't so oblivious…

He was small and just so cute! But… Yayoi grimaced. He was the rudest, most foul-mouthed, most arrogant, proudest member of Kougarasumaru. It'd become even more apparent to her when she'd become his official tuner; She liked the bastard. A lot. Yayoi corrected herself mentally. Well… he's not completely full of himself. He did save my life when Orca showed up… She smiled a little ways off as she thought about that kiss she gave to Lind before Agito took over. It wasn't the personality she knew and loved, but it was the same body, right? That had to count for something.

"Oi, onna."

Yayoi snapped out of her thoughts. Speak of the devil… "Huh? You talking to me?" she asked nonchalantly.

The blue-haired fang king snorted, "Fuck! Who else would I be talking to?"

"Whaddya want, Agito?" Yayoi asked, bored. He cursed so often; it got to the point where she merely ignored it rather than try to get him to use less… crude language. She also ignored him calling her 'woman'.

Agito ordered, "Pass me a water bottle. This fucking heat is killing me."

"You have legs, Agito. I'm not your servant," Yayoi told him, looking at Emily and Kazu still. "Get it your damn self."

Agito grumbled, "Fucking bitch." He swiped a bottle of water from the cooler beside Yayoi and took a swing of the clear liquid, essentially chugging it.

A few minutes passed in silence, with only the sound of Agito chugging down bottles of water greedily. Yayoi looked up at the blue-haired youth and sighed before she opened her mouth to say something. "You know…" But, of course, she was interrupted.

"Agito!" Emily cried. "Hurry up with that water break! Onigiri is trying to steal Kururu's underwear and Ikki's about to kill him!" Both she and Kazu were holding Ikki back.

Yayoi closed her mouth and pouted slightly, twitching in irritation. 'Ten minutes in silence and they choose the moment I want to speak to call out to him…' Yayoi sighed. 'Typical… that's so typical of this team.' The Fang King closed his current bottle, tossing it back to Yayoi before skating over to the scene. Yayoi caught the bottle, surprised to see a half-full plastic bottle coming her way. The brunette tossed the bottle over her shoulder, not caring where it would land. "Mendouske… (What a bother…)" She watched as Agito kicked Onigiri off his head AT. 'Wait for it… Here it comes… In 3… 2… 1…'


'Of course.'

~*At Kazu's house*~

Kururu, Yayoi, and Emily watched as the boys, save for Agito of course, argued over control of the TV remote. Emily frowned and placed her hands on her hips in disappointment. "Those boys are such headaches. Fighting over a stupid TV remote! Seriously!"

Yayoi yawned and reminded her, "Boys will be boys, Emily."

Kururu giggled as Emily muttered, "Just wish boys were a little quieter…"

Kazu held the remote high up in triumph. "It's mine!" he claimed.

Her mood immediately changed and Emily cheered happily, "Yay for Kazu-Sama!"

The remote was snatched from Kazu before Ikki knocked him down with his blast of wind. "MWAHAHAHA!"

Emily deadpanned. "Ikki…" she growled. The crow looked at her, suddenly a bit afraid. "RWAR!" She tackled Ikki to the ground harshly.

Kururu called to her, "Please don't hurt him too much, Emily!"

"RWAR!" Somewhere in the middle of Emily's attack, the remote flew into the air.

"He's doomed." Yayoi rested her chin on her fist and caught the remote with her other hand as Kururu sweat-dropped. "Great. Now it's mine." She gave Onigiri, Kazu, and Buccha a warning glare, silently daring them to take it from her.

Agito, who had been sitting away from the struggle the entire time, muttered, "Fucking idiots…"

Kazu's sister stormed into the room and yelled at all of them, "All of you! Get the hell OUT of my damn house! And that means you too, KAZU."

Kazu protested, "I live here!"

"I don't care! It's not my problem! Go find somewhere else to sleep!" She tossed clothes at Kazu and demanded, "NOW LEAVE!"

All of them reluctantly shuffled out of the house. Agito growled at the other boys and Emily, "Damned loud-ass shit-heads…"

They glared at him angrily, hurtful thoughts going through all their heads. Kazu sighed. "Now where am I supposed to stay? Ikki doesn't have a house anymore."

Emily squeaked and blushed. "Kazu-Sama could stay at my house!"

"Really? Thanks, Emily!" Kazu grinned, oblivious. "Oh… But won't your parents have a problem with it?" he asked.

Damn it! Emily cursed mentally. "You're right…"

Onigiri nudged Kazu. "What about my place?"

Kazu brightened again. "Yeah! I'm sure your folks won't mind."

While that was being settled, Yayoi turned to Ikki and Agito. She sighed. "I can't believe I'm about to ask this, but… Hey, Ikki?"


"If you and Agito need a place to stay," she started, looking away nonchalantly. "My parents are out for the month so… I have some room for you… If you'd want to stay over."

Ikki grinned and grabbed her as he ruffled Yayoi's hair roughly, despite her protests. "You're the best, Nakayama!"

Yayoi quickly fixed her hair again. "Whatever," she told him curtly. "Just don't trash the place or I'll throw you back into the streets."

"Fuck! Do I get to decide too?" Agito asked irritably.

Ikki shrugged off the comment, and Agito's question, and waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry, Nakayama-Chan. We'll be good over at your house."

Yayoi muttered, "Better be…" She watched as Agito kicked a can and switched his eye patch, muttering something about stupid people. The rest of Kougarasumaru went separate ways. Emily, Buccha, and Kururu going on their own, while Onigiri led Kazu to his house and Yayoi led Ikki and Agito to her own home.

~*In the Nakayama Household*~

Akito looked around, awed by the sight. "This place is huge, Nakayama-San."

Yayoi looked at him, "It's not that big…"

Ikki plopped onto the over-stuffed couch. "It's way sweeter than Kazu's place."

She said, "Let me take you to the guest rooms so you two can leave me alone." Ikki, and now, Akito followed Yayoi down the hall. Yayoi propped open the first door. "Ikki, for your room." She opened a second door across the hall from Ikki's new room. "Akito, in here." Both Ikki and Akito walked curiously into their rooms.

Akito called to her, "Yayoi-Chan!"

"Yeah?" She walked over to him.

Akito pointed to a wooden door in the wall connecting to the next room. "Why's that door there?"

"It goes into my room."

Akito looked at her, confused. "What for?"

"It was just built there for some reason. I don't trust Ikki," she turned to glare at him. He smiled innocently at her in return, "with this room, so I let you use it."

Akito frowned. "Oh." He then asked frankly, "Can I share with Ikki-Kun?"

Ikki shook his head furiously in refusal. "NO! NO WAY!" Akito pouted sadly, sitting on his new bed.

After a few moments of silence, Yayoi yawned sleepily and looked at her watch. "Well. I'm going to bed. You guys should probably rest too…"

Ikki walked into his room. "Night, Nakayama. Akito." He yawned as he closed the door, locking it to make his room Akito-proof in the middle of the night.

She muttered after him, "It's Yayoi…"

Akito lay down on his bed and waved sleepily. "Good night, Yayoi-Chan."

Yayoi turned to him and couldn't help but to smile softly at the sweeter version of Agito. "Good night, Akito-kun." She closed the outer door before going into her own room.

Akito waited a few seconds, sat up, and went into a sort of trance…

~*End of Chapter One*~

EDIT: Are the edits any better? O.o I'd like to know!

Author's Note: I feel like I rushed it slightly… I dunno. Anyway, even if he hasn't shown up in this chapter, there WILL be Lind… because Lind is Sexy.