Rima's declaration of war.

Rima wasn't happy. She wasn't happy at all. Her best friend, the first and only person she would consider a friend, Amu was so dense!

She and Amu were considered the school's goddesses over the last few years, everyone, and she meant everyone even the teachers, wanted to date them. But, Amu was totally oblivious to this obsession people had of them!

She growled under her breath as she saw some guys giving her the eye. They were starting high school today. They hadn't even made to the front gate and they were already being gawked at.

Both had their outer shells, as they called them, on. Rima making herself look like a snob who wouldn't listen to anyone; Amu making herself look like she hated everything around her; making her unprocurable.

These were their outer shells, inside though they were both completely different. Rima always loved to see people laughing, while Amu was actually a shy and easily scared girl.

Over the years Rima had slowly become an over-protective of her friend. Amu was a shy girl; her only friend: she needed protection from the vile guys they were bound to meet.

"Rima?" Her pink haired friend questioned. She turned to see her friends golden eyes filled with worry.

"What is it Amu?" Rima questioned her voice small and perfect in every way.

"You're spacing out…" Amu explained. "You didn't even yell at the small kinds that did the bala-balance wrong…"

"It's nothing Amu," she sighed, her golden curls covering her worried expression. She wouldn't let any of the guy's even get near Amu; she was too precious for their eyes. She glared at the guys. They had reached the front gate now; there were a lot of people around, and both women and men stared in shock at the two.

They both kept their outer shells on as they walked towards the assembly that would be starting any minute now. Rima was glaring at every gawking face; there was a large gap around them as they stood in the assembly room, most probably because people were too afraid to get close.

The assembly started. The teacher was telling the new students lies about how they would be brilliant and the school was brilliant, and he was sure everyone was going to get along. How could he be so sure of that exactly?

Rima was fuming over the looks people were sending their way, she was going to do something, she'd probably regret soon enough.

"Mashiro Rima!" The principle yelled out getting the blonde's attention. "You got the highest grades this year from the entrance exam, would you like to come up here and say a few words?"

She nodded an idea coming to mind.

"Amu I'll be back in a second," the pink haired girl nodded as the blonde walked towards the stage. Everyone was in awe; the small beauty was also smart?

"I don't care for any of you, I don't care about this school, but there is only one thing I care about; that is my friend Amu's safety." Everyone seemed to be shocked to what she was saying and she was saying it in such a sweet and posh voice it didn't seem to suit the words she was saying. "Thus, I declare war on any guy who even approaches Amu."

The prologue… The idea randomly came to me, I find this rather strange but funny I hope people enjoy! ^^ Ikuto comes next chapter brilliant or not?