"Hi, my name is Danny Fenton. But you would know that if you saw how I saved the planet from the Disasteroid, you would also know about my alter ego Danny Phantom. After that my life changed forever, my female clone Dani got adobted into the family so she became my little sister. The press was always hounding me but it was nothing a little intangibility couldn't handle, but my newfound fame did make school a little difficult. Especially considering my recent break up with Sam, but more on that later...My sister Jazz found an pamphlet to this new place called Yokai Accademy and thought it would be a good idea for me so she started teaching me japanese, it took a while but I eventually got it down. Considering how my life was going I jumped at the chance for a fresh start, and with the Fenton portal destroyed he didn't have to worry about any ghost attacks on the town."

As Danny rode patiently on the bus he noticed that the bus driver was giving him an odd stare. He hoped he wasn't another fan, he remembered once helicopter pilot asked him to shave his autograph into his chest hair. Made him shutter in disgust just thinking about it.

"Yokai Accademy is place where things can get kinda dangerous. Are you sure can handle this?"

"I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about...but you would be surprised at what I can handle."

Danny started to dig through his pocket as he heard his cell phone ring. He finally pulled out a black and white cell phone (custom made thanks to his celebrity status) and saw the word 'JAZZ' on the screen followed by her number. It figures his sister would be calling to check up on him.

Danny playfully rolled his eyes as he answered. "Hi Jazz....yes...I'm fine...no...no...yes I found it just fine." It was the same old routine with his worry wart, know it all sister; however, Danny almost instantly lost his connection as the bus went into a tunnel. "Hello? Jazz? Hello? Dang, I guess I'll just have to call her later."

The bus came to a complete stop at a odd pumpkin scarecrow nest a dead tree which must have been the bus stop. The bus driver gave an almost sadistic grin as he said "Good luck kid, you'll need it." As he drove off Danny took the chance to take in the surroundings. There were dead trees everywhere with gravestones scattered all over the place, from off the black cliffs Danny could see an ocean of blood red water.

"Charming. Makes the Ghost Zone look like a nursery."

As Danny started to walk down the path in a dead forest when he started an odd squeaking noise. "What is that?"

Danny looked above him and saw a weird bat flying overhead. "I'm a bat, chu!"

"A talking bat...can't say that it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

"Look out!!!" Before Danny could react a bicycle crashed into his back from behind sending both him and the rider hurtling to the ground.

Danny groaned in pain as he started to get up. However, when he tried to put his hand on the ground to pick himself up he instead found something...soft? There was a cry of surprise from a female voice as Danny touched this mysterious object. As Danny's gaze followed his arm he saw that the soft thing was the upper part of a young woman's leg. Danny nearly leapt away from the woman in pure shock. "Sorry! That was an accident and OW!!"

Danny looked down at his blue jeans to see blood starting to soak through his pant leg. (A/N: you rarely come out of a bicycle crash unscathed and that always kind of bugged about the series.)

"Looks like I got hurt worse than I thought." said Danny.

"Great, I stand up against a evil version of my future self, go toe to toe with the King of all Ghosts, save the planet from a giant asteroid, and what gives me a bleeding wound in my leg? A bicycle." thought Danny.

Danny turned his gaze over to the woman who had crashed into him, she had pink hair and was dressed in the school uniform of Yokai Accademy. Something that he had not yet picked up, he was supposed to speak with the principal first. But overall Danny thought she looked very cute.

She rubbed some dirt out of her eye as she looked at Danny apologetically. "I'm sorry, I have anemia and my eyes went blurry..."

The girl saw Danny's wound and almost immediately started to rumage through her pocket for a handkerchief. "I'm so sorry!"

She pulled up Danny's pant leg and started to dab his wound gently with the handkerchief, however the smell of Danny's blood caught Moka's nose.

"This scent...I...I..."

"Scent?" Danny wondered what possible scent she could be talking about, he didn't smell anything. Danny lifted arm and gave himself a pit check, nope definetly wasn't body odor. He unintenionally got a wiff of her hair and thought it smelled nice, not that he was super eager to run back into a relationship after Sam.

She took him by surprise by grabbing his chin keeping his head up.

"I...I'm sorry but because I'm a vampire..."

She opened her mouth revealing fangs as she started to draw closer to her neck.

"A vamp...hey what do you think you're doi..."

Danny winced as she sunk her teeth into his neck.


Danny felt his blod being drained into the girl's mouth. She must have caught herself because she stopped to a sudden halt and pulled away from him with a start.

"I'm so sorry!"

"His blood tasted tangy...like nothing I've ever drunk before...I think...I think I like it." she thought.

Danny gently rubbed his hand over where the girl bit him. "What did you have to do that for?" No sooner had those words left Danny's mouth than he noticed that there was no wound where he had been bitten. Oh there was lipstick to be sure, but no teeth marks what so ever.

The girl was nice enough to help him pick up all the stuff he had dropped when she crashed into him. "Are you going to Yokai Accademy?"

"Um yes, I'm just starting out." said Danny.

"That's great, me too." the girl smiled brightly as though this little bit of information just made her entire day.

Danny gave a small short laugh as he watche the girl suddenly became nervous as she wiggled her body and gazed at her shoes.

"So...um...do you hate vampires?"

"To be honest I never met one before...today...are you really a vampire? You don't seem all that dark."

"Oh yes! I am most definitely a vampire I assure you!"

"Well if they're all like you then I guess I don't hate them."

Danny yelped in surprise as the girl bowled him over. Danny stared up at the pink haired girl as she stood over him on all fours "Well then, would you consider becoming my friend?"

Danny nodded stupidly at the girl. She sat up and got off of him as she gave another bright smile "I'm so happy, I don't really know anybody at this school yet so I was kind of nervous."

Danny stood up and shook her hand. "Me too, but I'm from America. My name is Danny Fenton or wait...seeing as how I'm in Japan now I guess that would be Fenton Danny. Well in either case you can just call me Danny."

"My name is Akashiya Moka, and it is very nice to meet you."