This is just an idea I got, but please review and tell me what you think! Even if it horribly sucks!

BTW, italics are people's thoughts and the little voices in their heads.


Sonny's Point Of View

We were at the airport, waiting for the airplane people to call our flight to Paris.

It was the studio winter break vacation, with Mackenzie Falls and So Random. This entire week, we would be in Paris: The City of Lights!

For me, I always thought of it as the city of romance for some reason

"I know why..." the little voice in my head teased.

I bet I knew too, but I was in denial.

"Flight 319A is now boarding for Paris,"

Well, that's us

I took my seat on the plane. Ooh, so cool! First Class!

I suddenly felt nervous. I was extremely scared of planes.

Chad took the seat next to me.

Everyone else was in rows behind us. I guess we were the rejects, since we were also paired together as partners for all the museum tours and whatnot. For some odd reason though, I was happy about that.

"It's because you love him,"the little voice in my head taunted.

You know what they say: the little voice in your head is always right.

"Hey, Sonny," he greeted me.

"Hey, Chad,"

"What? No snarky remark? I've been next to you for more than 30 seconds, and you haven't yet called me a jerk once."

I guess he noticed me shaking in fear and nervousness, because next he asked,

"Wait, Sonny, are you afraid of airplanes?"

"Umm, no. Just turbulence, heights, and-"

"Yeah, you're afraid of airplanes,"

"So what if I am?"

"You need me here to comfort you, my hand's always open if you want to hold it, Munroe"

"I don't need you Chad," I snapped.

Chad's Point of view:

After the plane was done taxiing, and started to take off, Sonny just grabbed my arm and closed her eyes. She held on to me really tight.

Guess she needed me, after all.

I had no idea what else to do, so I put my arms around her. She was shaking.

"It's all right Sonny, It'll be over soon,"

I think I'm falling for Sonny Munroe- a girl from chuckle city. Oh, God. What am I saying? The little voice in my head started screaming again "The heart wants what the heart wants. The heart wants Allison Kay Munroe,"

She was so scared, but I still had no idea what to do- maybe distract her?

"Hey Sonny, look out the window,"

She and I looked out the window. The cars got smaller and smaller. The trees got smaller and smaller. The ocean got bigger and bigger. I held her hand.

Sonny's Point of view:

Chad grabbed my hand. I felt kind of embarrassed about it, but it was comforting with him there. If I were sitting with Nico or Grady, they'd probably be hitting on the flight attendants. Zora would be reading a book, or trying something crazy on the plane, like pranking the flight attendants and Tawni would be checking her reflection. His hand felt warm. It was really reassuring. After we went above the clouds, there wasn't much to see out the window anymore. I was calm now. I looked into his eyes that were more sparkly and blue than the ocean itself.

"Chad, I don't get you"

"What don't you get about me?" he asked

"You're just so hard to figure out. Sometimes you're like a friend to me, better than any of my cast mates, but other times, you're a jerk again, making fun of me,"

"For the record, Sonny, I've made fun of So Random, but never you directly,"

"True, but still, I like the nice Chad,"

"It's hard not to like me," Chad said.

"I like the nice side better but the bad side isn't too bad either,"

Did I just say that? What was I thinking? Now he's going to think that I like him or something!

Chad smirked at me.

The little entertainment system that each seat had turned on now.

Chad showed me his controller "Betcha I can beat you at this game"

"Betcha you can't!" I said, picking up my controller.





"So are we good?"

Chad leaned so close to my face I thought he was about to kiss me.

"Oh we are so good," he said.

Chad's point of view

kiss her, kiss her! the little voice in my head screamed. I would, but I don't know if she likes me or not. What if she gets scared?

After 3 hours of playing games, Sonny and I turned on to the same movie, and we watched it together. She beat me at most of the games, but who cares.

About halfway into the movie, I realized Sonny was sleeping on my shoulder, and she was shivering. I took off my jacket and put it on her. Now, I was cold, but that's what guys do; they give girls their jackets.

She looked like a beautiful, peaceful angel.

oh, just kiss her already! the voice screamed.

Maybe the voice had control over my mouth or something, because the next second, my lips were on hers. I immediately stopped.

Woah, those were really soft lips. It was like kissing air. And I felt some sort of spark between us, even if the kiss only lasted a couple seconds.

Wait, what am I saying? I'm falling in love with her?

Little voice? Did you do that? I yelled in shock. "Oh, you know you wanted to." The voice argued. The little voice was right, I did want to.

About a few seconds after I kissed her, Sonny smiled in her sleep.

Sonny's point of view

I woke up in my sleep for a second. The movie was still playing, but I could tell it was nearly over.

I had the weirdest dream- Chad kissed me while I was sleeping. But it felt so real!

I saw that Chad's head was resting on my head, which was resting on his shoulder. His shoulder was really comfortable. Then I noticed his jacket covering me. He was so nice. I wish this side of him showed more often.

Boy, Chad was cute, even when he was sleeping.

"Kiss him! Kiss him! You have the perfect opportunity! He'll never know if you kissed him or not, now!" screamed the little voice in my head.

"No way, he'd totally know. Besides, If he found out I liked him, I'd just be one of the million girls over the age of 8 who has a crush on him," I argued.

I slowly fell back asleep. Chad's shoulder was way more comfortable than the cheapo pillows the airline gave us. You'd think in first class you'd get pillows that weren't rocks.

When I woke up, there was a breakfast tray in front of me.

"Morning, Sleepyhead!" Chad greeted me.

"Morning Chad," I looked at the tray.

Eww, this looks kind of gross.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Umm…" I picked at the mysterious mush on my tray. What was this supposed to be? Oatmeal? "I think I'll wait until we get to the airport,"

"Ha, me too," he said.

Marshall walked over to Chad and me.

Chad's Point of View

"Hey Marsh, sup?"

"Hello Chad, Sonny.

I just wanted to talk to you guys: Okay, you know the hotel room assignments? Well, I've paired up Tawni and Portlyn in one room, Nico and Grady in another, Zack and Isaac in the next, Zora and Caitlin, and… that leaves you and Sonny in a room,"

"What? We have to share a hotel room?" Sonny burst out.

Wow, didn't think she'd be that angry

"Look, Sonny, it'll be okay, there are going to be two separate bedrooms and two separate bathrooms for you guys. It'll be okay!"





"so we're good?"

This time I really did almost kiss her, except for Marshall was still there

"Oh, we're so good."

"Okay, then, you two, I better be getting back to my seat, we'll be landing soon!"

"Landing?" Sonny repeated. All the color went out of her face and she looked as nervous as she did at the beginning of the flight.

"Sonny, I'm right here, it'll be okay. We've been through this before," I comforted her, as the plane landed in the city of lights.

"the city of love, you mean?" the little voice in my head taunted.