Chapter 3, I am so proud of myself. I think that this chapter is my best work.

My dad and Dylan would be arriving in town tonight at 11'o clock. Alice and Jasper would be going to get them from the airport. Rosalie and Renesseme were getting me and my mom looking sickly for when they arrived. Jacob, Emmett and Edward were just watching us. Carlisle was at the office so he wouldn't be here when they arrived. I wondered what they were going to do about Ethan. He looked like my father a bit and like my mom. My dad would know that the baby was mine and ask how I had a baby in such a short time. It was 10:59. It was almost time for them to be here. The door knob turned and Edward took Ethan upstairs while Jacob hid all the baby stuff. I saw my dad and Dylan walk through the door. My heart nearly dropped when I saw Chad. It's been so long since I saw him and he looked great. My dad saw me and ran over to me.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" he asked placing a hand over my forehead. "You're freezing." He said.

"It's nothing dad. Um, didn't you and Dylan want to discuss something?" the stairs creaked a little and everyone's attention turned to Edward descending the stairs. I hadn't told them I was married and I made sure that my friends hadn't either. He came and sat by me and placed an arm around me.

"Kellie, who the hell is that Guy,?" Dylan asked.

"Watch your mouth. This is a family orientated household." Edward said.

"This is my husband."

"Your husband? You're married? Kellie, you are only 17." My dad said.

"So, you and mom got married at eighteen, what's the difference?" I ranted. He had no right to judge me when he got married so young.

"Ben, please can we just discuss this so you can leave?" my mom asked.

"Caitlyn, our daughter is married at seventeen. This place is a bad influence on her. She has to come home where I can give her the proper discipline." He said.

"Dad, I can't leave. I have finally found happiness here. I 'm not going to just go."

"You will and now."

"Dad, I'm married now. Any decisions that I make I make with my husband. "I said.

"But not technically. I didn't give you away."

"You didn't have too. My step dad did."

"Your step dad?" Dylan interrupted.

"Yes, mom married Edward's foster dad." I said getting up, revealing more of my immensely pale skin. "This is my new family dad. You have that new woman, what's her name? Amanda? "

"Amelia." He said.

"Right, you have Amelia and her son. Be happy dad." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I will always love you. But I will love you from here dad, with my new family." Alice, who was still in the room, interrupted the conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Kellie, you should head upstairs now." She said.

I read Alice's mind and Ethan was up now and now the age of three. He was coming downstairs and I couldn't let them see him.

"Dad, I'll be right back. I have to go check on something upstairs." I went upstairs followed by Edward and Renesseme. There was Ethan in the hallway. A little three year old. I went and picked him up.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I asked. He placed his tiny little hands on my face.

"Food." He said.

"He's hungry." Renesseme said. I didn't think that he would want food right now, but I saw his eyes and they were black.

"Ok, tell my dad that he needs to go." I told Edward. He nodded and went downstairs to tell my dad that he should go. That's when we all saw Dylan. However he snuck out of the sight of a room full of vampires and a wolf I would never know.

"Yours I presume?'' he sneered.

"Dylan, you'd better not say anything to my dad. So help me if you do.'' I said.

"Calm down, I won't. You got to admit, he's a cute kid. But kind of old isn't he?"

"Dylan, I don't know you very well and I don't' want to know you. But if you so as much blackmail her I will kill you." Renesseme said.

'I'm not, but I am a little curious. Cold skin, a kid that's way too old and the sudden golden eyes. It's very weird."

"You're weird. " I said taking Ethan into his room, Renesseme and Dylan following. I placed Ethan in his crib and told him that soon we will get him something to eat as soon as Uncle Dylan left.

"You really should leave, Kellie is happy now with Edward. We don't want you here." Renesseme said.

"Nessie, don't, I can handle him. Go downstairs; we'll be down in a minute."

She left and Dylan moved closer to me. He touched my hair and twirled it like he used to.

"It's so obvious now Kel." He whispered. "From all those freaky books of yours I read that I found hidden in your closet, I thought I told you to throw those away?"

"What were you going threw my closet for you perv." I asked.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I did some reading..." I snorted when he said this.

"You actually read something? There's a shocker."

"Like I was saying, I did some reading on the way here, Vampires are very interesting creatures, Kel, can't go into the sunlight, feed on humans, most gorgeous people ever, and cold, pale skin."

"So, why are you telling me this for?"

"Because, I think that you are one of them."

"Right, I'm a vampire." I said sarcastically. "You're dumber than I thought." I turned my back on him. I kept laughing to myself at how ludicrous that sounded.

"You think I'm crazy don't you? Well, we'll see whose laughing." I turned back around and he was gone. I picked up Ethan and headed downstairs. My dad and Dylan were gone. I handed Ethan to Renesseme and told her to take him hunting. Everyone could hear the conversation between me and Dylan. My mother came over and embraced me.

"It's going to be ok, Bunny." She said.

"I hope so mom. What if he finds proof on us and expose us? I couldn't live with myself if that happened."

"It won't, we'll take care of him if you want Kellie" Emmett said.

"No, I don't want him taken care of; I want him so scared that he never even wants to see a bat again."

"I can handle that." Jacob said.

"Really? How?"

"Just leave it to me." He said.

My dad and Dylan stayed in town longer than I wanted them too. Dylan would wait for me when I was at school. My friends who now sat with the Cullens found Dylan's constant coming here to be kind of like a stalkers. I told them that he was nothing to worry about, that he was just upset that I was married to Edward. That were still surprised by the fact that I was married to Edward, everyone was convinced that he was irrevocably in love with Bella who had blessed my relationship with Edward in hopes that he won't just dump me for the next woman that comes along. She was even happier now that she found someone new, a new vampire by the name of Renaldo. After school, Dylan was parked next to Edward's Volvo. Hands crossed firmly across his chest. He was blocking my side of the car.

"What, so now that you have him here you don't need my car?"

"It's not that Dylan, can you please move?" I said as nicely as I could.

"Why don't you make me?" he leaned down in front of me and whispered. "You have the strength to."

"I don't know what you are talking about Dylan."

"Don't worry, Mrs. Cullen. I won't tell a soul what you are."

He got into his car and drove off as the principal was coming our way. Edward got into his Volvo, he told me to catch a ride with Angie. When I asked why, he just said that there was something he needed to take care of. I stood there, watching as he drove off. What was he planning? I caught a ride with Angie and we decided to go to her place. Her mom had cooked dinner but I told her that I wasn't hungry and that was the truth. I wasn't hungry, not for human food anyway. We were sitting in Angie's room; she was giving me a make over. She was doing my make up in the mirror and that's when I saw that my eyes had changed from golden to black. I had to leave there. I didn't want to hurt Angie. I bolted up and told her that I would see her tomorrow. I ran to the woods, there I found an antelope feeding. I caught it and ran farther into the forest. I didn't hear the faint footsteps behind me. I was too hungry to notice.

"Wow, who thought that vampires would feed off wild animals instead of mouth-watering humans?" I heard Dylan say from behind me. I slowly turned around.

"Dylan please don't tell anyone." I said pleadingly.

"I told you, I won't. Ok? I still love you and I won't jeopardize your life here. I just want to know the truth; I don't want to leave any secrets between us."

"Thank you so much Dylan." I went to give him a hug but he backed away.

"Don't tell me you're afraid." I joked.

"Of course not, you have blood on you and this is a 200 dollar shirt." He smiled.

"Thanks for being so understanding about this state of affairs."

"No problem, at least Edward has gained an amazing wife." I hugged Dylan just as Edward found me in the forest. I could sense his distress and pulled away from Dylan.

"Edward's watching and he doesn't like me hugging you at all." I smiled.

"How do you know he's watching?" he wondered.

"One thing about being a vampire, I can sense people or vampires when they are near. Edward you can come out, everything's cool now." He came from behind a tree.

"Everything's taken care of right?" he asked.

"Of course, he said that he won't tell a single soul about us."

Edward ran his hand through his hair and sighed with relief.

"Good, so Jacob won't have to get his wolf buddies to scare you then?"

"Wolf buddies? Kellie what is he talking about?" Dylan asked.

"Don't worry about it." She giggled

The three of them headed out the forest and to the Cullens house. All the other vampires were gone except for Carlisle and my mom. They were sitting watching television. The baseball game was on.

"There's going be a thunderstorm in about three hours, suit up, were playing baseball." My mom said. I guess Carlisle told her about the games during thunderstorms. Dylan looked a little confused.

"Baseball during a storm? That's dangerous." He said.

"Don't worry about it Dylan. " I said. "You will see why we need thunder as to what Edward told me we need thunder."

"I don't know Kel, maybe I should sit this out."

"Maybe you should." Edward said. I scowled at him and he went upstairs to check on Ethan.

"Look, it's going to be fun, you can't play any way so just watch. Have all the fun you can before you go back to New York."

"Then it's settled." Carlisle's usual casual voice said. "The other's are already there setting up. We'll meet them there."

We left the house around 5:30. I bought along Ethan who found Dylan to be a threat. We were riding in Edward's car, me Edward, Dylan and Ethan. He decided that he wanted to stop growing for the time being. So he was still a little three year old. He sat in the back with Ethan who for a kid, his powers were strong. He had telekinesis and so he kept throwing his toys at Dylan. Edward and Ethan found it witty, I found it vulgar. When we got to the pitch, Dylan had a bruise on his cheek. Dylan went and sat next to Emmett's jeep while everyone took their positions. I and mom didn't know how to play so we sat it out. When the game started, I went to talk to Dylan. I wanted to apologize for Ethan's behavior. Ethan was plating on the roof of Emmett's jeep and when I said his name he gave me that
puppy dog look.

"It's ok; I know how kids can be, especially when there is someone that they aren't familiar with talking to their mommy." He said looking at Ethan. We looked at the game just as Rosalie hit and Dylan was certain that that was a home run.

"Edward is the fastest of us, well besides my mom." And like I said, Edward had the ball and threw it to Carlisle who got Rosalie out before she hit home. She laughed it off and came and sat next to us. It was clear that she didn't like Dylan. She though that he was trying to take me away from Edward. She sat next to me and when I told her what Ethan did, she said that's how kids are. Carlisle was batting now and from what I heard, he was pretty good. He hit the ball so hard and both Edward and Emmett went after the ball, they crashed into eachother and the impact sounded like thunder. Dylan said he finally understood why they needed the thunder. Rosalie scowled at him and I hit her on the shoulder. Alice abruptly stopped. We all looked at her. She had a blank expression on her face.

"Remember those three nomadic vampires we met with Bella?" she asked as we all went to her. They all said yes.

"What about them?" Jasper asked.

"Apparently, they all had sired someone and taught them everything they knew, and they are on their way." She said.

"You got all that from a vision?" I asked.

She nodded. I looked at Edward with worried eyes; he read my mind so he knew that I was worried about Dylan's safety.

"We have to get Dylan out of here." My mom said.

"It's too late." Carlisle said. "They heard us already."

"I say we feed him to them" Rosalie said. I growled at her.

The vampires approached us with in seconds. I told Dylan to get behind me. Edward looked at me and I read his mind. He did the same thing with Bella when she was a human. He was concerned that I would leave him. When they came, it was like watching an Anne Rice book turned to a movie. They were like rock star vampires and they looked so cool. Edward grasped my hand and told me not to say anything if they do anything.

"We heard you guys playing baseball. We wondered if we could play as well?" the tallest of the three said. He had black and red hair. His eyes were red instead of gold. He wore black skinny jeans and no shirt. His pants had chains all over them. Then the girl, she had blue spiky hair. She wore a short dress with what looked like a tooth on her necklace.

"Come on, we can't do any harm to you guys." She smiled.

The last one, he had a red Mohawk and he wore dark shades. His outfit was more casual than the others. He actually wore a suit.

"Just one game." He asked. Carlisle hesitated for a moment.

"Ok, thanks. My name is Viktor, this is Rachelle and Skylar." Viktor said.

"I'm Carlisle; this is my wife Caitlyn, and our children, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Edward, Dylan and Kellie." Carlisle said.

"Nice to meet you all." Skylar said. His gaze reaching me.

"Ok, you can be on Rosalie's team." He said.

I went to take Dylan into Emmett's jeep with Ethan when the wind blew. Dylan's scent had hit the noses of the three nomadic vampires. Before I knew it they were all over me. But Edward and everyone else held them back.

"You were keeping a human from us? How egotistic." Viktor said.

"Give us the human." Rachelle snarled.

"I don't think so." I said. They were not going make dinner out of my friend if I had anything to do with it.

"This isn't over" Skylar growled.

"I suggest you leave." Edward said.

"We will have him" Rachelle said.

They left and I threw Dylan into the jeep. I got in with Edward and he sped off.

"This is not happening again." Edward said. I had Ethan in my arms and I was cuddling him way to tight that he slapped me to let him go.

"What's going to happen to me?" Dylan asked. I looked at him.

"I don't know, but we have to get you and dad out of here tonight. We could get Alice and Jasper to take you guys to the airport." I spoke. "I and Edward could take care of them."

"No, Kellie, you are not going to fight a vampire." Edward said.

I was shocked that he would even say a thing like that. "Edward, I am a vampire. I have every right to fight one."

"Not while you are still a newborn."

"Then what am I suppose to do? Huh? Just sit back and relax? Have a cup of tea? Watch Ethan play? Edward I am your wife, I am a vampire. Please let me help." He looked a little worried but then his features relaxed.

"Ok, but just be careful. I don't want any thing happening to the mother of my child."

So, did you guys like it? I liked it. I wrote two chapters for this story in one night. Big accomplishment for me. Review. Please. No Flames.

BTW: Viktor: Drew fuller

Rachelle: Megan Fox

Skylar: Stephen Colletie

Just thought that you should know.