This is my first Alex Rider fanfiction so I hope that it will turn out well :) There will be some more mature ceans in the story but
I´ll warn before there will be an NC-17 note if there is some more grafic ceans in the story :)
Oh yeah it´s a slash story which means it´s boy/boy if you don´t like it then don´t read.
Thank you

Chapter 1

Slowly limping up to the house, Alex prayed to god that Jack would already be asleep. It never ended well when he came back from a mission especially now, he had a raging headache and his right leg was cramping. Remembering how he almost had been crushed earlier, that day made him shudder, he had been lucky and the only thing that had gotten hurt was his leg.

Opening the door he crept in, if Jack was asleep already then he didn´t want to disturb her she always worried too much when he was away. Then again, this time it had been a narrow escape, a few more minutes and he would have been a goner. Water had suddenly become a thing he wasn´t too comfortable with, especially after that shark and now that giant octopus that almost had killed him. Stiffening a yawn Alex turned on the lamp in his room closing the door making sure it was locked a habit he had gotten when he had started with the missions, if someone would get into the house and he wouldn't notice it then he would notice if someone was trying to open his door. Skipping the shower Alex threw his dirty clothes on the floor not having the strength to pick them up looking in the mirror he sighed. The leg would be sore the next day and the bruise he had on his face would be something new for the girls to talk in school about again. Not that he cared anymore, if they didn´t think he was a druggie then they said that he was in a gang the only one that knew the truth and in any way was nice to him was Tom, good old trusted Tom. Even the teachers disliked him; his Spanish teacher had even said it straight out in front of everyone in the class, which resulted in Alex getting a detention that he, missed because of a mission. Even the teachers disliked him; his Spanish teacher had even said it straight out in front of everyone in the class, which resulted in Alex getting a detention that he, missed because of a mission. It surprised him that they didn´t throw him out, but he was a kind of good student expect for his absence because of his dreaded missions.

He was fast asleep; before his head even touched the pillow, he had more than 45 hours of sleep to regain. Not that he could sleep that long he had to make it to school or else he didn´t even want to know what would happen if he would get thrown out. MI6 would probably be thrilled about it no one would suspect a school dropout at sixteen to be an agent working for MI6. Furthermore, he would have more time for his missions, now when he had so much homework to catch up on he didn´t concentrate well enough on his missions and that made him an easier target.


It took him about ten minutes, to get down the stairs and in to the kitchen, without making Jack suspicious, he didn´t like it when she would fuss over some wound when he was on a mission. He had already accepted and gotten used to the fact that he would never get out from a mission without any kind of wounds or bruises.

"Good morning Jack," Alex was almost hit with a flying egg if it wouldn´t be for his reflexes kicking in. Jack was staring wide-eyed at him, before a big grin spread on the Americans face suffocating him with a hug.

"When did you get back I didn´t hear you" making some distance between herself and Alex still keeping him in her grasp Jack let her eyes roam over his body as if she was trying to see if he was trying to hide some horrible wound. Deciding that he wasn´t Jack let him go filling a plate putting it in front of him, he may not be home too often but eat he had to do. Grateful that Jack didn´t speculate any further Alex ate his food before he went to school it wouldn´t look too good if he was late when he for once was in school.

Whispers was heard in the now very quiet corridor, Alex gaze was fixated on the hallway in front of him, his pride would never let it show how uncomfortable he was with the situation. He had long ago stopped listening to the rumors that just got worse and worse every time he was gone and came back with bruises and cuts. Sitting down in the back of the classroom Alex let his eyes scan the whole room, it would never change this people could never understand him, their lives where protected and safe. Never had they needed to defend their lives from some crazy person who wanted to destroy the world. The only one that said anything else to him than an insult was Tom who seemed to be running a bit late, just as Alex had thought that in came Tom looking like a hurricane had terrorized him. Seeing his friend Tom made his way to the back of the classroom plopping down in the chair beside Alex.

"Kicked any crazy scientist lately?" Tom really knew how to make everything into a joke; sometimes it was fun but not that day glaring at his friend as an answer.

"No, what have I missed?" He knew that it was pointless to ask but he didn´t want to talk about his mission at that moment.

"A lot, but You´ll survive." Hitting Alex on the back laughing in that weird way he always did, he was just to continue to talk but was stopped as the teacher walked into the classroom.

The class was boring; Alex found himself more than one time falling asleep only to bee woken by a hard kick from Tom. The sleep had been cut short and it was all falling back on him now, he was lucky that the teacher didn´t notice anything or else he would be in trouble. This was how the day went on, of course there were more whispers and then of course the class bully Dean Winslet couldn´t keep his mouth shut, it disturbed Alex more that he couldn´t do anything about it because he didn´t want to hurt the pathetic boy than the fact that he was being bullied.

'Attention please all first years please make your way to the auditorium' it was a well known fact that the auditorium only was used when something weird would happen and so the first years was a bit worried what it all was about. Alex and Tom didn´t say too much expect for Tom´s very lame jokes. The only good thing was that they only had two hours left of school and it was chemistry so no one was in a hurry.
The auditorium was almost full when they entered, sitting down on the first two empty seats they found. In the front stood the principle and the secretary both trying to look important.

"Listen up students, this year the school and the government have decided that all first years will go to a camp, SAS to learn how to defend and take care of themselves. You will be there for a month; you will be going with your class and you will all be expected to behave, any questions?" the whole room was filled with murmurs and angry comments, but you could hear some exited voices too oh how wrong they were if they thought it would be easy. Alex could almost see it in his head how the students were crying when they were dragged from their bed at five a.m. He almost laughed out loud when it hit him, he would have to go too when he had gotten away the first time after only ten days he had been very happy but now… a month worth of exercise that damn place was like hell on earth. Tom again looked Alex had to take second look not believing his eyes his friend looked somewhat smug grinning like a demon. Somehow it Alex feels a bit worried, with everything he had told his friend about the SAS he could almost see it in front of him how Tom annoyed the living hell out of the sergeant. It would be hard to explain to the government how it happened that the leader of the SAS camp went crazy because of a sixteen-year-old boy. Stiffening a laugh at the thought of the stern sergeant in the psyche ward at the local hospital was somewhat funny.


"What´s so funny Al?" Alex hadn´t been able to keep it in anymore he had kept himself from laughing for almost two hours and when they were dismissed Alex had hurried out from the school. Only resulting in him laughing like crazily when he was far enough from the school with Tom behind him.

"Nothing, I just remembered something. Not that you need to know." Starting to walk once again when he had calmed down Alex ignored his friend, Tom was just too curious to let it go with that.

"What do you mean by that and do you know that place that they´re sending us to?" Oh, if he only knew what was waiting for them, one part of Alex told him that he should take advantage of the fact that he was a spy and that he had been there before while the other part just wanted to skip the whole thing and maybe catch up on his endless schoolwork.

"Yes I´ve been there, I wonder why we haven´t been informed earlier about this even our parents know about it as they have given their permission to it. Oh and I´ll give you an advise Tom, take it seriously it will help a great deal and don´t piss of people." Yes Alex had given his slightly crazy friend a advise that was seriously good, not some crap that Blunt thought would help him on his missions.

Parting their ways half way, Alex picked up the pace he wanted to get home as fast as possible he had to have a talk with Jack he just couldn´t believe that she would let him go to that damn camp once again. Especially after what he had told her about his last stay there, you could calmly say that she hadn´t been very happy about it. Inside the house he was greeted with silence, it seemed as if Jack was out probably shopping for food. Well it gave him time to do some homework and maybe just maybe he would have the time to take a cold shower before something weird would happen.
Because that was something, he had learnt don´t let your lives collide with each other that doesn´t end well in any way possible.

Was it good enough? please review so that I can know if it´s readable :)