So! I'm sorry for the hiatus, I just got back from the Philippines! It was incredibly fun, and well now I'm back to the story. I also wish to apologize for the short chapter. I've kind of hit a wall. For some reason I can't seem to write. That spark that allowed me to just flow through sentences seems to be gone. It's so hard to write now! I'm hoping that this chapter will kick start my brain. I think the summer laziness has gotten to me.

Bright flashes and blinding lights reflected off of Yoruichi's dark sunglasses. Barely batting an eyelash, the dark skinned woman strolled through the airport, casually ignoring the wide eyes and cameras following her. Suddenly, a piercing whistle cut through the crowd stopping Yoruichi in her tracks as she turned towards the sound.

"Kuukaku," Yoruichi grinned, tilting her head down to glance over her shades.

"I hate airports." Kuukaku murmured, raising an eyebrow to acknowledge her friend.

"But you love me." Yoruichi flashed a bright grin, pulling her sunglasses off and tossing them towards Kuukaku.

"Ain't you lucky?" The zealous woman replied, standing and flicking the frames over her eyes.

"What? No love for me?" Urahara pouted in protest. He lowered his head, hiding all but his vivid grin beneath his striped hat.

"Nope." Yoruichi and Kuukaku replied in unison, before turning to leave.

The group stood out to say the least. Flanked by whispers, the trio emanated confidence. Families, businessmen, and employees gaped as Yoruichi's group glided past. Even their hired bodyguard couldn't restrain himself from the occasional glances towards his employers, walking straightforward and cautiously glimpsing from his peripherals. Yoruichi lead the group, moving smoothly in slimming jeans and a long black coat that snuggly fit her lean frame. Close behind, Kuukaku followed in black pants, a red biker jacket, and a slightly revealing cream shirt while Urahara trailed the women, stuffing his hands in his pockets. The guard turned to better see Urahara. Dressed in a black turtleneck and dark jeans, the sandy blonde filled out well, the guard decided.

"He's single," Yoruichi eyed the bodyguard, smirking as she sauntered towards the exit.

"Who is?" The sandy blonde turned to stare at the large man.

"You are," Kuukaku chuckled.

The bodyguard quickly turned away, glad that the sunglasses partially concealed his rising blush. He started stuttering in embarrassment and breathed a sigh of relief when Kuukaku motioned towards the exit, stopping at her car.

Wide-eyed and nervous, Hanako stood in the terminal, watching Yoruichi pass.

"She's beautiful," the slender woman murmured, her breath catching in her throat as Yoruichi turned for a split second, her golden eyes piercing through Hanako.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Soi Fon pulled her jacket over her shoulders, "I don't really like crowds."

"I always thought that was ironic," Hanako grinned, "you want to dance for the best and all that good stuff, but you don't like large crowds. Isn't that what you do? Mingle with large crowds?"

"That's different. I kind of do my own thing." Soi frowned.

"Right," Hanako smiled warmly before wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "Welcome to Tokyo, Soi Fon."

"Welcome to Tokyo." Soi Fon smiled.

I really want to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Is that odd?