How do you say Happy Birthday in Japanese?




Chapter Two: Mine!


A/n: Let me say this first. The set up for their rooms is like this: although they each have an entrance to their rooms, the guardians still each have a hidden corridor, connecting their rooms to Tsuna's. Think of a letter I to better understand.

If you still don't get it, just PM me and I'll answer, okay?

Beta Reader: is of course Manga-chan! Thanks, Denz! Keep up the good work!

Disclaimer: I'm just having a normal, everyday bit of fun with Amano Akira's Hibachi, Tsu-kun, Muko-chan, Yamamocchan and Ukedera.

Warning: PERVERTED Yamamocchan!

The following morning, Hibari awoke to find a sleeping brunette beside him. Deciding to get some aspirin for the pain he was SURE Tsuna would be feeling later, he put on some clothes and went to ask someone to get him some.

Reaching the kitchen, he was greeted with the faces of Yamamoto, Gokudera and Nana. Sitting on one of the stools, he was offered breakfast from Tsuna's mother, but he declined for now.

"Mrs. Sawada," Hibari began. "Do you have any aspirin?"

Nana looked at Hibari with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright, Hibari-kun?"

"They're not for me. They're for Tsuna," Hibari replied.

"Oh my!" she said. "Is my Tsu-kun okay?"

"Don't worry, Mamman!" Yamamoto said. "Tsuna's alright, he just won't be moving around for a while. The aspirin will really help though. Can you please get it, Mrs. Sawada?"

Once Nana left, Hibari glared at the Rain guardian, who just looked at him with a knowing smile.

"How do you know?" Hibari growled.

"There are 3 signs." Yamamoto said, holding up three fingers. "One, you still have the afterglow. Two, Tsuna asked me for some tips about how to please a seme. And three, I could hear you two from my bedroom."

Hibari looked like he was going to say something, but Yamamoto continued. "Your room may be soundproof, but there is still a hallway that connects our rooms that isn't."

Hibari just glared at the grinning herbivore as he absorbed what had been just said. "Wait a minute. Are you telling me what the herbivore did…was your doing?"

"Yep," Yamamoto replied. "I find it amazing really how no one suspects me for being a big pervert. Only my Gokkun here does."

Gokudera squirmed from the baseball idiot's embrace. The entire time, he tried to stay clear of the conversation, because he KNEW, somehow, thatYamamoto would bring up SOMETHING about their own sex life. And although he was completely devoted to the Juudaime, he was NOT going to risk turning Yamamoto into a bigger pervert than he already was. His ass could only take so much.

"Sounds like Tsuna's plan didn't go the way he thought," Yamamoto said. "I did tell him that you two would probably not be able to control your libidos, but he didn't listen. I should know. Semes can never keep it in their pants for long, when their ukes have such a screwable ass. Which reminds me…"

A rather loud smack was heard as Gokudera hit the baseball fan on the head.

"No," the pianist said. Then he turned to Hibari and scowled. "I blame you! If you hadn't given him the chance to bring up something sex related, I could've rested! Thanks a fucking lot!"

Hibari just let out an uninterested sigh, as he watched the two guardians leave. Well, more like Yamamoto dragging off a struggling Gokudera in the direction of their bedrooms. Thank heavens for soundproofing. Who knows how often those two did the dirty?

Once everything settled, Hibari continued to wait in silence for Tsuna's mom to return. Upon receiving the medicine, he quickly thanked the woman, and made his way back to the bedroom where Tsuna slept.

He opened the wooden doors, careful not to make a sound in case the brunette was still asleep. To his surprise, he found said brunette staring at him, with a small smile on his lips. Hibari felt his cock twitch at the sight before him.

The herbivore had put on Hibari's polo shirt, which was too big for him; allowing the raven to see a neck that needed to be ravished. The shirt had also ended mid-thigh, allowing Hibari to stare at those creamy legs. Tsuna's hair was also still messy from their activities the other night, leaving him with quite a cute but sexy appearance.

Tsuna had just stared at the raven curiously, as he watched the man look him up and down. Deciding to spare himself the uncomfortable tension, he spoke up, pulling Hibari out of his lustful trance.

"Welcome back, Hibari-san." Tsuna said happily.

Wiping the small amount of drool from his mouth, Hibari transferred his gaze from the smaller boy's frame to his face. "I see you're up. Do you feel alright? Your ass took quite a beating last night."

"I'm fine, Hibari-san. There's a slight pain, but I can handle it."

"Well, that's good to hear," Hibari replied in a rather husky tone. Tsuna gulped as Hibari began to advance. For some reason, he had a sinking feeling that the raven was ready for another round. He quickly moved backwards, as Hibari came closer.

"If you said you were in pain, I would've given you some space to recover," the raven said, his mouth starting to form a rather evil grin. "But seeing as how you're okay…"

Tsuna let out a large 'oof' as he ungracefully fell backwards on the bed, and Hibari crawled above him. He opened his eyes and saw the raven hovering above him. His face clearly showed he was thinking of something naughty, which made Tsuna blush. It didn't help either, that he felt the raven's penis poking his leg.

"…I'm ready for another round."

Hibari grabbed Tsuna's hands and pinned them above his head. He arched his back, as he felt Hibari move under the shirt he wore, and grabbed his semi-hard member in his hand, and gave it a light squeeze.

Hibari continued his ministrations on his cock, and soon Tsuna became all too willing to participate in Hibari's perverse games. The brunette was close now; he could feel his orgasm coming. Just as he was about to release; he let out a large whimper, as Hibari's skilled hand left him. "Just so we're clear, Tsunayoshi," Hibari said.

"Oh, god! Anything, Kyouya! Just… please! I'm begging you," Tsuna cried out. He was near tears at how desperate he was. He didn't care if he was going to sell himself to the devil, he NEEDED release. And with his hands still pinned above him, he was at the full mercy of Hibari Kyouya.

Hibari smirked at how easily he made the Vongola heir succumb to his touches. He took pity on the man, and once more took hold of the weeping member. "Oh god! Yes! Kyouya!"

Hibari leaned closer to the pleasured teen and whispered, not stopping his actions. "No one may touch you this way other than me. If anyone would do so, I'll bite them to death. Understand, Tsunayoshi?"

"Y-Yes," Tsuna managed to breathe out. His breath came in short gasps as he thrusted into Hibari's all too skilled hand trying to get more. He let out a loud moan as he arched his back off the bed and came. His body shivered at his immense release, before he collapsed back onto the bed, fully spent.

Hibari smirked at his herbivore. He let go of the spent member and brought his hand to his lips, licking off the cum, making Tsuna blush heavily. "I'm glad you've understood. Now then," the raven said, as he lifted the brunette's legs onto his shoulders, "It's time for me to have my fun."

Hibari thrusted inside the teen's tight heat, earning a loud moan from the brunette, upon hitting his prostate dead on. He pulled out of Tsuna before roughly thrusting back inside. Their sweat covered bodies slid against each other as they made sweet love the second time.

Their motions were fast and rough as they let passion lead them. Their lips reconnected as they tried to outdo what their lower regions were doing. The two men let out a loud moan as they neared their peak. Tsuna grabbed Hibari's shoulders as his motions because harder.

Tsuna let out a loud scream as he released. He could no longer handle the abuse his prostate was taking, and came, coating their stomachs with his essence. Hibari thrusted several times more, trying to ride out his orgasm that came once he felt Tsuna tighten around him. He let out a deep groan as he released his seed within Tsuna.

Both men stilled as they tried to recollect themselves. Their breathing soon returned to normal, and Hibari removed himself from Tsuna's entrance, causing some cum to flow out.

Tsuna's frame shuddered as he felt Hibari's cock leave him. He let out a heavy sigh that they finished their activities, but gasped as he felt something wet against his entrance.

"H-Hibari-san!" Tsuna started to flail around, but his hips were held firmly by Hibari, disabling him from moving. "W-What are you doing?"

"Now, now, Tsunayoshi," Hibari said, resuming his activities. He placed his tongue at the brunette's entrance, and started to lick the cum away. "I feel a bit bad for filling you up to the point it's dripping out. It must feel uncomfortable, so I'm going to lick some away."

Tsuna moaned as he felt that wet muscle prod into him and lick the puckered ring of muscles. Hibari smirked at how Tsuna squirmed in discomfort. He continued to lap up the cum in slow, torturous licks, and moments later, Tsuna had begun panting and moaning heavily again. Hibari was pleased at how the brunette's member had once again become erect and decided to stop his actions.

"So Tsunayoshi. Now that you're all clean, and obviously aroused, ready for another go?"

A/n: For those think that Hibari would use this to take advantage of Tsuna, he won't. Hibari loves Tsuna, but we all know he's a bit mean. So he's like that during sex, and that's why he loves having complete dominance over Tsuna during sex.

And sorry. Got lazy while writing this, so it's not that nice. PLEASE REVIEW NOW THAT YOU'VE READ IT!!

Beta Corner:


Hibari, you naughty, naughty boyyyy.

