Alright, here is the sequel to Someone To Watch Over Me. I guess you don't have to read that one first, but a few things might make more sense.

As usual, I don't own the characters; I just play with them and return them when I'm finished. Not making any money, but if someone is interested…

I also feel like I should hand out complimentary boxes of tissues for later on… yeah, I know. This is likely to be as long, if not longer than the first one (I'm on ch 21 and I'm not sure if I'm halfway done yet or not…yikes), so I apologize in advance for the length. I hope you'll stick with it.

Enjoy. And reviews are most welcome!


"Has Abby been acting different lately, or is it just me?"

"Well probie, since you're the one asking, I'm going to go with 'it's just you'." Tony flicked a piece of paper hitting McGee squarely on the nose.

"Tony…" McGee started.

"… better have something on this case by the end of the hour or he will be the one acting differently." Gibbs strode into the squad room.

"Already on it, Boss." Tony dug a sheet of paper out from under the scraps he had been flicking at McGee. "Smith's bank account shows a large deposit from a John Morgan – Mark's commanding officer. Sure looks like Morgan paid Smith to off Mark."

Gibbs skimmed over the paper that Tony had handed him and then with a terse nod told Tony to bring him in. Tony grabbed his gear and while he did so Gibbs told McGee to go with Tony to bring Smith in.

Ziva watched as McGee and Tony headed towards the elevator, showing Tony the smallest of smiles. Gibbs had warned her and Tony about showing any affection while at work, but in his own gruff way had given is okay for their relationship. No one was really sure how the Director would take to the idea of two agents dating, so they kept quiet.

It was only recently that Abby had finally confessed to Ziva that she and Gibbs were an item. Ziva wasn't shocked, but she hadn't yet been able to coerce Tony to spill the balls… or was it beans? Though she hadn't tried all that hard. She knew Abby was Tony's best friend, and as curious as she was about the relationship between her boss and the gothic lab-goddess, she didn't want to force Tony to spill a secret about his best friend. She could appreciate his loyalty.

She wondered if McGee knew about Gibbs and Abby, but she didn't think he did. Although it was before she joined NCIS, Ziva was well aware of the previous relationship between Abby and McGee. She knew it was long over, and both had dated since, but she wondered if he would be jealous, or if he would be happy for them. She didn't see him as the angry jealous type, but Abby was someone she figured he would always care for. Abby was hard not to love.

Gibbs noticed the small smile between Tony and Ziva, and fought his own. He knew that his rule twelve had been put in place for a good reason – he knew the fall out of a failed relationship with a co-worker due to his failed relationship with Jen, but he couldn't break the rule himself and then punish those who tried to follow in his footsteps. He had spoken briefly with Tony, told them to keep the PDA out of the office, and then feeling very un-Gibbs he patted Tony on the back and wished him well.

Once he had become settled in his relationship with Abby, feeling more confident, he began to fully accept and even appreciate the friendship between Abby and Tony. At first, even with Abby's reassurance that Tony was 'just a friend', Gibbs had been weary of the close relationship between the two, but luckily he had passed that hurdle.

It wasn't uncommon for him to come home late after a meeting with Vance or SecNav and find Abby and Tony watching a movie in his living room, Abby's legs draped across his lap, an empty carton of ice cream on the coffee table with two spoons beside it. At first Tony would jump up and put distance between himself and Abby, mumbling something about getting home, but slowly both men began to relax around each other and outside of work acted almost like equals rather than boss and subordinate. Almost. Gibbs would even go so far as to think he understood what Abby saw in Tony as a friend, though he figured he'd rather take a bullet in the shoulder than admit it.

Lately he and Abby had talked about sharing the news about their relationship. It wasn't that they wanted to flaunt it, they just figured their friends should know, as well as the director, as he had made a few comments about Gibbs' and Abby's living arrangements. Tony knew, and Abby was fairly sure that Ziva knew, but they were fairly certain that McGee was clueless.

Abby had decided on telling Ziva over a beer at their favorite bar. It was a place the team frequented often, but sometimes Abby and Ziva went for a little time away from the boys.

Ziva hadn't been shocked, and expressed her happiness for the couple. Abby had been surprised when Ziva said that Tony hadn't confessed his knowledge, but wasn't shocked that Ziva had figured it out on her own. She laughed when Ziva had said the biggest tip off had been the fact that Gibbs' grumpiness had scaled back massively.

It was true. Once Gibbs and Abby had finally figured things out, a weight seemed to be lifted off Gibbs' shoulders, and nearly everyone noticed. Gone were the days of leaving the office at mid-night and returning at 0500. Abby didn't need much sleep, but she had often slept more than Gibbs, and now if Abby was in bed, Gibbs was more often than not beside her.

He found that he slept better too, now that Abby was a permanent fixture in both his life and his bed. There was something about the way her warm body fit just perfectly against his, he hadn't experienced anything like it since… well, it had been awhile.

Gibbs headed down towards the lab. Until Tony and McGee brought in Ken Smith there wasn't much for him to do. Abby was running prints and facial recognition on a cold case as her skills in the lab for the current case weren't needed much.

"Abbs." Gibbs place a hand at her lower back and Abby leaned back into his touch.

"This. Is. So. Boring." Abby nodded towards the screen and then held out the bowl she was holding in her hands. "Popcorn?"

"Sure." Gibbs took a handful and watched as faces flashed before him on one screen and finger prints on another.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Just saying hi. McGee and DiNozzo are bringing Smith in for questioning."

"You think you can break him?" Abby laughed at the look that he gave her. "Okay, okay, let me rephrase. Will he break easily?"

"We've got sufficient evidence; I don't think there will be a problem." Gibbs stayed and watched the faces flash by for a while and then after a quick glance at his watch he figured the guys would be back with Smith shortly and he should head back to his desk.

He stood and out of habit leaned down and kissed Abby, giving a teasing nibble to her lower lip, but stopped abruptly when he heard a throat being cleared.

Gibbs looked to the door to find McGee and Tony standing side-by-side. Tony looked un-phased and stood pulling at a hangnail, but McGee's eyes were as wide as saucers and his jaw was nearly on the floor.

"You bring Smith in?"

"Yeah Boss," Tony looked up. "He's up in interrogation room one waiting for you. Sorry he's a little roughed up, he didn't want to do what I said."

Gibbs shrugged. "What can you do?" He pressed a quick kiss to the top of Abby's head and then walked out the door.

Abby sat smiling in her chair, and watched at McGee looked from Gibbs to Tony and back to Gibbs as he left the room and then finally settling on Abby. "Um, was I the only one who just saw…? Was Gibbs just kissing you?" McGee turned to Tony. "And why don't you have a long string of comments to add?"

"Relax McGoo, its Gibbs and Abby. It's not like we walked in on Vance and Carol from accounting."
