I do not own the Super Sentai Franchise whatsoever. I do however own Elemental Sentai Kodenranger. This is for a request by Mechapunk87, who requested it in a Kamen Rider Fic. Oh well, mistakes happen. This is a variation on the self named Host Fics that I write, ones which my first OC does not actually host. Now, onwards!

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A boy, sixteen years of age, opened the decorated door. A bright light emerged from the opening. The boy could not stand the light. "OJII-CHAN!" The boy screamed. The boy's hair was styled in what seemed to be small flames. He wore a school uniform which comprised of a red blazer, beige pants, and white dress shirt. A red tie was also present and on the left chest of the blazer was an insignia of his school sewn in. He had a beautiful face. Actually, girly would be more like it but whatever. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"

"Ah Ryu!" An old man with a full grown gray beard, gray hair, and gray suit waved to the boy, Ryu. "You're just in time."

"In time for what?" Ryu asked.

"Yeah what is it that you wanted us to see?" A sixteen year old girl wearing a similar uniform as Ryu, only with a red bow tie instead of a tie and a beige frilly skirt instead of pants barged in. Her hair was in a ponytail tied with a pink ribbon. Her name is Ryn Tsubasa. It turns out that there were eight people, including Ryn, behind Ryu.

"THIS!" Ojii-chan directed attention to a really complicated machine. The machine had many wires which connected multiple human sized capsules together. Next to the machine was a computer.

Everyone just stared at the machine. "What the hell is that?" A seventeen year old boy wearing the same uniform as Ryu, only with a green tie, said. He had messy hair. His name is Rai Shishi.

"A . . . TIME MACHINE!" Ojii-chan exclaimed.

There was a long silence. The wind could be heard through this long silence. "No seriously," Said a sixteen year old girl who wore the same uniform as Ryn. She had her hair tied in Angel wing style with two yellow ribbons. Her name is Karen Hibiki. "What is that?"

"A time machine." Ojii-chan said still smiling.

"Ah, nice one." Said a seventeen year old boy would wore the male's uniform only with a blue tie. His hair was in small spikes. He is Lee Hamura. "Now what is it really?"

Ojii-chan dropped his smile. "Time machine." Ojii-chan said.

"That's getting old." Said a busty sixteen year old girl. She wore a different school's uniform. It comprised of a white shirt with a giant blue bow tie on the shirt and blue collar along with a white skirt. She had long, luscious, black hair with a silver hair clip on the front. She is named Miku Sorahane. "What is it?"

"Time machine." Ojii-chan said.

"Seriously, what is it Ossan (a rude term for middle aged man, which Ojii-chan isn't but the saying is still rude)?" Said a twenty four year old man. His hair was messy with a golden dyed streak running through his hair. He wore a brown trench coat which covered a gold shirt and white pants and needed to wear golden rimmed glasses. The man, who had his hands in his pockets, is named Kousuke Sorahane, Miku's older brother.

"TIME MACHINE!" Ojii-chan shouted.

"Ojii-chan, can you please stop joking around." Said a twenty one year old woman. She had on a flowery sun dress. She had long black hair with a small braid behind which houses a white ribbon. She is named Maya, Ojii-chan's biological Granddaughter.

"IT'S A TIME MACHINE, TIME MACHINE, TIME MACHINE!" Ojii-chan screamed at the top of his lungs.

A long silence, then a sixteen year old girl wearing the female's uniform spoke up. "Can you tell the truth?" Her hair length is near chin length, only passing the chin by a little. She was quite cute, just like the other girls. She is Reika Shishi, Rai Shishi's little sister.

Ojii-chan sighed. "Fine, it's a machine that basically allows you to somewhat relive events that happened in a certain time in the past, hence why I called it a time machine."

An extremely long silence. "OK THAT'S IT!" Ryu shouted violently. He ran up to Ojii-chan. "WHAT THE HECK IS IT!?"

"Why won't anyone believe me!?" Ojii-chan asked.

"Because it's really unrealistic." Ryu said. "No way can anyone produce a time machine!"

"But we're from a fic which deals with mystical mechanical creatures, transforming colored heroes who have to go to school, a man who pulls guns out of nowhere, a boy who is in love with many people, both genders, a fic about FLYING GEMS!" Ojii-chan ranted.

Ryu looked away. "Oh yeah." Ryu said. "Maybe it is possible, but I still don't buy it! What's with these capsules?"

"Ok, we enter the capsule." Ojii-chan said. "Then someone enters the year into the computer. Then the computer generates the images into our heads while our nervous systems become connected to our past selves, thus creating a time travel effect without the actual traveling."

A long silence. "I don't get it." Lee said.

Ojii-chan sighed and exasperated sigh. "Just work with me."

"So why did you ask for Reika to come?" Rai asked.

"And Maya-nee?" Ryu asked.

"Well I had some extra capsules and I thought they would like to come." Ojii-chan replied.

"Well it sounds kind of fun." Maya remarked.

"I think I'll like it." Reika said.

Ojii-chan entered a capsule. "Now everyone, enter a capsule, and no sharing!"

Everyone walked to a capsule. "Is it safe?" Ryn asked as she sat down.

"I don't know, I haven't tested it yet." Ojii-chan replied. "We're the first ones."

"YOU WHAT!?" Ryn shouted, then her transparent capsule door closed on her. Gas released into her capsule, putting her to a deep sleep.

"Ryn-san!" Karen cried, then her door closed on her, gassing her, and putting her too into a deep sleep.

"KAREN!" Lee shouted, only to have his door close on him. Same process.

"What is going on!?" Kousuke shouted, only to have his door close on him.

"ANI!" Miku cried, then her door closed on her.

Maya screamed and her door closed on her.

"What the!?" Rai widened his eyes in shock only to have his door close on him.

"Onii-chan!" Reika cried only to have her door close on her.

Ryu just stared in shock. "Ojii-chan, is this a malfunction?" Ryu asked.

"No, that's what it's supposed to happen." Ojii-chan replied.

"WHY IS IT SO VIOLENT!?" Ryu cried.

"It's not!" Ojii-chan screamed. "You people just overreact."

"Why are they all asleep!?"

"Well in order for this machine to work, the person must be relaxed. In the relaxed state, the person will be able to connect with the minds of their past selves and take over while their physical body stays in this time."

"I think I get it, I think, I think, I think . . . nah I don't get it." Ryu said.

"Just play along." Ojii-chan said. "Oh while you're still not in your capsule, can you just go to the computer and type in the year you want to go to?" Ojii-chan said as his door quickly closed on his head. "OW!" The pain eventually disappeared as the gas gassed Ojii-chan into a deep sleep.

Ryu sweat dropped in embarrassment as he walked to the computer. "Now let's see." He said as he tried to think of a year. "How about . . . ten years from now . . ." He typed to numbers in, "Year, 2009: the year the heroic Shinkengers appeared." The computer flashed.

"YEAR 2009, SYSTEM CHECK, Prepare to go in 20 seconds." The computer announced in a robotic voice.

"I better get going." Ryu said. He walked to his capsule. He was about to enter, till he noticed an empty capsule next to him. "An empty one?" He then looked at . . . the reader, you (us). "Ah, how long have you been there?" Ryu asked you (us). You (we) shrugged. Ryu smiled. "Oh that's ok." Ryu said to you (us). "It's almost time to go to the past . . . in some form. Want to come with us?" You (we) nodded. Ryu smiled a big smile. "That's great! You might actually learn something about us! And who knows, we might actually meet someone cool." You (we) entered the last capsule. "Ready?" Ryu asked. You (we) nodded. "Good luck." The capsule closed on both Ryu and the reader.

"3,2,1 . . . Time Shift! Samurai Sentai . . . SHINKENGER!" The computer for some reason announced.

The machine started sparking, energy went through the wires of the machine into each capsule. Everyone including our fateful reader . . . is now on a trip to the past.

Ryu fell through a colorful time stream while his physical body remained in place. He screamed. He looked towards the reader, "Do not worry, we'll be fine!" Ryu said giving you (us) a thumbs up. "But I didn't know that it was this scary!" He screamed and a bright light engulfed the screen.

- -

Words fly through the screen. The words stack up against each other.

KODEN SPECIAL! The official Elemental Sentai, on CALL!

Kodenrangers, Shinken Call!

- -

Ryu opened his eyes. "Huh, where am I!?" He shouted as he was looking at the sky. In fact, his voice was more high pitched. He stood up. "Why is everything so big!?" He looked at his body. "I shrunk!" He was now in a six year old body, HIS six year old body. "AWESOME!" He wore a red t-shirt and white shorts. He had on black flip flops. He looked towards the reader. "Are you ok?" The reader, you (we), nodded. "Thank goodness." Ryu looked around. "I have to find my friends. You should try to stay away from sight since I'm not sure if you're supposed to be in Japan at this time." You (we) nodded.

Ryu stood up. He was standing on grass inside a park. "So I really am back in time." Ryu said, smiling. Then the ground shook. "WHOA!" Ryu looked up. A giant mecha stood in place fighting many giant red grunt like monsters. "That is . . . Tenku Shinken-oh!"

Tenku Shinken-oh, the Shinkengers' eight piece mecha. Tenku Shinken-oh held its sword at ready. The grunts charged at Tenku Shinken-oh. Tenku Shinken-oh slashed them with ease. "Daishinken!" Said a stern voice from Tenku Shinken-oh.

"Tenku Karatake Wari (Tenku Bamboo Slice)!" Five voices announced together. Tenku Shinken-oh's back three pieces started glowing, then Tenku Shinken-oh's sword started glowing gold. Tenku Shinken-oh sliced the grunts in two.

"With this, brings this chapter to a close." Said the same stern voice from Tenku Shinken-oh.

Ryu stared at the giant in astonishment. "This is awesome!" Ryu shouted pumping his fist. "I really am back in time!" He looked around, "now where is everyone?"

"Ryu!" Shouted Ryn's voice. She was running towards Ryu. Ryn wore a white shirt and pink skirt. "Ryu!"

"Ryn!" Ryu shouted. "It worked!"

"Yeah." Ryn said after she got to Ryu. "I never thought that it would really work"

"Now we just need to find everybody." Ryu said. Then the two heard a scream.

"HELP!" Karen's voice screamed. She was on top of a tree. She wore a yellow dress.

"Karen!?" Ryu shouted. "How did you end up in the tree!?"

"I don't know!" Karen replied frantically. "I just opened up my eyes and a found myself on the tree!"

"Don't worry, I'll help you out!" Ryu shouted. He walked over to the tree. "Now, jump down."

"EH!?" Karen shrieked. "Are you crazy!?"

"Don't worry, I'll catch you." Ryu said reassuringly.

Karen whimpered. "Ok then." She jumped. "EE!"

She fell on Ryu, but Ryu caught her. The impact caused Ryu to fall on his rear. Karen had her eyes closed tightly. She opened them up and noticed that Ryu was holding her bridal style.

Karen had tears in her eyes. "Ryu-san!" She cried and hugged Ryu tightly, putting her head near Ryu's.

"Glad to see you safe." Ryu said smiling.

Ryn blushed. "Lucky Karen." Ryn said.

"Oh, so you're more of a pimp when you were a kid." Lee's young voice came. Lee emerged from behind a tree. He looked really fit for a seven year old. He wore a blue sleeveless sweatshirt and white shorts. "Yo."

"LEE!" Ryu exclaimed happily. After setting Karen on the ground, Ryu ran to Lee, then kicked Lee hard. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY PIMP!" Ryu screamed angrily.

Lee smiled, unphased by Ryu's kick. "Relax, I was joking." Lee said playfully.

"You sounded pretty serious to me." Ryn said. Karen nodded.

"Hey, you seem strong at this time." Lee said. "How about a little spar to see how your Martial Art compares to my strength at this time." Lee got into battle stance.

"Ok then." Ryu said. Ryu got into Dragon Stance. "Let's fight."

"YAH!" The two charged and started throwing fists at each other and blocking each other.

A young six year old girl wearing a silver shirt and white frilly skirt walked towards the group. "Do boys always want to fight?" The girl said.

Ryu and Lee stopped. Ryu stared at the girl and blushed. "Miku-san, is that you?" Ryu asked.

The girl had Miku's face, but her hair was short instead of long like it was in the present. The bottom of her hair was spread out. "Yeah." Miku said. "Oh my Ryu-kun, you still look really cute during this time."

"Thanks." Ryu said walking up to Miku. "Your hair . . . it's short."

"Well this is the hairstyle I wore when I was a kid." Miku said. "I decided to let it grow this year though."

"It looks good on you." Ryu said. "Fits you."

Miku blushed, "Really?" She asked. "Thanks."

"Pimp." Lee said to the reader, though he does not know that you (we) are the reader.

Ryu looked down at Miku's chest. "What's wrong?" Miku asked. There were two bulges on Miku's chest. Ryu touched one of the bulges. "IYAH!" Miku whimpered.

"HOLY COW!" Ryu jumped back. "You had breasts growing at this age already!?"

"NANI!?" Ryn cried. "She . . . WHAT THE HECK!?" Karen blushed, trying to find the possibility of why a six year old had breasts growing while Ryn freaked out.

Miku smiled. "Yes, you like?" Miku said in a flirty tone.

"Correction, what a pimp." Lee said to the reader. This earned him a kick from both Ryn and Karen.

"WOOT!" Ryu shouted in an ambiguous excited tone. What this 'WOOT' meant, no one will ever know.

"Hey, is this where your friends are?" Said a voice from a man.

"Yeah thanks." Said Rai's young voice. Rai wore a green vest and black shirt and pants. He held a young Reika's hand. Reika wore a a white dress with a green ribbon on the chest. She had a green bow on her hair.

"Hello everyone!" Young Reika waved to everyone.

"REIKA-CHAN!" Lee shouted. He plunged for Reika. "You're so cute!"

"MINE!" Rai shouted kicking Lee into the ground.

Ryu stared at the man who helped Rai and Reika to the park. The man wore a blue top and white pants. He had bright brown hair. Ryu walked up to the man. "Hello Ryuunosuke-san!" Ryu said to the man. Everyone perked their ears up upon Ryu calling the man.

Ryuunosuke looked at Ryu. "How do you know my name?"

"Did you forget me?" Ryu asked Ryuunosuke. Ryuunosuke wondered what Ryu meant. "You saved me a few days ago when I got stuck on that tall tree.

Ryuunosuke took some time to think. "Oh yeah." Ryuunosuke said. "You were crying so much and kept calling for your Ojii-chan."

Ryu chuckled nervously. "Yeah . . . how embarrassing." Ryu turned to the reader. "I'm sorry if you hate me for this, but I was a real crybaby when I was a kid. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't respect me anymore." You (we) gave him a look that assured him that we did not hate him for that information. "Thank you."

"Who are you talking to?" Ryuunosuke asked.

"My friend." Ryu said. "Can't you see?"

"Oh yeah, nice to meet you." Ryuunosuke bowed to you (us). You (we) bowed back. Ryuunosuke looked back at Ryu. "Man, I didn't recognize you kid."

"Why, it's only been a few days." Ryu said to Ryuunosuke.

"You just have this mature look on your face now." Ryuunosuke said. "A look that shows bravery and confidence . . . maybe a little lacking on the confidence side, but nonetheless a mature look."

Ryu stared at Ryuunosuke, then started chuckling nervously. "Oh is that it, well then I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was a compliment." Ryuunosuke said.

"Thank you." Ryu said back.

"Well I need to get back to doing what I need to do." Ryuunosuke said to Ryu. "Good luck Ryunosuke-kun, and be careful not to get stuck in anymore trees."

"I won't!" Ryu assured Ryuunosuke.

Rai ran over to Ryu. "You know Ryuunosuke Ikenami!?" Rai shouted to Ryu. "SHINKENBLUE!?"

"Well he helped me out." Ryu said to Rai and everyone else including you (us). "You see, I always tried to climb up that apple tree in front of our school to get an apple. I don't know why but I just wanted to. When I reached the top a few days ago, I ended up getting scared after seeing how high I was. I started crying. Ryuunosuke-san was nearby and he helped me down, then we spent a day together."

"REALLY!?" Ryn, Karen, and Miku shouted.

"Yeah." Ryu said. "He showed me some of his sword skills and taught me some Kanji and brushwork."

"WHOA!" Reika shouted. "How lucky can one guy get?"

"Trust me, Ryu is the luckiest guy you'll ever meet." Lee said to Reika. "He just doesn't embrace his luck."

"Well this is almost everyone." Ryu said. "We still need to find Kousuke, Maya-nee, and Ojii-chan."

Then a red sports convertible car pulled over to the park. A young Kousuke was in the car. He had BLEACHED hair! The blonde Kousuke exited the car. The driver of the car was a young sexy woman. She wore a black tight strapless dress. She had black sunglasses on. "See you next time, boy." She said in a sensual tone.

Kousuke smiled a sheepish smile and waved to the woman as she drove off. Kousuke looked exactly like a blonde teenage version of his younger self. He wore a black shirt with a red flame design. He had tan baggy pants with chains all over the pockets. He still had his golden rimmed glasses.

"ONII-CHAN'S A PERVERT!" Miku shouted at Kousuke.

"AH!" Kousuke swooned and started fluttering to where the group of six and seven year olds were. "You called me Onii-chan! My life is complete!"

"Of course." Miku said puffing up her cheeks. "This is what I called you during this time remember? And I really wanted to relive that."

"But the fact that you actually wanted to relive that makes me so happy!" Kousuke said, appearing as if he was about to enter heaven.

"Man now that's a pimp!" Lee said. Rai nodded.

"I don't blame him, he's quite attractive during this time." Ryu said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kousuke said meanly.

"What?" Ryu asked.

"Are you . . . playing for the other team?" Kousuke asked.

"What does that mean?" Ryu asked. "And I'm pretty sure I'm not playing for the other team." He looked at you (us). "Do you know what that means?" Ryu asked. You (we) nodded. "Am I?" You (we) shook (y)our heads. "Yep, I'm not playing for the other team." He said to Kousuke.

"Your words from before contradict you." Kousuke said.

"What's wrong with that?" Ryu said. "You really are attractive. Any girl would want you. Heck, I bet Miku in the present would be attracted to you now if you weren't her brother."

Kousuke blushed. "Is that true!?" Kousuke asked Miku.

"Ryu has a point." Miku said.

"WAH!" Kousuke squealed. He fluttered again. "That makes me so happy!"

"But nonetheless, you're still my brother." Miku said.

"Talk about a sister complex." Rai said to Lee. Ironic as its Rai of all people, the one who keeps calling Reika 'his'.

"You would know." Lee said to Rai.

"Anyway." Kousuke said. "What do you mean I look attractive only during this time!?" Kousuke growled at Ryu.

"Well . . . you just look more friendly here." Ryu said. "When you're older, you look kind of grouchy and grumpy. And you're a Meany when you grow up."

Kousuke was about to clench his fist, but then stopped and pushed his glasses to the back of his head. A glare hid his eyes under the glass of his glasses. "I'll give you that." Kousuke said.

Then a black convertible pulled over to the park. A young Maya was inside. She wore a black Japanese school girl uniform. "T-t-thank you." She said to the driver and the other passengers. Inside the convertible along with Maya were many teenage punk boys. They all wore gangster outfits and had outrageous hairstyles. She got out of the car.

"No problem." Said one who had a Mohawk. He grabbed Maya's arm. Maya squeaked. "But before you leave, how about doing us a favor."

"HEY!" Ryu shouted. The sixteen year old six year old ran to Maya's rescue.

"Ryu!" Maya cried.

"Leave her alone!" Ryu shouted.

"Oh yeah." Said the punk. "What are you going to do about it, runt?"

Ryu looked at his body. OH SHIT! I forgot I'm now a six year old! He turned to the reader. "Here's the plan." Ryu whispered. "I trip them, and you drop kick them." You (we) shook (y)our heads. "Yeah you're right, it's too dangerous."

"Get out of here runt." Said a bald punk.

"Yeah runt." Said a punk with liberty spikes.

One who had outrageous spikes pulled out a knife. "Got it runt?"

"Hey don't point a knife at Ryu." Maya whimpered.

"Shut up!" Said the Mohawk punk. Ryu then kicked the punk hard.

"Say that again, and I'll kill you." Ryu said.

"Like hell you would!" The knife wielding punk shouted and lunged at the young Ryu.

"NOW!" Ryu shouted. Ryu grabbed the punk's right hand, which had the knife. Then Ryu threw the punk down. "I never knew I was this strong when I was a kid." The reader then dropped kicked the punk.

"YOU!" The liberty spike punk shouted.

Kousuke opened one of his pants' pockets and took out black fingerless gloves. He placed the gloves on.

The Mohawk, Bald, and Liberty Spike punks lunged. Then gunshots fired. Each gunshot shot off a piece of hair from each punk, leaving a small burnt trail, even on the bald one.

"You guys are annoying." Kousuke said. He had a pistol in hand.

"OH!" Ryn shouted.

"Where did he get a gun from!?" Karen shouted.

"Onii-chan for some strange reason always finds some way to pull out a gun in any given situation." Miku replied.

"You mean he doesn't hide them in that coat of his that he wears in the present?" Ryn asked.

"I don't know." Miku shrugged.

The punks looked up at the burnt trail. They whimpered.

"Oh . . . I missed." Kousuke said.

"WHAT!?" The punks cried.

"I was aiming for your foreheads." Kousuke said. "But I missed."

"RUN AWAY!" The punks cried, rushed into the convertible and drove off.

Ryu looked at Kousuke. "Thanks." Ryu said.

"Don't misunderstand." Kousuke said pushing his glasses to the back of his head. "I did it because they were annoying."

"Thanks anyway." Ryu said.

Then Kousuke smiled a lecherous smile. "And your foster sister is hot for an eleven year old!" Kousuke said drooling. Then he wrapped his arms around the eleven year old Maya.

"KYA!" Maya screamed.

"ONII-CHAN!" Miku screamed.

"MAYA-NEE!" Ryu cried. He turned to the reader. "Now, operation double elbow!" You (we) shook (y)our head. "Why not?" You (we) pointed to the gun. "Oh, right. I forgot." Ryu then looked at you (us) again. "Ok then, operation Z!" You (we) wondered what operation Z was. "You stay back, while I do all the work!" Ryu then proceeded to beat Kousuke up, which earned him a spank from the much older Kousuke. Then you (we) got a dose of what Ryu meant when he said he was a crybaby when he was a little kid.

- -

After Ryu calmed down in Maya's arms, Reika looked at you (us). "I've been meaning to ask," Reika said to Ryu, "who is this?"

"Who?" Ryu asked. Reika pointed at the reader. "Oh, that's my friend."

"When did you become friends?" Rai asked.

Then Ryu started telling a long and complicated story of how he met you (us). "And that's how I met my friend."

"I don't get it." Lee said.

Then everyone's stomach growled. "Is everyone hungry?" Maya asked.

"Yeah." Everyone replied.

"Does anyone remember a good place to eat at this time?" Maya asked.

"OOH!" Rai and Reika raised their hands.

"We know this great sushi cart!" Rai exclaimed.

"A cart?" Ryu asked.

- -

"KONICHIWA!" Exclaimed a hyper man. "Welcome all!"

"Hello Genta-san!" Rai and Reika said.

"Hello Rai-kun and Reika-chan!" Genta greeted. "So what will it be today!?"

Ryu just stared at Genta. Then he grabbed Rai and Reika's collar and pulled them back. "You know Shinkengold!?" Ryu whispered.

"Yeah." Rai and Reika nodded.

"You know, I have to wonder how everyone else seems to know whose a Senshi ranger and whose not." Maya commented softly.

"Oh Senshis for some reason have a knowledge of whose a past warrior." Kousuke replied.

"I don't get it." Lee said. Kousuke tapped Lee's head.

"You're not supposed to." Kousuke said.

Ryn and Karen were looking at a water tank on the cart which contained a small mechanical squid and lobster. "Wah, they're so cute." Ryn said.

"You like huh?" Genta asked.

Karen nodded. "They're so adorable." She squealed.

"Well then, are you all ready to order!?" Genta cried in a hyper tone.

"Yes!" Ryn and Karen exclaimed.

"Ok then, let's begin!" Genta and Ryu shouted together.

- -

While Ryu and Gang were smiling smiles of joy, a serious man stood ready with a golden sword. He wore a Kendo outfit. He had his eyes closed.

Ryuunosuke ran to this man. "Tono-sama!" Ryuunosuke said. "There's something wrong with this silence. We've been getting constant attacks lately, but this moment of peace feels wrong."

"I know." Said the serious man, Ryuunosuke's Tono. "I have a bad feeling today as well."

At this moment, a monster was spying on Ryuunosuke and his Tono through a crystal ball. "Soon, I will destroy you, Shinkengers."

"Not before I get a chance to kill the young Kodenrangers." Said another monster.

"So be it." Said the first monster.

- -

Let's see what Ojii-chan is doing before we end this chapter. "OH HO HO!" He smiled a lecherous smile along with a blush. "I am loving this!" Many young woman were piling near him inside what seems to be a lounge room for something. "I am so glad Ryu chose this year!"

With this, (victory clap) brings this chapter to a close . . . Please review!