My Throbbing Heart

Chapter 30: I Love You


The smell of pancakes cooking on the stove had reached my nose as my eyes started to flutter open from my heavy sleep. I sat up in the bed and let out a big yawn as I stretched up my arms above my head, causing my back to snap in a good pain. Ruffling up my hair, I stepped onto the carpet and walked through the door, heading towards the kitchen. Rounding the corner, I saw Kagome at the stove, wearing one of my t-shirts, flipping a cooked pancake on a stack she had prepared earlier. I smiled softly as I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, causing her to squeal in a high pitched voice, almost ruining the new pancake she was pouring in the pan.

"Naraku, what are you doing?" she asked giggling.

"I saw this sexy woman in my kitchen cooking pancakes and just had to mess with her."

"You almost made me ruin the pancake."

"I would have still eaten it. They don't have to be round."

"I know, but this is the first time I have made breakfast for you, so I want it to be perfect."

"You are perfect," I whispered in her ear as I kissed the nape of her neck. She relaxed in my arms as I trailed my kisses up and down her neck. My hands started to trail along her body, wanting to slip my hands underneath the shirt that she was wearing. I could feel her heart start to race as one hand caressed her stomach. "Heh, you know, we never did get to finish our morning sex."

"What do you mean?"

"The first night we fucked, I didn't get the chance to finish you off in the morning because Rin came home."

"Oh yeah. I had forgot about that."

"I wanna finish that," I said as my hand came across her breast and pulled at her nipple, causing a small moan to slip her lips.

"Can it wait...after breakfast? The pancakes are still hot."

"Sure. Better to work you out on a full stomach than an empty one."

"I'm hoping you won't have that type of energy. I am still sore from last night."

"Too much for you?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah, and I think you got bigger."

"Maybe. Having Xiohu inside me did change my outer appearance, a lot," I said softly as I let go of Kagome and walked over to the table, slumping down onto a chair. I was happy just a second ago, but thinking on how I do not look like myself anymore, I made myself depressed. Kagome walked over to the table with the plate of pancakes, the utensils, syrup and butter already laid thick on the jacks. She sat down and let out a soft sigh before saying:

"Naraku, I still love you, no matter what you look like."

"Do you still find me attractive?"

"I will always find you attractive baby. You just need to start finding it."

"It's hard when I look like a monster."

"No, you do not. You can easily blend in with society. Look at Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. They are demons and no one says anything to them. Especially with Inuyasha. How can you miss those dog ears."

"That's different. Girls think his ears are fucking adorable so he is already on the cute factor."

"Women find you attractive Naraku. Besides, who needs them anyway. I am all that matters." She had a point there. As long as she loved me, I didn't care who else was there...but I could not go to work looking the way I am. I was already scaring the customers before. With my full transformation, we would lose more than half of our customers. I let out a big sigh before I dug into the pancakes. As the buttery goodness touched my tongue, I felt at ease.

"These are really good Kagome."

"Well thank you. My own secret recipe." She smiled at me as she began to eat her own.

After we had finished the pancakes, I had crashed out back onto the bed. Kagome's wish had came true. I was too full to want to fuck her. She got lucky.

Oh hell yeah she did. Just wait till later. We are going to fuck her brains out. She is lucky that her pancakes are fucking delicious.

"Yeah, they were. You know, I still find it weird that we have become better than what we were before Xiohu."

I know. I do not get it either. I was supposed to rule and take over you body and mind, but I guess because Gonju is inside Onigumo, I only had half of that will. If I was whole, you would not exist right now.

"You are right on that. But there is still one thing I do not understand. You love Kagome, just as much as I do." I waited for an answer from Xiohu, but didn't receive anything. "Xiohu?"

"Something the matter Naraku?" Kagome asked as she walked into the bedroom.

"I was just talking to Xiohu, but he stopped responding to me."

"Maybe he passed out."

"No, he is awake. I can feel him moving around."

"Feel him moving around?" she quoted back to me.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I know he is there. If he was asleep, I would probably be out cold as well or very tired. Remember, him and I are one."

"Oh, you made that loud and clear last night," she laughed.

"You act like you didn't like it."

"I never said I didn't." She winked at me and I just smiled. I took Kagome's hand in mine and pulled her against me. I kissed the top of her forehead and snuggled against her as I started to feel myself grow tired. "Getting sleepy?"

"You're lucky I am full." She just laughed again, but stopped when her phone started to ring. She reached over and read the caller-ID. "Who is it?"

"It's Rin."

"Are you going to answer it?" She shook her head vigorously. "Why not?"

"I am scared to talk to her. If she finds out I am here – Naraku don't!" I snatched the phone from her hands and answered it.

"What do you want Rin," I said nastily. I could hear her breathing, so I know she was still there, but I guess hearing my voice frightened her.

"N-N-Naraku, w-where is K-Kagome?"

"Right here with me, in bed."

"What? So help me, I will –

"You'll what Rin. Kill yourself?" I said teasingly. "I don't know how you can call yourself a friend if you would hold something like that over Kagome's head just because your relationship with Sesshomaru did not work out."

"H-How dare you –

"How dare I? No, how dare you try and keep the woman that I love away from me. You are lucky I do not wring your neck," I said with anger.

"L-Let me speak with K-Kagome."

"Heh, why do I get the feeling that you think you will win this."


"How about this. In about fifteen minutes, Kagome and I will come to her place and you guys can talk it out then."

"Whatever. Kagome is mine."

"But it was my name she was calling out last night Rin...not yours. See you in fifteen minutes." Before she had time for a remark, I hung up the phone. I handed Kagome back the phone and she just had an astonished look on her face. "What?"

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I know you wouldn't. I am sure there are some things that you need to get off your chest to Rin."

"You have no idea."

"Then today is the day. Nobody is going to treat my girlfriend like she is nothing. That is my job."

"What?" she giggled. I gave her a cheesy smile before I slid out of the bed.

Within fifteen minutes, we were in front of Kagome's door. She was being very hesitant and honestly, it was pissing me off on how afraid she was of Rin. "Kagome, if you do not open that door, I will break it down."

"Why are you getting upset?"

"Because it's pissing me off to see you this afraid of the bitch who has taken you for granted."

"I'm sorry Naraku, but –

"But nothing. Either you set Rin straight, or I will."

"Naraku... your eyes, they are brighter than normal."

"Heh, that's because Xiohu is on the scene as well."

"So, who is walking with me through that door?"

"Both of us."

"Great." Kagome folded her arms as she rolled her eyes. "Just what I need."

My hand went for her throat, gripping it firmly to get her scared, but loose enough that it didn't hurt. "Don't get snippy with me missy. This is to benefit you. If you are going to be a bitch, be a bitch to Rin, and not me. Got it?" I growled. Kagome just nodded her head and I let go of her. She started to cough a bit. Did I feel bad? Not really. I was not going to be the scapegoat for her anger towards Rin.

Finally bustling up the courage, Kagome took out her key and opened the door. We walked inside to find Hojo sitting on the couch watching TV. He turned his attention towards us when I slammed the door shut. He stood up abruptly that he almost fell down back onto the couch. I could see the lines of his brow start to bunch up. He was not happy to see me, but I just smiled and waved, just to make him even more upset.

"Glad to see that you are back Kagome, but why is he here?"

"I came to watch the show."

"What show?"

"Hojo, where is Rin?" Kagome asked.

"I'm right here bitch." Rin came out from the bedroom, not looking like her usual self. I guess she was so distraught that Kagome was with me that she didn't bother with her hair or even put make-up on. I just brushed that irrelevant thought from my mind and wondered how this argument would end. Rin's shot her angry eyes at me and I just gave her a scowl. Her eyes jumped to Kagome as she said, "How dare you bring him here."

"How dare I? This is my place Rin. I can bring anyone here."

"Whatever. I just cannot understand how you could go back on our promise. You promised you would give up on him."

"I know what I said, but I just couldn't live up to that promise Rin. I love Naraku."

"Oh just shut up. Who do you think you are, huh? Always trying to out best me."

"Out best you?"

"I always had the best when we were growing up. In high school, all the boys wanted to date me. The only reason why you had a few dates was because of me."

"Is that the illusion you gave yourself?"

"Please. The only person you ever dated back then was Hojo and you guys would still be together if you hadn't decided to leave."

"I was looking to better myself. Even then, I only dated Hojo to make you happy."

"What? I thought you were in love with me Kagome?" Hojo butted in.

"I was, but that was before I met the true you. I hated being with you after you started treating me as if I didn't exist. Only time I heard from you was when you wanted to have sex, and it was rare when I agreed to that."

"But my happiness isn't good for you, is it Kagome," Rin said, directing our attention back to her. "It doesn't matter if I am happy or not."

"It does matter. I just shouldn't have to give up my happiness just to make you happy. I don't want to be miserable."

"So, having me dead would make you happy?"

"I know it would make me happy," I chimed in.

"Stay out of this Naraku," Kagome hushed. She looked back to Rin and started to walk towards her. "Rin, we were good friends in the past. Why can't we continue that friendship that we had? Ever since high school, you had changed a lot. I miss the old Rin. You can be just as happy as I am with Naraku. We just have to find you the right person."

"Y-You know, you're right. I'm sorry Kagome. I am such a selfish person. Forgive me?" Rin hung her head down as she slipped her hands in her pockets.

"Forgiven." Kagome gave Rin a sweet smile.

"But, I am sorry for what I have to do."

"Which is what?"

"This –

"Kagome, watch out!" I yelled as I reached out for the back of her shirt, pulling her away from Rin as she was about to strike her down with a knife. I grabbed the hand that was holding the knife and twisted it at an awkward angle so she would drop it, pinning the arm behind her.

"Let go of my sister!" I saw Hojo coming and as soon as he was close, I kicked him in the stomach, causing him to double over and collapse onto the floor.

"Hojo – !"

"Look here, Rin. I was starting to have pity for you, but after you pull a knife on Kagome and try to kill her with it, now, all that pity is gone," I whispered into her ear as I twisted her arm up.

"Ah! That hurts!"

"Oh does it? Probably not as much as a stab or two would feel." I kept twisting her arm; her screams becoming higher at each twist. One more and her arm would break.

"Naraku, please... stop," I hear from behind me.

"I'm sorry, but Naraku is not here at the moment."

"Xiohu, I'm okay." I felt Kagome's hand touch my shoulder. I turned my head to the side to look at her, but she was hiding her face away from me with her bangs. "Let Rin go."

"Can I at least break her arm?" She shook her head and I sighed. I let go of Rin and watched her hold her aching arm.

"You two will pay for this –

Rin was silenced by a slap across the face by Kagome. "I want you and Hojo to get your stuff, out of my place and leave," she said coldly. "I never want to see you again Rin. This friendship is officially over. I loved you like a sister, but you try and kill me all because you can't stand to see me happy. I was willing to sacrifice my happiness for yours, but you are just a greedy, selfish bitch. Now, get out of my apartment now, before I have Xiohu throw you out." Rin's eyes flashed from Kagome to me and she just shook her head. "Fine, have it your way. Xiohu?"

"Yes?" I said in a childish tone.

"Throw Rin and Hojo out please."

"With pleasure."

"What? No. Kagome!" I picked up Rin and threw her over my shoulder as I tucked up the unconscious Hojo and headed out the door. "Kagome, you will regret this!"

"No, I won't. Buh bye."




As the door closed shut, my legs had finally given out. I collapsed next to the couch, holding on for dear life. I really couldn't believe that Rin tried to kill me. She was my best friend, and she tried to kill me. I could feel the water forming in my eyes. I loved Rin like a sister, but she didn't care for my feelings at all. It is sad that it took me this long to finally realise it. I heard the door reopen and saw Xiohu standing in front of me. "Are they gone?" I asked softly.

"Yeah. Rin drove off in Hojo's car. Told them not to come back around here or they will both receive a special visit from me." He chuckled and I just gave him a weak smile.

"Thank you, Xiohu."

"Are you okay Kagome?" Xiohu walked towards me and knelt down in front of me. "Kagome?"

"I just don't understand where it all went wrong. She was like a sister to me and she just..." The tears started to slide down over my cheeks. My whole body was on fire because I was so angry. "How could she do that to me Xiohu! How could someone like her exist!"

"It happens Kagome. Everyone has people like that in their lives. Take me as an example with Kikyo."

"I know, but it still hurts." Xiohu pulled me close to him, my head resting on his chest as he rubbed my head.

"I will be here for you Kagome. If you want to cry, let it out. You don't have to be tough anymore." I clutched onto his shirt and buried my head into his chest more as I let out all the pain and betrayal I felt from Rin. Xiohu continued to stroke my head, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. As the tears started to come to an end, I was more relaxed. I felt a hundred times better than I had before in a very long time. "You feel better?" I just nodded my head. "Good."

"You know, I just noticed that you have two heart beats."

"Does it bother you?"

"No, it sounds nice." I pressed more into his chest and closed my eyes, hearing his heart in my head. "Xiohu..."


"I love you." I snuggled more into him, taking in his scent, waiting to hear him say that he loves me too, but he didn't say anything. "Xiohu?" I looked up at him and he was staring at the corner of the room. "Xiohu?"

He blinked several times before saying, "Huh?"

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Xiohu is just...acting weird."

"What do you mean?"

"Not sure. He won't say anything. But I love you too Kagome." Naraku kissed me gently on the lips and I felt more at ease. "What do you want to do now since you finally took care of Rin."

"Get her and Hojo's shit out of my house." I jumped up on my feet and walked into the kitchen to grab several trash bags to throw all their stuff in. Naraku and I rummaged through the rooms and found everything that belonged to them and threw it all in the bag. I pulled the sheets and covers off the beds they slept in and decided to throw those away as well. I had enough money to go out and buy some new ones. Even if I washed them a thousand times, their order would never leave the sheets. I was going to start fresh, and by getting rid of all their stuff, I was doing just that. Filling up all four bags, Naraku and I took the bags down to the bin and threw them over. Hearing the loud thud of the empty dumpster made me feel delighted. Naraku gave me a cheesy smile and I couldn't help but smile back.



Looking at Kagome, I was feeling all my emotions for her stir inside. And since I was not sleepy anymore, I was in the mood for something else. Reaching Kagome, I took her hand in mine and pulled her close to me, rocking her side to side softly. "Kagome..." I said in a teasing voice.

"Yes, Naraku."

"I want you."

"You're horny again?" I nodded my head and she blew air out of her mouth. "How can you be so horny?"

"How can I not be? You're always on my mind. And besides, you like it."

"No, I don't."

"Don't lie to me Kagome. I can smell you." Kagome shot her eyes at me with embarrassment, her cheeks turning scarlet. "See? You can't even hide your embarrassment." I chuckled and she punched me in my chest.

"Damn you and your sense of smell." She tried to wiggle away from me but I just held her against me more. Her struggling was just making me more hard than what I was already. "Let me go Naraku," she squealed, giggling as she continued to punch my chest.

"Kagome, if you keep doing that, I will take you right out here, so everyone can see," I said deeply. I started to slide my hands down her body till I had a firm grip on her ass. Kagome flinched and knew I was not playing around.

"Am I going to get double today?"

"If you keep this up, yes."

"Hm, then I guess I will get double," she said as she started to stroke my penis through my jeans. Just that gentle touch made me close my eyes and let out a soft sigh. "Let's go back upstairs Naraku." Kagome took my hand and started to lead me back towards the stairs, but I swooped her up in my arms and jumped back onto the balcony, in front of her door. "I forgot you can do stuff like that now."

"Hurry up and open your door."

"Yes daddy," she said as she rolled her eyes. She opened up the door and we walked in. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I grabbed Kagome forcefully and pressed her back against me, my hand across her neck and the other around her waist, resting my back against the door.

"How dare you roll your eyes at me. You must forget who you are dealing with."


"I will make sure you won't be able to stand when I am done with you," I growled as I forced a kiss on her lips. She began to struggle against me, but I just held on tighter once more, her ass rubbing against my dick. "Oh, keep rubbing me like that Kagome," I whispered as I twisted and curled my tongue with hers. Though she was trying to get away, I know she liked what I was doing. The smell of her wetness between her legs was getting stronger. The hand around her waist slipped underneath the shirt she was wearing, coming up to her breast, teasing her nipple through the bra. Tiny moans started to slip from her mouth into the kiss.

"Naraku... I want you..." she moaned.

"I'm sorry, but Xiohu is filling in for this round."

"What?" I grabbed both of her arms and pinned them behind her back with one hand. "Ow, that hurts."

"Shut up bitch," I barked in her ear. I let my tongue hang out between my lips as I flicked up and down her neck. "Let's head to the bathroom." We walked towards the bathroom and I flicked on the lights, standing in front of the mirror, looking at our reflection. "Look at the mirror Kagome." She did as she was told. "For the time being, I want you to watch yourself as I tease your body."

"What –

"Stop looking at the mirror and I will spank you. Got it?" She nodded her head. "Good." My free hand went for the top of her shirt, pulled, and ripped it down the middle.

"Dammit Naraku! I liked that shirt –

I gripped her face tightly. "I told you, Naraku is not here. Call me that again and I won't be so nice." Kagome stiffened up her lip and didn't say anything. I smiled. "Now, look at the mirror, and do not take your eyes off of what I do." Kagome looked at the mirror and watched me trace my hand along her breast, pulling and tugging on both of her nipples at different times. She tried to hold back the moans that were growing, but one by one, they would come out. I could feel her nipples grow hard underneath my fingertips. I grinned as I pulled at the bra, feeling it give way and watched her breast spill out. I was eager to have them in my mouth, but I wanted to have fun with her. As I pulled, flicked and squeezed one nipple, my tongue slithered down to the other one. I watched as Kagome fought the urge to close her eyes to enjoy the situation. As if on cue, her eyes did close, only to be snapped back open when I slapped her ass. "Look at the mirror Kagome," I growled deeply again as I started to become more rough with her breast. She squeaked just a bit, but kept her eyes open. I continued to lick and flick her nipple with my tongue as I traced my hand down to her pants and unsnapped the button. I pushed her pants down over her hips, caressing the soft tissue. "Wiggle out of your pants." Kagome did as I said and wiggled the pants down her legs and stepped out of them. "Oh look, Kagome you are soaked," I said as I pressed a finger against her opening through her panties.

"Aaaaah." She closed her eyes and I slapped her ass. "Ah!"

"You like that, don't you."

"Y-yes," she moaned. I slapped her ass again and she yelped in pleasure.

"Mmm, I like this." I pressed my fingers against her clit and started to tease it roughly. Kagome arched her back and started to buck her hips, wanting me to do more. Her eyes started to flutter. I let go of her arms and said, "Wrap your arms around my neck." She did and with my now free hand, I started to massage her breast and play with her clit.

"Mmm, Xiohu..." I pulled at her panties until they ripped off of her precious body.

"Open your legs." Her legs spread for me and I slipped a finger inside her, hearing her gasp in my ear. "Gawd Kagome." I slipped another finger inside her, deeply as I pumped them in and out of her. She tried to keep her eyes focused on what I was doing, but she couldn't hold it any longer and just kept her eyes shut. I spanked her over and over again, only to get sweet sounds from her mouth.

"Aha... Xiohu... I'm going to cum!" I slipped my fingers out of her before she had the chance to release. She collapsed onto the floor, trying to catch her breath. I took off my shirt and unbuckled my pants, slipping them and my boxers down to my ankles. I took a hand full of her hair, turning her to face me, my penis hitting the tip of her nose.

"Suck on it." Her dazed eyes met mine as she reached up for my penis and started to stroke it softly. I growled deeply in my throat as I felt her tongue flick across the head and then her lips covering it. She started to suck me softly, but I wanted more. "Suck on it more," I whispered, tangling my fingers in her hair more as I started to stroke my penis in and out of her mouth. "Deep throat me, Kagome." I pushed my dick farther into her mouth and with ease, she was able to take me to the base. I placed my other hand behind her head and skull fucked her. "Ah, shit, I'm gonna cum." I did several more strokes before I plunged hard into her mouth, feeling myself let go and felt her struggle against it. "You better swallow it." Kagome swallowed every last bit of me as I pulled out from between her lips. Kagome coughed a bit and I just smiled. "You are so sexy Kagome."

She coughed again and just stared at me. "So are you, Xiohu." She gave me a sweet smile and I growled. I pulled her onto her feet and propped her onto the counter. "What are you doing Xiohu?" she asked softly.

"Just enjoy it." I opened up her legs, placing them on my shoulders as I sat on my knees, spreading her lips. I pressed my nose against her opening and took in a big whiff. My eyes fluttered from her intoxicating scent. "Oh you smell so good." I kissed her clit before I opened my mouth and took it between my own lips. The sound of Kagome gasping made me want to suck on it harder.

"X-Xiohu." I nibbled on her clit softly, wanting to hear more of that precious sound. I let go of her clit and started to lap up the juices that was spilling out of her. I felt her legs tighten around my shoulders as I ate her out more. My tongue plunging in and out of her at a rapid pace. "Oh, Xiohu, I'm gonna cum if you keep dong that," she moaned. I slithered my tongue out of her, flicking her clit a few times before I raised my head from between her legs, standing on my feet. I felt her eyes trace over my body and down over my penis, seeing it throb near her opening.

"What, you want this?" She nodded her head. I pressed the head of my dick against her, feeling her warmth. I pressed harder against her opening and slowly pushed myself inside her. Her mouth gasped at the feel of me entering her. Inch by inch, I pushed myself further, wanting her to feel how thick and long I was. When I reached the base, I slipped her off the counter a bit, grasping onto her ass as I started to smooth myself in and out of her. Kagome leaned back on the mirror, staring at the view of me sliding in and out of her.

"Xiohu, fuck me."

"With pleasure," I groaned as I picked up the pace and started to fuck her harder than before. Her subtle moans started to become ear shattering as I tore her up. I lifted her up off on the counter and started to pound her up and down on my dick. I could feel herself tighten around my penis, causing me to come close to my point.

"X-Xiohu!" she screamed.

"K-Kagome!" I picked up more speed, bouncing her up and down harder at each thrust until I felt myself reach my peak. "Shit!"

"I'm cummng! I'm cumming!"

"Aaahah!" I grunted as I slammed one last thrust into her, letting myself go inside her and feeling her cum against me. "Aha, Kagome..." I sat Kagome back onto the counter as we started to catch our breaths, pulling myself out of her and hearing the sound of the cum hit the floor.

"I love you, Xiohu."

"I love you too, Kagome."


"I said, I love you." I propped myself up and kissed her lips softly. "I've been so scared to tell you that I loved you."


"Because, I am a demon. How could someone like you fall in love with a demon like me."

"Xiohu." She touched my face and gave me a gentle smile. "You are a part of Naraku. I love Naraku, therefore I love you as well. Even if it was the other way around, I would still love you. Don't doubt that I love you, okay?" I gave her a smirk. "We should probably rest now."

"Before we do, I have something to give you."

"What is it Xiohu?" I walked over to my pants and rummaged into my pockets until I found what I was looking for. "Xiohu?"

"Kagome, I have been in love with for the longest time, and I know that you are the one for me. So," I got down on one knee and presented a tiny black box. Kagome's hand shot to her mouth, her eyes wide. I opened up the box and I could see the tears form in her eyes. "Will you marry me, Kagome?"

"Oh my gawd, yes!" Kagome tackled me and covered my faces with kisses. "I will marry you Naraku! Xiohu!" I had the biggest smile on my face and Kagome continued to cover my face in kisses. "When did you have the time to get the ring."

"Don't worry about that." I gave her a smile. I took her hand as I took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger. She squealed and hugged me tightly. "I love you, Kagome."

"And I love you."

The End

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed My Throbbing Heart. Leave tons of reviews for me to read. The next story that will be up is Envy, and it is a Yaoi between Sesshomaru and Naraku. Read to find out what happens in this One Shot juicy story. I will write soon. Love you all.