In response to a drabble challenge on LiveJournal - Buffy_the_vamp6 wanted a cross-over: Spike and Buffy discussing Dramione. How cool is that? Very! Joss owns Spuffy and JK Rowling owns Dramione. *sad sigh* If only they'd let me using them for my own nefarious purposes.


"They're clearly in love."

Pointing at the beat-up telly, Spike enlightened Buffy as to why he thought Draco Malfoy was absolutely head-over-heels in love with Hermione Granger. Unfortunately, he was watching it with a girl who had an opinion of her own.

"You're delusional." She pointed to another scene that flashed on the monitor, showing the two supposed enemies. "See? See that spark in his eyes? That's hatred."

Shaking his head, the vamp paused the movie, right at the frame where there was a close-up of Draco's eyes. "Look closer, pet."

Squinting her gaze, she leaned forward a bit to study the screen. "What? It looks like he's going to sex her or something."

"You mean hex, right?" he chuckled.

"Yes, hex, that's what I said."

"Right." He studiously avoided her death glare. "You need to look at the bigger picture, luv. If he truly hated her, he could've inflicted much worse damage than a mere slur or two."

"Hermione doesn't strike me as the 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me' kinda gal, Spike," she snorted.

Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, "It's always the good girls that are secretly kinky."

This earned him a right hook to the nose.

"Sweet fuck, Slayer!"

"Shut up and watch the movie, or I'm leaving," she warned, settling back against the dingy couch, pressing play once more.

It was the Yuletide Ball scene and the couples were arriving one by one, until lastly, Hermione stepped down the grand staircase in a vision of lavender, Ron and Harry's expressions priceless.

"That's what they get for not asking her first," Buffy accused the screen, smirking. "She's all grown up now and… hey… wait a minute!" She hit the reverse button and played the scene again. "He's… watching her," she observed softly.

They both watched, as Draco Malfoy never removed his intense stare from Hermione's person, Spike grabbing the remote to pause again.

"See the way he looks at her," he confessed quietly. "The way his eyes study her every curve, every line of her dress, right down to the coiled ringlets he wants to run his fingers through."

Breathing heavily, she glanced at him from the side. "How do you know he wants to run his fingers through her hair?"

Turning to meet her gaze, he slowly reached up and traced her features, tucking a lock of her own hair behind her ear. "Because it's what I would do, luv."

She nuzzled the hand that still caressed her cheek. "So, are you saying that Draco loves Hermione because…"

He quirked a sad smile. "He sees her as his redemption," he offered. "If he would change for her, she shall look on him with forgiveness, and everybody will forgive and love. He will be loved."

Slowly opening her misty eyes, she gazed at him with tenderness. "So, you're Draco, huh?"

Nodding, Spike pulled her closer and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "My Hermione."