Chapter 1: Hyper Altair

Altair lay down on his bed and sighed. Another day with nothing to do, Al Mualim dead, Malik taking his place. Teaching the novices isn't his thing, they didn't want him cause he's too hard on them. Altair got up. "Then I think I'll just annoy the villagers" He thought and got up. He walked out of his room and went downstairs and got into the garden. He sprinted into the village, receiving insults from the soldiers. He grinned, it's funny to hear them. He got in the village and stopped running. He looked around and smiled when he saw Idris. Idris is also an assassin, he is 3 years older than Altair and likes to play the boss. Altair started to run, jumped on Idris's back and jumped on a rooftop. Since Altair isn't the lightest one, Idris lost his balance and fell. He could hear Altair laughing his ass off on the rooftop and got angry.

"ALTAIR! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" He yelled and climbed on the rooftop himself. "Finally something to do." Altair said as he started to run off and jump on the next rooftop. Idris growled and chased him, they both received remarks from the villagers as they looked at Altair and Idris as they were playing a game of 'tag'. Altair jumped on the ground and ran around the corner, where Malik was waiting for him. He stopped him and just when he wanted to preach, Idris came tackled Altair from behind which caused the trio to fall. "Altair! Stop acting like a child!" Malik yelled sternly. "Then make me do something, I'm bored." He said annoyed. "First get off me." He ordered Altair."I can't, Idris is on top of me." He said even more annoyed now. Malik sighed, how did Al Mualim keep everyone pleased? "Idris get up, Altair you too." He ordered them. Idris got up, allowing Altair and Malik to get up. Malik sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Altair, because of your childish behavior, you're being demoted to a novice again. Idris, go back to what you were doing." Malik ordered them. "Altair give me your dagger and throwing knifes "Malik ordered. "Take it easy stumpy" Altair said joking and patted on Malik's shoulder with a sudden outburst of laughter. "Altair, go to your room and don't come out, unless I say so." Malik said angry, annoyed and stern. Altair walked off laughing and giggling like he's drugged. Malik sighed. "What am I going to do with that man? He thought and walked away."

Altair still laughed when he was in his room, Malik came in and sighed. "Altair did you eat something wrong?" Malik asked. Altair shook his head no and continued laughing. "How long haven't you been sleeping?" Malik asked again. "I don't know, 2 maybe 3 days?" Altair guessed Malik sighed. "No wonder he's so hyper." You forgot to give me your throwing knifes and daggers." Malik said, reaching his hand out. Altair stopped laughing now, the fun was over. Altair gave him his dagger and throwing knifes and lay down on his bed. "Good, you can only get out if your room when you have an assassination or for eating." Malik said as he walked out the door. Altair snorted, the look on Idris's face. He snorted one more time, 'stumpy'. Though it was his fault Malik lost his arm…. He sighed, great he felt guilty again and he'd been demoted to novice again, but was it worth it?. Altair thought for a moment. "Definitely" he thought and smiled, "I'll just need to apologize to Malik later." With that last thought, he fell asleep.

"Hhmmm I need something to keep Altair busy and distracted". Malik thought in the library. "But how? Altair is a man who needs to be kept busy all the time". He went downstairs and into the garden, that's where he could become calm and concentrate. He looked around, all the females were taking a rest after cooking for all the assassins. There were a lot of new girls, others got either married or didn't want to work for the assassins anymore. "Come on Malik, think of something to keep Altair busy". Malik was in deep thought.

"Uhm mister Malik??" A female voice said.

Malik was in such a deep thought, he didn't pay attention to the time and his environment. "Mister Malik?" The voice said again and poked Malik from behind. Malik shot up by the sudden poke, which caused the female to fall. "I'm sorry sir!, I didn't mean to startle you." The woman apologized. "It's okay Asena" Malik said to calm her. "What is it?" He asked for. "Dinner is ready sir, the tables are set and most assassins are already eating." She said. "Okay, thank you, you may go now." Malik said. Asena nodded and walked away. Malik's eyes widened he found the way to keep Altair busy. "That's it!" Malik yelled. "Is something wrong sir?" Asena asked from the entrance of the garden. "No, proceed to the dining hall, I'll be right there." He said and Asena walked off. Malik was happy, nothing could ruin his mood anymore. He went to the dining hall himself and saw Altair standing in front of the entrance. "Altair, what are you doing here?" Malik asked. "Malik, I wanted to apologize, my brains didn't function like they need to." Altair apologized. "It's okay Altair, I have already forgiven you." Malik said and smiled, almost evilly. Altair smiled back at him and they both went into the dining hall.


For those who didn't know, staying up like 2 or 3 days get's you hyper. Own experience.