Summary: Horatio finds out that he only has a few months left to live. Time is short and he has to deal with the fear of dying and the sorrow of leaving his loved ones behind.

Pairings: Natalia/Horatio, Eric/Calleigh.


Horatio groaned as he almost rolled out of bed. He coughed as he stood up. He had been feeling ill for over two months. Alexx had forced him to go to a hospital and get checked up three weeks ago. And the doctor that had treated him hadn't found anything that would explain why Horatio felt like he had been run over by his own hummer five times. Not only did he cough, his chest hurt constantly and it made it difficult for him to sleep. He was barely eating anymore and that had of course led to some weight loss. He was tired. He just wanted to lie down and rest. But his body wouldn't let him. He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked so old. He was 48 years old, but looked like he was 58. Sighing splashed some water in his face and yawned. As he got dressed, he started coughing again. He groaned and rubbed his tired eyes.

Once he was dressed, he left his beach house and went to work. It seemed to take forever to get to the lab. When he arrived, he noticed several officers looking at him. He knew that they noticed how haggard he looked. He sighed.

"Janice, any messages?" He asked the receptionist.

"No Lt. Not yet." Janice smiled, "How are you today Lt.?"

"I'm fine Janice, and you?"

"Fine." Janice smiled.

Horatio gave her a small smile back and then went to his office. He checked he mail. Nothing new. Within minutes, he was asleep, with his head on his desk. It was in his office that the team found him fifteen minutes later. Calleigh sighed and walked over to her boss. She knew that he needed the sleep, but she also knew that Rick was sneaking around in the lab and if he saw Horatio sleeping at the job… well, poor Horatio would have another problem to deal with. He didn't need to have Rick yelling at him.

"Horatio, wake up sleepy." She smiled and gently shook him.

Horatio groaned and turned his head around. Eric and Ryan chuckled.

"Horatio, Rick is sneaking around in the lab." Calleigh said.

Horatio sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes. He stood up and cleared his throat.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner?" He asked.

"We just found you in here." Eric said, "Is there a woman keeping you up a night H?"

Horatio chuckled and shook his head. The team knew that Horatio was feeling ill. However, they tried to make Horatio smile as much as possible, to distract him from the pain. Therefore, they joked a lot with him.

"How are you today, boss?" Ryan asked.

"Fine." Horatio lied.

He walked out of the office and went to check how everyone in the lab were doing, like he did every morning. The team had a tough case to work with, that involved a new gang. It was a small, but crazy gang. The gang had decided to appear out of thin air and start murdering judges and lawyers. The team hadn't found a link between all six victims and not enough evidence to find the gang members. Yet. After checking up on Valera, Horatio bumped into Rick in the hallway.

"Just the man I was looking for." Rick smirked.

"I can't say the same." Horatio sighed.

"There is a rumor at the PD." Rick said, "A rumor that says that Lt. Caine is on the edge of a collapse."

"Rick, why do you always listen to rumors?" Horatio asked as he started walking towards Natalia's lab.

Rick followed him with an evil smirk on his face. Rick could see for himself that Horatio looked like he hadn't eaten or slept in several weeks. So he understood why the rumors had started.

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?" Rick asked.

"Rick." Horatio growled, "Why are you here?"

"I have to check that you can still do your job." Rick said, "You look sick Horatio. And you better start looking more alive or I will talk to the chief."

"Just piss off Rick." Horatio sighed.

He opened the door to Natalia's lab and slammed the door shut right in front of Rick's face. Rick growled and left. For now.

"Rick getting on your nerves again?" Natalia asked.

"That man never knows when to quit." Horatio yawned.

Natalia gave him a look and Horatio glared at her. Every time he yawned, his team members were prepared to send him home. But he always glared at them and reminded them that they couldn't send their own boss home.

"As a friend, I'm asking you to please go home and get some rest." Natalia said.

Friend. Those words hurt more then Horatio wanted to admit. He wanted to be more then just friends. But Natalia seemed to be satisfied with friends. Though he couldn't blame her. He was 15 years older then her and he hadn't told her or showed her that he was interested in her. What could she possibly see in him?

"Natalia, I am fine." Horatio said.

"You call looking dead on your feet, fine?"

"You know that I can't sleep." Horatio sighed, "My own body won't let me rest, though it demands it."

"Maybe taking a sleeping pill will help."

"I've tried that." Horatio sighed, "Anyway, what have you got from the skin cells that Calleigh got from the bullet?"

"Well, I found a match." Natalia said, "Derek Conan. He's been in jail for possession of drugs ten years ago."

"Good work. I'll get Frank to pick him up." Horatio smiled and left.

Natalia shook her head as she watched him leave. She had watched Alexx try to talk some sense into Horatio during the last two months. However, nothing was working. Horatio wasn't getting any better. Not that he hadn't tried to get better. He had tried hard. He had done what Alexx had told him, but when it didn't appear as if it was working, he just gave up and waited for his body to stop being sick on its own.


"Well Derek Conan, I think you recognize MDPD." Frank said, "You were here ten years ago."

"It has changed a little bit." Derek said, "I have no idea why you had to arrest me in front of my kids and wife, Srgt. But you better have a good reason, or else…"

"Or else what? You're going to sue us?" Frank asked.


"Well, Mr. Conan, you are here because we found your skin cells on a bullet that was picked out of Justin Boyer's body, three days ago." Horatio said.

"I've never heard of Justin Boyer and I know that I've never touched a bullet in my entire life." Derek said.

"That's BS." Frank said, "How do you explain your skin cells on that bullet then?"

"It must have been planted." Derek said.

"That's funny. You see, we looked at what you have been buying recently and it turns out that you bought bullets for a sniper gun. Mr. Boyer was killed with a sniper bullet." Horatio said, "And then you dug the bullet out of his body and threw it on the street."

"My hobby is shooting different guns."

"Your wife says you've never fired a gun in your entire life." Horatio said.

"She doesn't know. She dislikes guns, so it's a secret." Derek sighed, "Look, I'm a father of two girls. I am a married man. Would I really kill a lawyer?"

"Who told you Mr. Boyer was a lawyer?" Frank asked smirking, "You said you didn't know who he was."

"I watch the news, okay." Derek said, "Is there anything else?"

"Not for now." Horatio said, "But don't leave town."

"Goodbye officers." Derek sighed and left the room.

He looked back at Frank and smirked. Frank sighed.

"You think he's lying?" Frank asked.

"Absolutely." Horatio said and rubbed his eyes again. Frank noticed this and patted Horatio on the shoulder.

He was one of the few that didn't tell Horatio to go home all the time. He knew that Horatio had his entire team tell him that all the time. Instead, Frank was there for support and ready to listen if Horatio needed to talk.


Ryan smirked as he hid behind the couch in the break room. It was lunch hour and he knew that it was only a matter of time before Eric and Calleigh would have lunch in the break room. Since Calleigh was eight months pregnant, she didn't like to walk around too much and therefore tried to only be in the lab. She always complained about how big she looked. Eric thought she looked beautiful. As Ryan had expected, Calleigh and Eric entered the break room and sat down. Eric had went out and bought some Chinese food.

"Food!" Calleigh giggled and snatched the food from Eric.

She sat down by the table and placed her food on it. She started eating before Eric had even sat down next to her.

Calleigh was due to give birth in four weeks, and only had one week left to work. Then she would be on maternity leave. As Eric and Calleigh ate, Ryan aimed his water gun at Eric's neck and shot some water at him.

Eric yelped as he felt the water hit him and turned around. He didn't see anyone and shrugged. Calleigh was too busy eating to notice. Ryan aimed at Eric's back this time.

"What the?" Eric said and turned around once more as water hit his back, "Did you see anyone shooting water at me?"

"Nope." Calleigh said.

"Something hinky is going on." Eric said, before he turned back to his food.

Ryan tried to contain his laughter as he aimed at Eric's head. He almost got caught this time and laid down on the floor. He crawled towards the corned of the couch and aimed at Eric's feet. Eric growled and walked towards the couch. Ryan knew he would get caught and just as Eric looked at him, he shot water in his face.

"Wolfe!" Eric yelled and tried to run away from the water.

Ryan laughed and aimed at Eric's chest. Eric growled and snatched the water gun from Ryan. Now it was Ryan's turn to get wet. Ryan chuckled as Eric shot water in his face.

"Let's not forget the front of your shirt." Eric smirked.

But by now, the gun was out of water. Eric sighed and went to fill it up. Ryan screamed no, and grabbed the gun. He and Eric spent the next five minutes fighting over the gun.

"Boys!" Alexx growled from the doorway, "What are you doing?"

"Ryan shot water at me!" Eric said.

"You love to be in the water. You're like a fish. I just thought I remind you of that." Ryan chuckled.

"Can't you guys play after work?" Alexx asked.

"What's the fun in that?" Ryan asked.

Alexx shook her head and sat down next to Calleigh. Eric and Ryan went to change their clothes.

"Once our baby is born Eric will be a great play mate." Calleigh chuckled.

"If it's a boy, Eric and Ryan will teach him all the bad tricks they know." Alexx said, "And if it's a girl then… they will do the same thing."

"I know." Calleigh grinned, "However, it will be you, Frank and H that will spoil the baby."

"Hey! I think Frank and Horatio are worse at that than me." Alexx smiled.

"Not even close." Calleigh chuckled.

Eric came back with new and dry clothes. He smiled and gave Calleigh a kiss on the cheek, before getting back to eating his lunch. Ryan also smiled as he came back. He was carrying a bigger water gun behind his back.

"Eric, do you have another set of extra clothes in your locker?" Ryan asked.

"No, why?"

Ryan smirked and once again shot water all over Eric. Eric growled and ran towards Ryan. Ryan ran down the hallway in the lab, while still making Eric wet. Eric growled and tried to grab Ryan. Ryan was so busy looking behind him as he ran, that he failed to notice Janie's desk. He ran straight into it and actually fell over. Eric was so close behind that he failed to notice Ryan falling over the desk. He landed on top of Ryan, as Ryan continued to shot water in his face.

"You boys want some privacy?" Frank asked as he leaned over the desk.

Eric got off Ryan and stood up. Ryan laughed as he also stood up. Eric gave him a death glare.

"While you two idiots were busy playing, H and I interviewed our prime suspect Derek Conan." Frank said, "We decided to have a car follow him and it appears that he stopped outside big warehouse."

"So?" Ryan asked, "What are we going to do about it?"

"Well, we are going to take a little trip and see what he's up to." Frank said, "Get changed and meet me and H at this address."

Frank wrote down the address on a note and gave it to Eric. Then he left. Eric and Ryan realized that they had no change of clothing. They would have to walk around in wet clothes.

"I guess the sun will dry it for us." Ryan smiled.


Eric and Ryan blushed as they walked towards Horatio and Frank in wet clothes. A few officers were laughing at them.

"Do I want to know?" Horatio asked.

"Probably not." Eric sighed, "What are we going to do H?"

Before Horatio could answer. Shots were heard flying through the air, one officer was hit immediately.

"Everybody get down!" Horatio shouted.

Everybody hid behind their cars and tried to figure out where the shots were coming from. Frank saw a shooter up on the roof and fired at him. Ryan saw one behind a corner and fired at him. Both Frank and Ryan missed. But there was a third shooter somewhere. Horatio peeked up at the roof and fired at the shooter. Horatio barely managed to duck again as a shot went through the air just above his head.

"They're good." Horatio sighed.

"Where is the third shooter?" Frank asked Horatio.

Horatio shrugged. Another officer was hit, but not as fatally as the first officer. Eric shot at the shooter on the roof and managed to hit him in the chest. The shooter fell and Eric sighed in relief. One down, two to go. Frank screamed in pain as he was shot in the shoulder. Horatio turned to him.

"My shoulder!" Frank hissed in pain.

Horatio grabbed Frank's hand and put them over the wound.

"Keep pressure!" Horatio said and aimed his gun at the shooter in the corner. He almost hit him in the head, but the shooter managed to get away in the last second. Frank groaned. He was in pain, but not seriously injured.

"H, the third shooter is on the gas station roof." Ryan said.

The nearest gas station was one block away. There was no way that Horatio or the officers could hit the third shooter in their position. Eric called dispatch and told them to send officers to the gas station. Just as Ryan was about to take another shot at the shooter in the corner, he was shot in the back and fell down on the ground.

"Wolfe!" Eric yelled and looked down at him.

Ryan's eyes were closing slowly. Eric told him to stay awake.

"H, we need to get out of here!" Eric yelled, "Wolfe, stay with me!"

Horatio nodded and took a deep breath. He had four officers down, one possibly dead. Horatio crawled passed Ryan and Eric to get a better position. Without hesitation, he stood up and fired at the shooter. He hit him in the head. Horatio then ducked behind the car again, just as a bullet went passed his right ear.

"We still have a third shooter." Frank growled, "Get that son of a bitch!"

"I can't from here." Horatio said.

Suddenly everything went quiet. After a few minutes, they heard on the radio that the third shooter had been shot. Rescue was on their way. Within two minutes, Frank, Ryan, the shooter on the roof and one of the officers were taken to the hospital. The first officer who had been shot was dead. Horatio went to the hospital with Eric, closely behind the ambulance. As they reached the hospital, they saw Ryan and Frank being wheeled away. They were told to wait in the waiting area. As they waited for news on their friends and for the rest of the team to arrive, they simply sat in silence. Eric noticed how Horatio yawned several times and rubbed his eyes. He winced as Horatio coughed, because he knew it hurt.

"You need something to drink H?" Eric asked, "It may help."

"No, nothing helps." Horatio sighed and closed his eyes.

He leaned back in the chair and seemed to fall asleep. Eric went to get some coffee. He knew that he would stay a while in the hospital. After ten minutes, Alexx and Calleigh showed up.

"Hey, any news yet?" Calleigh asked.

"Not yet." Eric sighed, "Ryan is the one in worst condition."

"And Frank?" Alexx asked.

"Hit in the shoulder. One officer died and the other was hit in the waist, but not fatally."

"What a day." Calleigh sighed and sat down.

Alexx shook her head as she took a look at Horatio. He was taking short breaths as if he was having trouble to get air into his lungs. She gently shook him and he opened his eye.

"You okay?" She asked.

Horatio nodded and yawned again. Alexx nodded for him to follow her outside.

"We're going to take a little walk." Alexx said.

"Where' Nat?" Eric asked.

"She's keeping Stetler away and instructing the extra help on what to do. She told us to come here and she would join us as soon as possible." Calleigh said.

Alexx and Horatio left the room. Horatio was walking slowly. Alexx kept an eye on him. Once they came outside, Horatio took a deep breath and seemed much more alive.

"Feeling better?" Alexx asked.

"Yeah, a little."

"Maybe you should get checked by a doctor again." Alexx said, "Let me finish Horatio… I'm worried. We all are. And you are not getting any better. Something is wrong."

"And the doctors don't know what it is." Horatio said.

"How much did the doctor check last time? Did he x-ray you?"

"No, he just asked questions and listened to my heart and lungs." Horatio sighed.

"He should have checked more." Alexx sighed, "What if I get my friend to take a look?"

"Alexx, is it really necessary?"

"What have you got to loose?" Alexx asked.

"Okay." Horatio sighed and went back inside with Alexx.

Once they got back to the waiting area. Alexx went to find her friend. She came back quickly.

"He will be here in about an hour." Alexx said, "Any news on Ryan or Frank yet?"

"Nope. But I think we're about to find out." Calleigh said as nurse approached them.

"Are you here for Frank Tripp?" The nurse asked.

"Yes we are." Alexx said.

"Srgt. Tripp is doing very well. The bullet went straight through his shoulder but didn't hit anything." The nurse smiled, "He will make full recovery and is waiting for you in room 416. We want to keep him here overnight though."

"Thanks." Alexx smiled and got up with everybody else to see their friend.

When they entered Frank's room, they were greeted by a very angry Texan. Frank just wanted to leave. Alexx pushed him back into bed.

"Tomorrow you can go home." She said.

"Tomorrow? That's forever." Frank sighed, "I can't wait that long."

"You spend too much time with H. You're starting to sound like him." Eric smirked, "Seriously though Frank, how are you feeling?"

"Good." Frank said, "I was lucky."

"Yes you were." Alexx smiled, "Now be a good patient and don't scare the nurses."

"I've never done that have I?" Frank asked.

"Last time you were in the hospital, you growled so much that two nurses actually asked to transfer to another floor." Calleigh reminded.

"I was much younger back then, much more immature." Frank said.

"It was nine months ago." Eric chuckled.

"Nine months is a long time." Frank said, "You didn't bring H with ya?"

Alexx looked behind Eric and frowned. She was sure that Horatio had followed them. Eric peeked outside the room, but didn't see Horatio.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom." Calleigh suggested.

"I'll see where he went." Eric said and left the room.

He started walking back to the waiting area and found Horatio still sitting in his chair. His eyes weren't focusing on anything. Eric became worried and knelt down in front of his boss.

"H?" He asked.

He snapped his fingers in front of his face and Horatio blinked. He looked at Eric and shrugged.

"I guess I went to la-la-land for a while." Horatio sighed, "I'm sorry."

"H, are you sure that you're okay?" Eric asked.

Horatio nodded and stood up. He walked with Eric to Frank's room. Frank smiled as he saw his best friend. Then the door opened and the same nurse as before entered the room.

"I'm guessing you are also here for Ryan Wolfe?" She asked.

"That's correct." Alexx said.

"Dt. Wolfe has lost a lot of blood. He is in surgery right now to get the bullet out of him. But he is fine for now." The nurse smiled.

"Thank you." Alexx said and the nurse left, "Thank God that both you and Ryan are okay."

"Yeah I know." Frank smiled.


AN: Please review!