It was Wednesday night, and Alice had convinced Edward and I to tag along on a little trip to the movies with Lauren and Jessica. Apparently she had had a very amusing vision.

"Alice!" I snarled, as she pulled my hair tightly and got hair spray in my eyes. Alice spun me around to examine my hair. She sighed and bit her lip.

"I suppose it'll have to do. It still tops the hairstyles Lauren and Jessica are going with," she muttered to herself.

"Alice, why do we have to go through this? Do you enjoy watching me suffer? I'm going to have to spend the whole night putting up with Lauren flirting with Edward!"

Alice pulled out another can of hair spray and began spraying my hair again. I coughed as I inhaled the fumes.

"Look, Bella. You know what your problem is? You don't know what it means to have fun. There's no way in hell that Edward's going to fall for Lauren. Surely you know that. I've got a pretty good feeling that you might actually enjoy yourself tonight, because for once, Lauren and Jessica will be suffering."


"Edward's going. You don't want him to be on his own with Lauren tonight, do you?" she sighed. "And I'll be there to back you up, as well. Let's just go and have a bit of fun tormenting them."

I grabbed the can of hair spray from her hands and threw it out the window.

"I was asthmatic when I was little," I pouted, getting to my feet and leaving her to fiddle with her own hair in front of the mirror.

I found Edward standing in front of the mirror in Rosalie and Emmett's room looking grumpy. It appeared as though Alice had used a few jars of gel to flatten down his hair. He looked very strange without his hair sticking up at the front.

He was trying desperately to try and get his hair back to normal, but Alice had obviously foreseen that he would try and used enough gel that he would be unable to if he tried.

"Flat hair doesn't suit you," I sighed, leaning against the doorframe. He tried one last time to mess up his flattened hair before grinning at me and looking me up and down.

"Wow, Bella. You look beautiful in that dress," he said, complimenting me on my attire. I blushed. I thought the dress was actually unnecessary. Did it really matter what I wore to some movie?

"How come you get to go in shorts and a shirt? You look like your normal self."

"Bella," sighed Alice, pushing past me and shaking her head at Edward who had taken up his position in front of the mirror again, fiddling with his hair. "Lauren already thinks that Edward is good-looking. We need to show her how gorgeous you are when you actually try to dress up, and that she doesn't stand a chance going up against you."

Alice could be very convincing. I gave in. There was no getting out of this…

Lauren POV

"Eww, Lauren, you look like a boy!"

We were standing in front of the mirror looking at our hideous clothes for my date with Edward at the movies. It was a date, even if Alice and Bella were there as well.

I wrinkled my nose at our appearances. Jessica and I really did look like boys. The whole point was to look like Bella usually did. So Jessica and I had gone down to the mall after school and purchased two baggy football shirts and baggy jeans.

As for our hair, we had just rubbed our hair on the ground and on trees in my backyard. It was messy, matted and full of dirt, just like Bella's usually looked like.

The whole point of tonight was for me to try and win Edward over by dressing up like a boy, like Bella usually did. I had made Jessica do the same, as it would be too painful to look hideous and have to see her in gorgeous designer labels.

"Bella doesn't look like this!" whined Jessica. "I've never seen her in a football shirt, and her hair doesn't look as matted and dirty as ours looks right now! It's not perfect, but she does brush it. But did you see Angela's hair this morning? She looked like she had spent the night in a garbage bin! Tyler was like…"

"Jessica!" I growled, annoyed at her babbling. "Your fashion sense is tasteless compared to mine. Trust me, this is what Bella will be looking like tonight, and that's apparently what Edward likes. Edward is going to be all over me tonight. Say goodbye to your boyfriend, Bella. He's mine."

I handed Jessica a wet baseball cap. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"What is this? Why is it wet?" she gasped in horror. I rolled my eyes. Bella could wear this stuff, so why couldn't we?

"I gave it to my dog to make it the quality of Isabella's hats. It's got holes in it, and it's covered in drool! Exactly what Bella wears!" I grinned.

Jessica sighed and put the hat on her head, shuddering.

"Bella's only ever worn a hat once or twice, Lauren. They were better than these stupid…"

I cut her off, and put my cap on.

"Let's do this," I sighed, grabbing my car keys off of the table and turning the lights off.

We arrived at the movies ten minutes later. I have to admit, I was wondering whether Bella would find a way to stop Edward from coming tonight. I mean, she knew as well as I did that he was in love with me and fantasized over being with me. She was so jealous of his love for me.

Which is one of the reasons why I was shocked when I saw Alice, Edward and Bella standing outside the theatre waiting for us.

The other reason was that instead of her usual football shirt and baggy pants and ripped cap, Bella was wearing a gorgeous designer baby blue dress that looked as if it would have cost thousands. Her hair looked as if it had been professionally done for a change, and it actually looked clean for once.

To top it all off, she was wearing a pair of black high heels with a gold buckle that I had been fantasizing about for months, but had been unable to afford. She was even holding a designer Gucci black handbag.

Isabella Swan, the ugliest person in the world, had somehow pulled off looking like a supermodel on the red carpet. I was distraught.

Was Bella that jealous of Edward's love for me that she had gotten Alice to dress her to look like I usually did?

Although, I had to admit, she looked a little better than I usually did.

Ugh! Bella was such a…

"Hey," greeted Alice, as we arrived before them. She looked up at my dirt-filled hair and turned her nose up in disgust.

Jessica and I were too shocked to say anything. To make matters worse, Bella was wearing a devilish little smirk, as if she had known that this would happen tonight. I glared at her.

Edward couldn't take his eyes off of her. I felt as if I could cry for weeks. In fact, seeing as I hadn't put makeup on, I could cry without making mascara run down my cheeks.

But I had to pull myself together. I was going to win Edward over, no matter what it took, and no matter how bad I looked.

I elbowed Jessica in the side. She winced in pain.

"Ow, Lauren, what was that for?" she muttered in anger. I elbowed her again. She glared at me, before putting on a fake smile and turning to Edward, Alice and Bella.

"Hey guys," she said, trying to sound happy, although I had a feeling that she wanted to cry almost as much as I did.

"Can we go in?" asked Bella, turning to Edward. "It's a little chilly."

Edward took off his coat and put it around her shoulders. My eyes filled with tears. Bella was going to pay for this. I bet she had been spying on us, had known that we would try and dress like her tonight, so had staged the whole thing so that she would look like a supermodel, and make us look like homeless people.

How I wanted to have Edward give me his coat…

We followed them inside and bought our tickets. I was so upset that it took me six minutes and thirty-three seconds to notice Edward's sexy flat hair. I felt like drooling. Edward was just so gorgeous!

"Jess, keep your cool. We won't let that stupid Isabella get in the way of our plans to get Edward as a date to your party," I muttered as Alice went to buy popcorn. Bella was still wearing Edward's coat. I wanted that coat. I needed it.

We walked into the movie, and I pretended to stumble up the stairs, knocking Bella into a passing old lady. I smirked as I took a seat between Alice and Edward.

Bella got to her feet, looking annoyed. She glared at me before taking a seat on the other side of Edward.

"So are you looking forward to Jessica's party this weekend?" I asked Edward, making conversation. Edward shrugged.

"Not really."

"But you're going, aren't you?" I pushed, crossing my fingers hopefully. Edward looked over at Alice and nodded.

"Well it's a shame, really. I'm dateless."

Edward didn't hear what I had said, because Bella had launched into conversation on the other side of him about how someone called Billy had broken his wheelchair trying to outrun her father. He sounded like a complete idiot. However, Edward seemed to be paying her his full attention.

"Who chose this movie?" came Alice's voice, shaking her head at the screen. Bella laughed.


"What's with you and zombie movies?" snarled Jessica from the other side of Alice. Edward put his arm around Bella and sighed happily. I groaned.

"Something wrong, Lauren?" asked Alice sweetly. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing," I muttered.

I had run out of comebacks, and conversation starters. I fell forward as someone kicked the back of my chair. I got to my feet and turned around in anger to see a boy who looked around ten laughing at me. I glared at him.

It looked as if he had come with his grandmother. She had fallen fast asleep in her chair, and was snoring loudly.

"Kid, kick my chair again and see what happens," I growled. The kid just giggled as I sat down again. Who would bring a stupid little kid like that into a zombie movie full of teens and adults?

Kick. Kick. Kick.

I turned around and stuck my finger up at him.

"Don't make me come up there, kid!" I snarled.

Kick. Kick. Kick.

That gave me an idea.

"I'm going to get a refill," I said, getting to my feet and walking past Alice.

"Don't you need your cup?" called Alice. I crouched down and crawled into the row behind us. The boy was still giggling when I reached him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him. He frowned at me, before giggling even harder.

"You smell really bad. Are you one of those homeless crazy old men?" he giggled. I glared at him. He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Actually," he continued. "You look like the road kill dog I found on the side of the road last month and put under my bed."

I shuddered at the thought of him handling a decapitating dog and keeping it under his bed. It was a good thing I hadn't eaten, or I would have thrown up everywhere…

That gave me an idea!

"I'm just dressed up like this. But I have lots of money, and if you do me a little favor, I'll give you as much candy as you want," I muttered, holding up a fifty dollar note. His face lit up.

"Sure, I'll do whatever you want."


"I'm back!" announced Lauren, retaking her seat next to Edward. It was a good thing that I had come tonight, or I would have missed out on seeing her look like a hobo.

The movie was so boring. Maybe I should have let someone else pick the movie. It was quite obvious that I didn't get out much…

I got to my feet and screamed as something cold and wet splashed onto my head. I turned around to see a little boy belching. I screamed as I realized that I was covered in chunky vomit. Why the hell hadn't Alice foreseen this?

"Shut up, you stupid kid!" yelled a girl down the front of the theatre.


"Some of us are trying to watch this epic failure of a movie!"

"We missed the blood and guts part!"

I honestly didn't give a…

"Oh my gosh!" squealed Lauren. "That is revolting. Bella covered in vomit, yuck! Edward, don't get too close to her."

Edward embraced me in a tight hug, and I heard Lauren muttering angrily to herself.

"Let's go home," he muttered. "Get you cleaned up."

Alice got to her feet, and I glared at her. I knew that she had seen that kid vomiting on me in her vision. Edward would have seen it to. I let go of his arm in anger and stalked off out of the cinema. Stares followed me as they saw that I was covered in vomit.

Knowing that I was covered in vomit, I sat in the front seat of the Volvo.

Lauren POV

It's not fair. I'm actually really smart. My plans are always fantastic, but for some unknown reason, they never work out how they should.

"I hate her," I growled as Alice and Edward raced after Bella. What did she have that I didn't? Money? No, judging by her usual clothes. Looks? Absolutely not. I was perfect, flawless. She was ugly. Uglier than my step mum, which is actually quite ugly.

Lucas, the kid who had helped me out, grinned at me.

"Did you see that? Someone should have videotaped that or something. I would have made youtube! Star of the century!"

I rolled my eyes and threw him a fifty-dollar note for his efforts at vomiting on Bella.

"Uh oh, after all that candy, I think I'm going to vomit again!" he squealed, getting to his feet. He raced off in the direction of the door. Pathetic.

"Sit down, hobo!" yelled someone in the crowd. I sat down and pouted.

"Don't worry about it, Lauren. I'm sure Edward likes you," said Jessica.

"What do you know?" I snarled. "Your party's in a few days, and I'm fresh out of ideas for getting Edward. What am I going to do about being dateless? Even Tyler will have a date by then!"

Jessica put a hand on my shoulder, and I brushed it off angrily.

"Don't worry, Lauren. I've got a plan. Chances are, it will work."

Perhaps there was still hope…

There you go. :D Took me a while, but here's the next chapter. Review your feedback, please. I love to know what people think, and to get ideas.
