
The morning was bright and clear. Mantabirds flew through the cloudless sky above the great docks of Situla. Two figures stood close to each other near the Morsa where it was moored. Silver had refitted and was ready to set sail. His entire crew had not only received pardons for any and all past crimes but had been awarded commendations for their actions during the battle. In addition they'd been paid a portion of the prize money from the captured ships. Now at the foot of the gangplank Fidda stood with Jack.

"I have to go." Fidda said softly.

"I know, lass."

"It would never have worked between us, Jack." She looked up at him wanting him to believe that.

"I'll keep tellin' myse'f that, Fidda." Jack smiled warmly into her eyes.

"Jack, we're not even the same species."

"Aye. But we're the same breed."

The girl smiled at that and leaned up to give him a kiss. They lingered only a moment and then she was gone. At the head of the gangplank Fidda stopped to look back and wave. Jack smiled, waved and reluctantly turned to stride up the dock.


Sarah Hawkins sat up in bed. She was still sleepy but there was work to be done. The sun would be coming up in a little while and her guests would want breakfast. There would be the usual run of miners and sailors as well. She could hear the sounds of a tussle down the hall in Jim's room. Now what? She slid her feet out from under the covers and into her slippers. Putting on her robe she made for the door only to have it burst open with a wild eyed BEN on the other side.

"Oh! He-he. I was just coming to get you!" BEN rattled with uncertain laughter. He shot a quick look over his shoulder toward Jim's room then turned back to Sarah with a lame smile. "They're at it again."

"So I hear." Sarah said wryly. She tied her robe and sallied into the hall. There came a sudden bump and an exclamation of distress. Sarah quickened pace. The door swung silently open to reveal the children in various poses of combat. Pillows were raised ready to strike and bloodthirsty scowls on their faces. All froze as Sarah entered the room. She had to force herself not to laugh. For a change the boy had the upper hand.

"If you want breakfast you need to drop those pillows and clean up and get dressed." Sarah said severely. With startled, guilty looks the children dropped their weapons and scrambled for the door scooting past Sarah's knees as they made for the bathroom. She let herself chuckle now that they couldn't see her any more. Then the humor was replaced by worry. What if Amelia and Delbert never made it back? She could raise the children, certainly. There would be no hardship as far as money. But how would she tell them? It had been so hard on Jim when his father left but at least there'd been hope that he would come back. That Jim might see him again. If Amelia failed then these sweet little ones would be orphaned and in her care. She shook off these gloomy thoughts. Amelia was the single most capable person Sarah had ever met. If it could be done then Amelia was the one to do it. And she loved Delbert. Woe be to the person or army that tried to take him from Amelia. No. They would come home. She would take care of the children until then. There was a crash from the bathroom followed by a chorus.

"I didn't do it!" "It wasn't my fault." "Not me!" "That hurt!"

Sarah shook her head and made her way down the hall again. As she reached the head of the stairs there came a knock at the door.

"Who could that be this early?" She wondered aloud. Hitching her robe more tightly for the sake of modesty she slipped down the stairs and to the door. As it opened she nearly fainted. There were Amelia and Delbert!

Later after the children had settled in to hear all about the adventure from their father the ladies sat in the Benbow's kitchen over tea.

"You will come up to the house this evening for supper." Amelia prodded.

"Well I suppose BEN can handle things here for a couple of hours." Sarah conceded.

"Jim looks wonderful. Quite the capable spacer he's turned into." Amelia said as she reached into her pocket. "He wanted me to give you this."

It was a small clasp locket similar to the one Sarah already wore around her neck. She took it and opened it. Holograms instantly materialized before her. They were of the crew of his ship, the port at Situla, the vessels they'd captured, and then came a series of Amelia, Dopler and a man and young woman she didn't know. This was followed by two or three of just the girl and several more of the girl and Jim. Sarah smiled knowingly.

"That's Annamaria." Amelia answered the question before Sarah asked. "She's a fine child. You'll meet her and Captain Sparrow this evening. That's the man in the holo's."

"She's not the usual sort I thought Jim might be interested in." Sarah said in a way that asked for more information.

"She's as much a handful as Jim ever was. But she's a good girl." Amelia's tone changed. "I have to take her back to her home. Until the war is over. Jim asked me to. But we have to finish refitting the Legacy before we can go."

"Plenty of time for me to get to know her then."

"Indeed." Amelia reached out and gently closed the locket as the children stormed in to demand cookies with Delbert at their heals.


I have been asked where I get my character names and a variety of the off the wall words that I use in my stories. I thought that it might be of interest to my readers to know what the names mean and where the words come from. This appendix will only cover names and words that I have added to the combined universe of my stories. Any names or words from the original stories are not my property and therefor not my responsibility.

Fleet Street - This is a reference to a particular friend of mine who supplied much encouragement and some guidance while I wrote this story. Though I don't know the later was intentional it was still valuable.

Dick - At the beginning of the story Jack meets with a tavern keeper named Dick. He is a large overweight man and the sign over his door is emblazoned with the image of a white wale. This is a reference to Moby Dick the classic novel.

Molly - There are always prostitutes named Molly.

Billy - Reference to Billy Bones from the original Treasure Island but only a vague reference.

Tom - Reference to Tom Polhause from The Maltese Falcon. Again only a (very) vague reference.

Sven - Reference to another friend who happens to be Swedish.

The little grey cat that Amelia picks up in the stable - My cat Hank.

The Mhinm Imperium - No actual reference here though I was asked if it referred to the Rats of Nihm. The similarity was accidental.

Mommy Kioni - An African name meaning She Sees. Mommy is a title sometimes given to women in Caribbean cultures when they are venerable.

Closton - No reference here at all. The name just sounded stolid like Mr. Gibbs in the PotC movies.

Port Cerberus - Reference to the two headed dog of Greek myth that guards the plains of the underworld.

Muliphein - Arabic name for an actual star in Canis Major. It means "the two causing dispute and the swearing of an oath". I thought that this was somehow appropriate for the story.

The Bastard OOck - No reference. Just fun to say.

Brraadtt - No reference but it did sound like what Brraadtt's voice sounds like. To say it properly you must drink at least twelve ounces of something heavily carbonated and just as you are about to burp say the name. Any resulting mess is not my problem.

Clevari - Just a play on words of a sort. Clevari are not known to be clever. Get it?

Strode - Reference to Woody Strode an African American actor of some repute in the fifties and sixties.

The Smollette - Reference to the captain of the Hispaniola in the original Treasure Island.

Weyt - No reference really. It's just that my mechanic always makes me wait.

Fidda - Maltese word meaning silver. Since she's his daughter it seemed appropriate.

Cadno - Welsh word meaning fox.

Xue - Chinese name meaning studious.

Kosta - A misspelling of the Swedish word kasta which means flint. Reference to Captain Flint from Treasure Island and Treasure Planet. The misspelling sounded better for a name.

Morsa - Spanish word for walrus. Reference to the Walrus from Treasure Island. In the book it was Flint's ship that Silver had served on. It seemed appropriate here.

sorlaque - No reference. Just seemed a sinister name for a dangerous animal.

Livesey - Reference to Dr. Livesey from Treasure Island.

Kamol - Thai name meaning big stone.

focha - Welsh word meaning pig.

chawrfil - A Welsh word meaning elephant.

cheffyl - A Welsh word meaning horse.

Trivvet - No reference. Just a good sailor's name.

Alntness - No reference. Again just a good sailor's name.

Situla - This is the traditional name for Kappa Aquarii. Latin word meaning "water jar".

Jiao-long Kong - Chinese names meaning Looks like a dragon, empty. An ironic name for the Mhinm fleets flagship.

Baojia - Chinese name meaning Protects the family.

Aergad - A Breton name meaning strong in battle.

If there are any I missed please let me know and I will make the additions. Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.