16th May 2005

Looking in her small mirror, Lexie tugged her Disney Princess brush through her hair one last time, nodding at her reflection when she'd decided that she'd finally got her hair right. She turned and smiled at the handprints on her wall. The day that her Mom had told her they were staying here with her Dad, was the day that she had added her red handprints to the wall, and Lexie had added her other hand. Now she had her whole family's hands on there, and it looked really cool as well.

Grabbing Jake, Lexie skipped happily down the stairs, pausing on the third to last step when she spotted her Dad standing at the bottom. When he turned to look at her, she swished her new yellow dress and asked, "Do you like it?"

"You look very pretty," he replied, leaning forward and swooping her into a hug, he kissed her cheek. "Happy Birthday, Lex."

"I'm five," she informed him proudly, holding up five fingers as proof of point.

He nodded. "I know, you're getting old. You're catching me and your Mom up."

"Don't be silly," she giggled. Craning her neck she glanced around the hallway. "Where is Mommy?"

"Just sorting out a couple of things."

"Are people here yet?"

"Not yet, they won't be long though."

Lexie nodded, and wriggled until she was placed on the ground, scooting off into the kitchen to see her Mom. She bounded up onto one of the kitchen stools, frowning as her Mom quickly threw a cover back over the food on the counter. "What you doing?" she asked.

"Making sure you don't get to see your birthday cake until we sing to you."

"You could let me peek?" Lexie suggested hopefully. "I won't tell."

Jenny laughed and tweaked her daughter's nose. "No, but nice try."

Letting out a small huff, Lexie folded her arms, her legs swinging impatiently, biting her lips to hold back the 'I'm bored' that was threatening to escape.

As her Dad walked into the room, she looked up, pulling a face when he and her Mom started kissing. They did that all the time now, she hadn't minded at first, now it was getting icky. She watched as her Dad whispered something to her Mom and she laughed. She liked living here though, it meant that she got to see both her Mom and her Dad everyday, and she had her Dad's team, who always came up with cool stuff for her to do.

Lexie was just about to attempt to lift the corner of the covering, when the doorbell went. Squealing excitedly Lexie flung herself off the stool and sprinted in the direction of the door, just as she was about to reach for the handle, she felt he Dad's hand on her shoulder, tugging her back. He frowned down at her. "What's the rule?"

Lexie gave a long sigh before replying, "I'm not to answer the door in case it's a stranger. But," she pouted. "I know who it is."

"No, you think you know who it is."


"Lexie, the rule stays," he stated firmly as he opened the door and let his team pile in.

"Told you it was them," Lexie mumbled under her breath, before being swept up into a crushing hug from Abby.

"Happy birthday!!"

"I'm five," came the happy reply.

"I know. You're such a big girl now, and you're wearing such a pretty dress."

"I got it just for today. Did you bring me presents?" Lexie asked hopefully, eyes shining.

"Lexie!" Jenny's scolding voice floated from the kitchen doorway.

"What?" Lexie turned her wide eyes on her Mom. "It's my birthday, I'm meant to get presents."

"It's rude to ask if someone's brought you one though. You shouldn't just expect things like that."

Lexie looked slightly perplexed by this explanation, her bottom lip quivered slightly as she asked, "So no presents?"

"You've got presents to open, don't panic. I'm just telling you that you shouldn't ask people that when they first walk in the door, Ok?"

"Ok," Lexie replied happily, just relieved that she was still getting stuff to open. She loved surprises.

Lexie had seated herself rather precariously on her Dad's knee as she blew out the candles on her mermaid birthday cake. She beamed up at the group of adults who surrounded her, while posing for the picture that Ducky was snapping.

She watched her Mom place the cake onto the table at the back of the living room and squirmed excitedly. She waited until her Mom had sat back down, before leaning to the side and kissing her cheek. "I really like my cake."

"Good," Jenny replied, kissing the top of her daughter's head. "Now I think it's time for you to get your presents."

Lexie clapped excitedly, an excited giggle escaping. Jenny looked over to where Ducky was sitting, giving him a small nod.

The older gentlemen smiled as he pulled out a small rectangular box from inside his suit jacket, leaning forward he passed it to the child he considered the youngest member of their unconventional family. "Happy Birthday my dear."

Grinning, Lexie launched herself at Ducky, knocking his glasses off his nose as she gave him a fierce hug. "Thank you, Ducky."

He chuckled and adjusted his glasses. "You're very welcome, but you still have to open it."

Nodding, Lexie shoved her thumb under one of the cello taped flaps and tore the shiny pink wrapping paper off the box, her gin widening when she saw what was inside. "It's a watch, she thrust the watch upwards so her Dad could see it, narrowly missing whacking him in the face with it. "Daddy look it's blue and it's got ladybugs on it. See."

"I can see, it's very nice. Do you want me to help you put it on?"


Once the watch was firmly secured onto Lexie's small wrist, Abby appeared with a large black gift box that had a silver ribbon wrapped around it. Plucking at the ribbon, Lexie opened the box, pulling out the items inside, her face glowing with delight. "It's an Abby outfit."

"Really?" Gibbs asked, his tone dangerously low as he sent a glare in the irrepressible Goth's direction.

The younger woman shrugged and replied quietly, "It's not exactly the same as mine. The skirt's longer and there's no dog collar or boots."

"Well that put's my mind at rest," Gibbs returned dryly, eyeing the long sleeved black top with the glitter skull on it with something close to distaste.

Lexie on the other hand was thrilled. "Mommy when I wear this will you put my hair into pigtails like Abby's?"

"I think we can manage that," Jenny answered, laughing at Gibbs aghast expression.

The present opening continued, from Kate, Lexie got the pair of red glittery shoes she'd had her eye on. McGee gave her a puppet making kit and Tony gave her outfits for Jake and a selection of different films as part of her 'education'.

She glanced over at the team, and watched as Tony and McGee slipped quietly out of the room, although not quietly enough as Lexie noticed him go, and asked, "Where are Uncle Tony and McGee going?"

"They've forgotten something, they'll be back soon," Gibbs assured her. "Until he gets back, will we take a break in the presents? You can have some cake."

Lexie gave a nod, frowning in the direction of the door, convinced there was something she wasn't being told. Jumping off her Dad's knee, she grabbed both Kate and Abby's hands, dragging them towards the table with the cake on it.

Jenny leaned into Gibbs side, smiling as his arm hugged around her side, tugging her closer. She squeezed his hand, "I think she's on to us."

He laughed. "She knows something's going on, but she's not going to guess what it is."

"That's true," Jenny replied, before turning her attention to Ducky. "That was a lovely present, thank you. I don't think she'll ever want to take it off."

"My pleasure. I hear congratulations are in order for you as well Jennifer, I heard you passed your proficiency tests with flying colours yesterday, although," his eyes twinkled. "I can't say I'm surprised. Does this mean you'll be joining us again soon?"

Jenny nodded. "I have a meeting with Morrow on Monday to get the personnel files of the Agents who are in the running for my team. After that I just have to choose who I want. I should be back by the beginning of June."

Ducky smiled at his two friends. "It will be interesting to see you two working together again."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow at that. "Duck, she's running another team."

"True, but I'm sure your paths will cross at some point."

Any reply either Gibbs or Jenny could make, was cut off by Lexie reappearing, holding two slices of cake. She thrust one under Ducky's nose, telling him happily, "I brought you a bit." Before settling happily onto his knee.

He smiled at her, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." She glanced up at him and asked, "Will you tell me a story?"

Ducky beamed at her. "I would be delighted to."

"Right," Tony declared decisively. "You take that stuff in and I'll take the fur-ball."

McGee warily eyed the pile of dog accessories on the back seat, and suggested, "You could always take some of the smaller things."

Hooking the temporary lead over the dog's neck, Tony shook his head, "No can do, I'm going to have my hands full with this thing." And before McGee could argue any further, jumped out of the car. The dog following him happily. McGee sighed and turned his attention back to the other items, trying to figure out the best way to pick them up.

Hearing a car pull into his driveway, Gibbs tilted his head backwards and on seeing that his two Agents were back, he gave a small cough, interrupting Ducky's story. When he had everyone's attention he told them, "McGee and Dinozzo are back."

Lexie leaned forward, desperate to know what was going on, because she was sure that something was. Her eyes widened as McGee staggered through the door, dumping the items he carried unceremoniously on the floor, groaning as he did so.

Lexie frowned at the pile and asked excitedly, "Is that a dog basket?"

She went to run out the room and investigate further when her Dad caught her, sitting her between him and her Mom. Her Mom tilted her chin too look at her. "Lex, your Dad and I thought long and hard about before deciding you could get a dog. In the end we decided that you're sensible enough to help look us after her, but remember that she's going to need a lot of love and attention, Ok?"

"Uh huh!" Lexie nodded impatiently and asked, "When do I get to see her?" Her eyes wide.

At that moment a black blur flew into the room, stopping when it saw the amount of people. Lexie let out an excited squeal and jumped onto the floor, "It really is a doggy!"

The dog's eyes landed on her, and she jumped up, whining, desperate to be petted. Then dropping on the floor, rolling onto her back, licking Lexie's hands as she petted her. Lexie looked up, giggling as the dog continued to wriggle and jump up at her, trying to get her full attention. "What kind of doggy is it?"

"It's a mix of different types of dogs," Jenny answered. "Now she doesn't have a name yet, so you'll need to think carefully and chose one that will suit her."

"I will," Lexie replied, just before being knocked off her feet, another peel of giggles escaping from her.

Eventually the dog settled down and flopped down next to Lexie's side, her chin resting on the little girl's leg. Lexie glanced over at the pile of accessories sitting on the floor, and asked, "So are those her birthday presents?"

McGee frowned. "Um, it's not actually the dog's birthday."

"Yes it is, we got her today so that makes it her birthday as well, so she should get presents." Her eyes brightened. "Can she have cake?"

"No!" Came the resounding reply from both her parents.

Eventually the group moved outside. The adults sat on the grass, various topics of conversations circulating around them, while Lexie played with the newly named Roxie, whirling a string of plastic sausages around her head as she ran around in a circle giggling.

"You must have got the mangiest dog in the kennels," Gibbs muttered.

Jenny shrugged. "She was the best dog for Lexie, she's young and unbelievably good natured."

Gibbs just gave a small non-committal mumble in reply.

After a few minutes, both Lexie and Roxie came tearing towards them, Lexie flinging herself joyfully into her Dad's arms, and the dog attempting to follow suit. Once settled, Lexie hugged Roxie into her and informed her parents, "I know what I want for Christmas."

Jenny stifled a laugh, and replied, "Lex you've only just had your birthday and it's only May."

"I know," Lexie answered, rolling her eyes. "But it might take Santa a while to get it, so I need to tell him now."

"Right," Jenny nodded seriously. "So what is it?"

"I want a baby sister."

The group fell silent, eyes swivelling to watch both Jenny and Gibbs. Jenny cleared her throat awkwardly and told her daughter, "It doesn't really work that way, Lex."

Lexie's forehead creased. "Well I suppose if I can't choose then a little brother would be ok."

Gibbs shot Tony a glare as the younger man started to laugh, and Jenny attempted another tack. "No, what I meant was that that isn't up to Santa, that a decision that your Dad and I have to make."

"Well can you have another baby then?" Lexie asked innocently.

"No, Lex."

"Why not?"

"Because we have you, and that's enough for us."

"But everyone else has a brother or sister," Lexie pouted. "Hannah has one of each."

"Lex, the answers no," Jenny stated firmly.

Lexie shrugged and kissing the top of Roxie's furry head replied, "We'll see."

Gibbs shook his head, "Answer's always going to be the same, Lex."

Pushing herself to her feet and levelled a serious gaze at both her parents. "That," she replied pointedly. "Is what you said about getting a dog." Before turning on her heels and running back towards the ball lying in the middle of the grass, leaving the group of adults speechless in her wake.

After a few seconds Tony piped up cheekily, "Better get to work then, Boss."

The crack from the resulting head slap echoed around the garden, mingling with the rest of the groups laughter.

A/N: So this story is finally at an end *blinks dazedly* I can't quite believe it lol.

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who read, reviewed or alerted this story, and I hope you enjoyed it.

And also to let you all know that the first chapter of the Vamp collaberation with Elflordsmistress shall be going up at some point this week, so watch out for it :)