Title: Blackberries in June

Author: Wolf of Sylvyr

Rating: K+

Spoilers: Nope

Summary: Emeilia-Rose encouraged me to try this whole 1 Hour picture challenge shindig so I did.

Leroy Jethro Gibbs hated lunch meetings. For starters, it meant over two hours of extremely boring persons droning on and on about extremely inconsequential things. The boredom factor, however, could be remedied by letting his mind wander, and was more of a nuisance because he was wasting time than a reason to deeply hate lunch meetings. Jethro's problem with lunch meetings went far beyond mere exasperation; he detested these bi-monthly, two hour segments of his life with a passion that was almost holy. And the reason for such fervent loathing was sitting across from him doing a very good impression of listening to the representative from legal. Jennifer Shepard was what made these meetings a living hell and June was soon to surpass February as the worst meeting to date.

In Washington D.C., June was blackberry season. Because of this someone, he assumed Noemi, had packed a container full of ripe blackberries into Jen's lunch. Now he got to reap the full consequences of that gastronomical decision as he forget any pretense of listening to the legal mumbo-jumbo, and concentrated on the fact that Jen was eating those berries in the least work-appropriate manner possible.

Blackberries were a weakness of hers; he could easily remember the way her eyes had lit up when she had first discovered the bounty growing on the brambles behind his house. He could still remember the huge amount of money he had laid down for a small flat of the sweet fruit in Paris. The sizeable portion of his paycheck had been well worth it and, with the combination of very fond memories and what he was currently observing; Jethro realized that unless the woman across from him finished those raspberries very soon, he would have to remain seated at the end of the meeting.

To help his current condition, Jethro tried to concentrate on the balding guy from legal who was halfway through a presentation rife with pie charts and bar graphs. Unfortunately, he was having difficulty ignoring Jen. She glanced away from the presentation and, for a second, she dropped her mask of rapt attention to give Jethro a wink that was definitely not green-light behaviour. He groaned to himself and mentally slapped himself on the back of the head. He was absolutely positive now: blackberries in June were way worse than asparagus in February.