"What is this?" Jack asked, holding out his sandwich. Ianto managed to keep his expression neutral.

"That would be a sandwich," he informed his captain. "The two slices of bread are usually a giveaway."

"What kind of sandwich?" Jack asked suspiciously, frowning at the whatever it was that was situated between the two slices of bread. He'd eaten many things in his life - not all of them technically edible, but he was sure he'd never eaten anything that looked like that.

"That would be fluffernutter, sir. I believe it is an American concoction."

"You do remember that I'm not really American?"

"It's the accent, sir. It confuses people."

"Ah." Jack retracted the sandwich and studied it. The gooey white layer was sticking tenaciously to one slice of bread and a layer of peanut butter clung to the other.

"This isn't like the time you put bananas on my sandwich is it?" Jack wasn't sure he'd recovered from finding slices of fruit when he'd expected some form of meat.

"Some people do eat fluffernutter with bananas," Ianto assured him. "I thought you might prefer it in pure form."

"Oh." Jack considered the sandwich one more time before lifting it to his mouth. With the manner of a man prepared to suffer, he took a healthy bite. Two quick chews and barely enough time to swallow and he was taking a second bite and then a third.

"You can't have my sandwich," Ianto told him, eating his own snack at a more sedate pace. Jack pulled a sad face and picked at the crumbs in his lap. He silently counted to seven before Ianto relented and handed him another sandwich, neatly tucked into a plastic sandwich bag.

Jack leaned over to take it, giving Ianto a big kiss on the way.

"This isn't half bad," he mumbled thickly through a mouthful of marshmallow cream, peanut butter and whole grain bread. He gave Ianto a grin, then laughed as he caught a flicker of something in Ianto's expression.

"I believe I've found your secret weakness!" Jack crowed, nudging Ianto's shoulder with his own. "I thought this was just another of your attempts to feed me strange concoctions but no... I think you actually like this."

Ianto took the last bite of his sandwich, blushing faintly under Jack's delighted gaze.

"In fact, I think you like it because it's sweet and sticky, don't you?"

Ianto reached behind him and took out another sandwich, unwrapping it carefully, his attention focused entirely on the food. He studiously pried the bread apart to reveal the filling. Lifting his head, he looked directly into Jack's eyes and smiled. Slowly, very slowly, he lifted the open sandwich to his mouth and licked the marshmallow cream.

Jack's broad smile transformed into a smaller, more intimate one and he reached over to catch Ianto's hand. He lifted the sandwich to his own mouth and swiped his tongue along the peanut butter.

"Share?" he asked in a husky-voiced whisper.

"Might do." Ianto replied, setting the sandwich aside and wrapping his sticky fingers around Jack's braces to draw him close.

Much later, he introduced bananas into the mix and Jack didn't even consider objecting.
