Disclaimer: If you guys thought that I was the rightful owner of Daa!Daa!Daa! then you might as well think that I am also the queen of Genovia. Ha!

Story So Far: "Shh! I think I hear something," said Kanata with his hand still placed over Miyu's mouth.


"You see? There it is again!"

"…aa! Daa! Daa!" came the voice, nearing Kanata's bedroom door. "Shh, Ruu. Let's give your aunt Miyu a sur-"

"PRISE!" yelled a blonde as she flung open the door, closely followed by a brunet.

There was an awkward silence as she took in the scene of Kanata and Miyu on the futon in their pajamas.

"Oh my…" started the couple at the doorway, lost for any other words to say.


"Onee-chan! I-it's not what you think!" yelled Miyu at once to the blonde standing at the door.

"Oh Miyu! You've finally got a boyfriend and you didn't even bother telling me!" accused the woman as she handed her son over to her husband and walked up to examine Miyu's new 'boyfriend.'

"Wow! He's so handsome! Good choice," she congratulated her sister while pinching a speechless Kanata's cheek and running her hands through his dark hair. "I'd say he looks a bit like you, Hikaru," she continued, turning to look at her own husband. "Eh? Really?" asked Hikaru as he made his way towards the futon. "Ah! Where are my manners?" said Miyu's sister, slapping her forehead lightly. "I completely forgot to introduce myself! I'm Yuriya; Miyu's big sister. This –" she said, pointing to her husband, "is my husband, Hikaru. And this –" she said, picking up the blond baby in her arms, "is our son, Ruu. And, you are…?"

"K-Kanata Saionji," offered the brunet, shaking himself out of the sudden shock he received with the new guests.


"So? When were you going to tell me that you had a boyfriend? After you were married? Seriously, Miyu!" exclaimed Yuriya as she slammed her tea cup on the table. "Before you moved here, we used to share every secret we had with each other. Now, you've already moved in with your boyfriend when I was still stuck thinking that you would need to be sent on a blind date because of your single-ness!"

Moved in with my boyfriend…oh my god! That's right! If they find out that we're not in a relationship–

"Actually Ma'am. The truth is that Miyu and I are not –"

"Able to believe that this happened so fast!" cut in Miyu hastily.


"I mean, onee-chan, I was all up for telling you when we started dating but then I had so much work to do and, half the time, I couldn't reach your number. And we only did move in together 3 days ago…"ended the blonde on a softer note. Oh you better not open your mouth Kanata, or my sister will move in here just to keep me safe from you! Thought Miyu as she threatened the confused brunet with her eyes.

"Oh, is that so? See, Yuriya? Forgive her. She was very busy," said Hikaru, trying to calm his dramatic wife down.


"Thank you Onee-Chan!!! I promise I'll tell you everything in the future"

"Good. Because I'd kill you if you didn't"


Suddenly all eyes fell on the baby in Hikaru's arms.

"Ano…we forgot to tell you the real reason that we came here…" started Hikaru apologetically.

"You see, it's been ages since we've gone anywhere," continued Yuriya, "and, then, one day, Hikaru gets an offer to be transferred to London, so…"

"So we were hoping that you could take care of Ruu while we were away," finished Hikaru, a little guilty to expect so much from the younger couple.


"But it's only for 2 months!" exclaimed Yuriya, trying to get them to calm down. "We just have to get things set up there before we can bring Ruu with us. Please," she pleaded, "you won't even know he's there! Ruu's a well behaved boy…" she ended desperately.

"Oh," started Miyu after a long moment of silence, "well, I wouldn't mind doing this for you guys but, with Kanata here…"

"We'll do it," said Kanata firmly. "I don't mind. I really don't," he assured Miyu when she looked at him uncertainly.

"Thank you so much Miyu and Kanata-san! Now that that's settled, Hikaru, we should go home and pack. Miyu, Ruu's baby bag is in the kitchen and I've left a set of instructions on your desk. Please take care of Ruu! I'll be back in 2 months!" And with that, they were gone.

"Thanks Kanata…"

"Don't mention it."


"Ruu-kun, you good boy. Did you have breakfast yet?" asked Miyu while picking the baby up from the dining table.

"Dau! Mama! Dau!"

"Eh? Mama? No no. I'm your aunt Miyu. See? Not Mama," smiled the blonde as she tried to convince the baby.

After scrutinizing her appearance for a while, Ruu replied with another, "Mama!" as he grasped a bunch of Miyu's gold hair.

"Heh," smirked Kanata as he walked towards the door. "I think he's confusing you with Yuriya-san because you look like her," he said to Miyu.

"Funny, isn't it?" he said, pausing at the doorway to look at the blonde. "You became a mother at this young age," he continued before turning towards the kitchen, leaving an annoyed Miyu in the dining room.

"Dau! Papa!" exclaimed the baby when he saw the brunet leaving.

"Wow Kanata, I didn't know you were a father at this young age," taunted Miyu as she walked past the shocked brunet, towards the kitchen.

Two months, thought the brunet to himself. Just two months…


Author's Note: Argh! I'm not proud of this chapter. This is truly not one of my best works and I'm sorry if it sucks. I know that it's very short but this chapter was basically written to clear the suspense that I created in the previous chapter.

Once again, thank you to –Angel'sbabyblue-, aznurbangrl, Hanisakura, io sono mi-cchi, narter11, jdcocoagirl and '-'Kaori-cchi'-' for reviewing the second chapter of my story and to the people that added my story to their favorite story or story alert list. You make me feel special and motivate me. I hope that you review this chapter as well.

Hey! If you guys think this chapter can be made better, I'm ready to accept any reviews and critiques with suggestions for improvements. I can probably replace this chapter later so I'm really looking forward to your suggestions :)

Next Chapter: Baby Got Lost