Disclaimer: I owned none of the characters (JKR owned them), except for a few of them, which is created by me.

Finally!!! I couldn't believe I made it… with all the essays pressing on me after Christmas… and a new story coming up and all that…

God!!! I can't believe that I could wrap this up in a way like this... My friend is chasing me again for making it tooooooooooo tooooooooooo sweet, I hope she won't kill me in the end... especially if she reads the story I am planning for Bertha... God help me...

By the way, I just discovered that there was another Snape fanfic, whose main charater is also called Eve… Oh God! And the author's name is also Eve… Wow! Actually, my real name is also Eve, but my friends called me Calbee, and that's the reason why I am writing under the name 'Calbee'… I told you all this just because I found it amazing, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don't mix us up. My author name is still Calbee.

Please read and review.

Never had a dream come true

Chapter 21 Epilogue

It was a sunny day in summer, and a wedding was up.

The wedding for Eve Ho and Severus Snape.

Except for her best friends, she didn't invite any other Muggles. So except for them, all the others are from Hogwarts --- Dumbledore, Hooch, McGonagall, Hagrid, Sirius, Remus and the rest of the staff, and of course Harry, Draco, Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

Eve had asked Dumbledore to walk her down the aisle, as she doubted Remus would do the job properly. Instead, she had asked Remus to be Man of Honour, and Miranda to be Maid of Honour, as she noticed that Remus seemed extremely quiet and 'calm' every time Miranda was around.

Everything went fine, and she had finally become Mrs. Snape.

The last part of the ceremony, was throwing the bouquet of flowers, surprisingly Sirius got it, which seemed rather shock for what he got by accident. Harry was really happy because he was probably going to have a godmother soon, if the legend is true, and if he solved his secret.


"Eve." Severus looked at Eve, who was lying in his arms.


"You remembered that your professor said you asked her something after graduation, what did you ask her?"

"I was desperate as I knew I could never work in the advertising area, because of the stolen dissertation. So I asked her for advice, as I was too lost and angry with myself. Guess what she said?"

"What did she say?"

"Girl, don't get mad, get everything." His blank face amused Eve.

"I didn't understand it at that time, but when she asked me again at the gathering, I finally understand."

"What does it mean then?" Severus asked, stroking her hair.

"No use getting angry, get everything you deserve. See what I get now. A cleared name, a good job, no more nosy relatives, good students, a brother, friends and..." she kissed Severus.


"A husband who loves me. I love you."



Jen20069, I'll check out your new chapter as soon as the university computers are back to work... those stupid computers got a virus last night, and all the computers are down... and yes, I am updating my final chapter in an internet cafe again... sigh!

I almost forgot... about the sequel... after Cyn James suggested to me writing the sequel as Eve accepted the admission from Hogwarts when she was eleven... I CAN'T GET THAT IDEA OUT OF MY MIND!!! I think I am likely to drop all those ideas I had, and go with Cyn James' suggestions. Well, the only two things I am worrying are how loooonnnng this one would be (God! Seven years before she graduate from Hogwarts, and I am not really brave enough to write a relationship between them when they are still teacher- student relationship), and whether there will be people reading it... So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me some messages whether you want to read it or not... I am living on your comments, suggestions and reviews...