Room Mates: Chapter 4!




"Why would that matter?"









"What are you talking about?"


"Well on with the show!"


"ON, With the show!"

Chapter 4

What does it all mean?


Harry rolled the phrase around on his tongue. His brain searched frantically to connect it with something, anything to help with his confusion. He had heard Dudley once call this young dark haired American movie star with a big mouth a 'faggot'. However, he had never thought too much about it.

Now all of a sudden he was contemplating what it actually meant. Here he was, a perfectly normal sixteen-year-old boy with all the hormonal changes that he could ever want and more, packed into his growing body. Even so, he had never really felt a desire to touch the opposite sex.

Now out of the clear blue sky he had been trying to figure out what this word meant to him, and why he was now noticing the way other bloke's pants clung to their arse in strangely exciting ways.

Harry couldn't help but wonder if this latest reaction was because of the new housing arrangement with a young –if he could say so- attractive Slytherin boy, that Harry might have had an interesting encounter with the other day. And yes maybe he had also had a weird dream that may have had him kissing the other boy.

Certainly, everyone had those days. So why was he so concerned in finding out why he had a comforting feeling when he thought of this phrase and person.

"Gay." He murmured testing out the word.

"What was that mate?" Ron asked. Harry jumped; he had momentarily forgotten anyone else was with him. He glanced around, trying to remember where he was supposed to be going.

"No, nothing I was just humming." He smiled back at Hermione and Ron, who shared a confused expression.

"So Harry how's the new dorm, better than Gryffindor tower?" Ron asked jokingly catching up with the raven.

"It's better than having to wake you up every morning." Harry teased, "But it can be a bit lonely." Hermione looked at him for a long moment.



"You seem a little off, is something on your mind?" she asked.

Harry looked at Hermione for a second. If anyone could help him work out his feelings, it would be her. Then Harry's eyes shifted towards Ron and he inwardly cringed; the redhead may be his best mate, but he definitely couldn't share this with him, yet.

"Nah, I'm just a little tired. You know, Snape and his potion assignments." Harry gave an exaggerated sigh, a smile tugged on his lips. Hermione hummed in a way that said she was not buying it.

"I know! Bloody Snape! The git thinks that what it takes to be a good teacher is to make your students collapse from exhaustion! I can't take it! Thirty pages of notes, potions, and study facts on the Trigerest Trifrost root, by tomorrow!" Ron spit in distaste.

"I found that project to be rather interesting. To think that the Trigerest Trifrost root, if brewed correctly, can heal any wound as long as it had an inch of skin left to connect it!" Hermione stated happily. Harry was relieved she was no longer watching him like a hawk.

"Can I write that down?" Ron asked happily.

"No Ron! Do your own work!" She snapped.

Harry drifted off again letting his two friend's arguing float into the background. He always felt a bit like a third wheel when those two started. Harry suddenly felt like seeing Draco. What class did they have together? He hoped it was soon.

Draco walked calmly into his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, being a few minutes early he chose a nice seat in the back and sat next to the window with a completely calm air about him. Well that's what it looked like on the outside but on the inside his mind was buzzing.

Merlin… What was Harry thinking about that was getting him so bloody confused? Draco has been feeling his room mate's confusion all bloody morning throughout his classes, and the worst part about it was something had been making Potter excited though-out the day. It made Draco look like a fool when he would jump in surprise -while walking down the hall- as an excited feeling popped into him.

Harry was clearly going through something. Something Draco had to stop. There was no way he could go on day in and day out with Harry's feelings bubbling into him like this.

'Not that you really minded what had happened in Dumbledore's office.' A voice reminded him.

Draco blushed and looked sternly out the window.

Suddenly the blond was hit by a warming sensation of pure relief; he turned his head in confusion to see The Golden Trio walking into the room. Weasley and Granger were bickering away walking down towards the front row while Harry was- Draco's mind stopped as his eyes were locked with those deep green emerald ones.

Their eyes stayed connected. All around them started to fade away and it felt as if they were the only two in the room.

"Oy, Mate is Malfoy giving you any trouble?" Weasley asked warningly, glaring at the blond.

Harry and Draco jumped in surprise from the unwelcome voice. Draco noticed Harry was now only three feet away from him.

"Uh, no." Harry said shaking his head slightly.

"Everyone file in, file in. Today we'll be studying something very interesting. Come on people find your seats." Clapped Ms. Cannon, the new DADA teacher. She had been placed into the school when the old teacher Dolores Umbridge had mysteriously disappeared. She was probably the youngest teacher at this school, looking to be in her early 30s.

Draco was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when he felt the warmth of another body next to his. Draco stared wide eyed at Harry who had just taken the seat next to his. Harry on the other hand was facing forward pretending that there was nothing different about the seat arrangement, only he felt a small blush creep on his face as he felt Draco's astonishment. The Slytherin started frantically to straighten out this new concept of thinking. But how could he make sense of this? Harry Potter, the child of light, had now just chosen the seat next to an ex-Death eater.

Harry's blush reddened as the whole class now was looking at him in amazement. Granger and Weasley both gaped. The Raven tried desperately to focus on the teacher and not meet anyone's eye.

Hehe what will happen next~ AH! It's so hard to think of things to do!! Everyone thank my beta Neko-jin! She added some words into this that helped a whole lot! THANKS NEKO-JIN!!