A/N: This is my new story, I know I keep writing them and neglecting the others. I will try to take care of it all. I love everyone that is constantly reviewing. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! This is something that I have never done before so take it easy on me and tell me if I'm doing ok.

Ch. 1- Please Stop

Leah's POV

"Sam stop! Stop it! Please stop" we were in the living room and were sitting on the couch. Sam was drunk and trying to have sex with me. He was being violent and rough. He was pulling at my shirt and I was trying to get him off of me.

"Sam stop" I was getting tired of it and sick from the smell of alcohol on his breathe.

"Leah come on we did it last week and you were ok with it"

"Sam you weren't drunk and it was our first time and I didn't like it so stop!"

"Leah come on" he lifted up my skirt and started to touch my panties.

"Sam I said stop" I got up and moved to the chair. He came over and smacked me in the face.


"Leah I own you and if I want to have sex, we will have sex. Now baby wipe those tears away and let's go into the bedroom." He kissed me and all I could taste was the alcohol.

I didn't move but he lifted my skirt up again.

"Sam stop!" he ripped them off leaving me naked under my skirt. I got up and got on the kitchen chair. He came over and smacked me in the face again. He lifted me up by the arms and shook me.

"Now go in that bedroom right now!" He was scarring me. He had been drunk before but never like this. I got up and went in the bedroom and grabbed my suit case. I started throwing stuff in it. Sam came and was standing in the door way.

"Baby where you going?!"

"Away, you are a pig and I can't do this" He came in and threw me on the bed. He held me down with one hand and started to take off his pants with the other.

"Sam I'm not doing this! Now get off!" I tried to get up but he got on top of me. I smacked him across the face.

"Bad choice baby" he hit me a few times and punched me. I started to cry and he kissed me again. He laid down on top of me and started to lift up my skirt and shirt and started to feel me up. He pulled off my bra with one hand and threw it on the floor. I kicked him and punched him in the nose. When I kicked him his nails dug into my chest and I started to bleed. His nose started to bleed and he got up. I grabbed my shirt and some more things and shoved them in the suitcase and threw my shirt on.

Sam got up and came and slammed into my body pushing me against the wall. He hit me on the side of the head and made me fall to the ground. I slid down the wall with my suitcase. I was bleeding from the lip and I could feel my eye swelling.

"Sam, please stop, just let me leave" He bent down to my level. He stuck his hand between my legs. He shoved his fingers up and it hurt. I moaned in pain.

"You will leave when I say you can!" He took his fingers out and got up. I felt in my pocket and my keys were in there. I took off and ran for the door. He pushed me causing me to hit the door and taking most of the blow to my shoulder. I got up and turned around and hit him with my suitcase. It didn't do much but it was enough to get me outside. I ran for my car and unlocked it. He came up behind me and slammed my face into the driver's side window. I opened the door and got in. I was close to getting the door closed when Sam stopped it. He pulled the door open and hit my head on the steering wheel. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell to the ground. I closed and locked the doors and drove away. I knew he wouldn't follow me but I couldn't stop crying. I loved him so much and we lived together and had been together for such a long time. I drove to the only place I would go to, Seth's apartment. Seth was my older brother and the only person that would take me in and ask no questions until the morning.

I got there about an hour after I left Sam's. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door holding my suitcase. It was 1 in the morning so I hoped he would be up.

"Who the hell…" I heard all the locks being undone. Seth was standing there in boxers and that's it. He pulled me into his arms and I broke down.

"I'm sorry can I just stay here for the night?"

"Of course, stay as long as you want." He pulled me inside and locked the door back up not letting go of me. His chest was so warm and inviting. He pulled my chin up to look at my face. He lifted me on the counter and got some ice in a towel and got the first aid kit from the top of the fridge. He started to clean up my cuts and put ice on the bruises.


"Sorry it has to get cleaned. Hey I'm not going to question anything until we get a good night sleep but I will say he's going to pay because this is the second time."

"I know, thanks for letting me stay here"

"It's not a problem"

He finished cleaning off my face and I had ice on my lip. He looked me over and then started to pull up my shirt.


"What, there is blood soaking through your shirt, please we used to take baths together and I have seen you naked so shut up." He took my shirt off and started to clean my cuts. This was weird but then we heard something coming toward the kitchen. I jerked my head and there came a guy that had to have been close to 7 foot tall and was in nothing but boxers and was more ripped then Seth.

"What's all the noises…wow Seth sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" I grabbed my shirt and tried to cover up.

"No she's my sister"

"Who is that?"

"I'm Jake, Seth's roommate"

"When did you get a roommate?"

"I forgot to tell you, he moved in awhile ago"

"Oh well nice to meet you Jake" he came over to shake my hand and as I shook his hand my shirt dropped. I turned red and scrabbled to get my shirt to cover myself up. Jake tried to cover his laugh and so did Seth.

"Well I will leave you two alone, I'm going back to bed. Nice to meet you Leah see you guys in the morning." He walked back to his room and I heard the door close. Seth finished cleaning me up and then got me more ice for my ribs. I was still sitting on the counter when Seth went and made up the couch. He came back in and helped me off the counter.

"You can take my room"

"No you sleep in your room, I don't know what kinds of things have been in that bed" I went and slowly and gently laid down on the couch.

"Well if you don't need anything else I'm going to go to bed because I have class in the morning."

"That's fine, thanks again Seth"

"Anytime Leah" He walked off to bed and shut off the light. I pulled a blanket up on me but kept the ice resting on my ribs and lip.