please don't flame me, and not all the stuff I put in here is actually true when it comes to ancient Egypt.
For 5000 years Atem has ruled Egypt, His land remained peaceful for the majority of his rain, what will happen when a human who he is strongly attracted too is brought to stay in HIS palace? Will love blossom or will a vampire plot to kill her immerge and break his heart permanently? AtemXoc
Deep in the desert there lies an Egypt, that is still ruled by the Pharaohs untouched by modern society.
Protected by an ancient spell that allows people in but blocks them from talking about the ancient society, for the past 5,000 years ancient Egypt has been ruled by pharaoh Atem the vampire king.
The pharaoh is feared and everyone gives him, the utmost respect He was not a bad king peace had rained for the past 2,000 years give or take a few conflicts.
There were few humans living in the palace many high ranked officials were vampires and that is were they lived, in the palace. Egypt had remained so peaceful because vampires were forbidden to bite humans unless the human agreed to be bitten. Also do to agreements between outside nations blood was bought and brought to be sold in the market place. Along with most humans in Egypt donated blood. Egypt in general excluding the palace was 85% human. Any crime committed inside or outside by vampires were brought to be judged by Atem who had a special prison for them in a remote island surrounded by desert this place was paid for by everyone in the world, mainly because it held the most hardened vampires the likes of which the world should never have to see again. Being that the palace is the main home place for the vampires of Egypt, it was the most active at night.
My names Serenity I live in the capital city its right outside the palace. There are lots of festivals, and we do have a school that everyone has to go to. I'm fresh out of school I work in a small but well-known store, called Misty's one stop shop. Misty's shop specializes in glass, pottery and clothing, I've worked at Misty's since I was in grade school, my main specialty is pottery but I do know how to do some glass ware. I'm 18, 5'3 110 pounds, I have long blond hair dark brown eyes, and tan skin. I wear a brown and blue vest over my cotton dress to show that I'm a manager at the store. There are two sections of the store the front part which consists of the store part of the store and the back store which is where all the kilns and wheels are. I'm normally in the back helping make our various products while some employees run the front but being the manager I have to go between the two. I had just finished watching the front part of the store…..
"NANA" I yelled as a 15 year old ran into the front store
"Yah Serenity?" Said Nana
"You and Tan can be in the front store I'm going to go to the back store and see if anyone needs any help." I said
"Ok sounds good." Said Nana and Tan
I went to the back store to go help some people working on the glass ware part because we had been having trouble with that kiln.
Then Tan came in and ran up to me, "You know how to work with glass ware right? Because I have no idea and there's a strange lady here who is asking about a brake in a glass of hers. I think that it's a ….. (His voice got real low) I think it's a palace vampire." He said
I role my eyes "It should not matter it's still a customer, and yes I know about glass ware." I said agitated, I began walking to the front part of the store. Nana came running out, "Am I need a bathroom break." She squeaked running off. I sigh 'what in the world has gotten into those two sure vampires are scary but still the sun is out there's no need to freak out like this, I guess it's because there still kids.' I thought walking in to the front store. To a person completely covered head to toe in clothing. "Can I help you I'm the manager here and I know of glass ware." I said.
"Can this be fixed?" She said handing me a glass ball with a crack in it. I walk out into the sun light to examine it she remains in the shadows.
"It appears to be just a crack it should not take more than a few minutes to be fixed, I'll go and put some hot glass into the crack." I said leaving the front store to go to the back store and fix the cracked glass ball. On my way out I grabbed one of my may large carrying vases full of water, and then I returned to the front store to the vampire.
"Here is your glass ball and you should take this water, you'll need it." I said handing her the glass ball and the water.
"I didn't think I'd need water but it seems things have greatly changed since I last left the palace. People have become afraid, tell me why are you not afraid?" said the vampire
"My sister she's a vampire, so I guess I'm just used to being around vampires. I'd tell you to go talk to her she'd be the one that would know where you could go and get things from the village but, she left a few years ago." I said looking out at the village people who were gawking in.
"I see." Said the vampire looking down and grabbing her side slightly.
I look at her from the corner of my eye, "don't tell me you didn't bring any blood with you." I said under my breath. I saw a faint blush appear. "well I haven't come out of the palace in over a hundred years and I had not been expecting that people would be so terrified." Said the girl vampire.
"Well here (hands her a key) I'm off work soon, although I said I grew up with my sister being a vampire I don't actually know all that much about them, in fact my sister just told me before she left, you can stay at my house till I'm off work and I'll help you find whatever it is your looking for in the village." I said "go 10 buildings down that's where my house is." I said turning to leave to the other store building.
"Thank you, you don't happen to know where they sell blood do you?" said the vampire. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"….. Last time I checked it's the last building on the main street." I said leaving.
When I got off work…..
The vampire and I went to go get the supplies she needed. Then it started to get dark. She had told me to call her Isis.
"I have to get home." I said
"I keep forgetting your human." Said Isis
We both laugh
"Well I was going to let you come to the Pala" said Isis I covered her mouth since people were starting to stare
"Don't mention the palace or the pharaoh." I whisper
She blushed
"…..I see… I sorry." Said Isis
"Its fine, how old are you any way?" Said Serenity curiously
"I'm almost 5,000 years old about 10 years shy." Said Isis thinking.
Serenity_ Jaw dropped
"That's a funny face." Said Isis
"Yah well being 18 years seems well … nothing compared to that." Serenity said
Isis's eyes darken and she closes her eyes, touching her necklace.
"hmmm well we will see each other again, perhaps next time I can show you were I live." Said Isis opening her eyes
"What exactly do you do there?" Serenity asked
"I'm the High priestess of Isis." Said Isis
Serenity Jaw dropped again
Isis laughs
"Well I've got to go." Serenity Said turning to leave
"The palace it really comes to life at night." Said Isis absentmindedly
Serenity looks at her, It had not occurred to her that they had been standing right outside the palace gates the hole time, she only noticed that she was because the palace gates began to open. Serenity quickly jumped behind Isis.
A man on a white horse came out and rode up to Isis.
"Isis? What took you so long?." Said the man
Isis looks back at Serenity, Serenity blushes
"It seems things have changed greatly since I last visited." Said Isis looking back at the man on the white horse.
Serenity looks at the man on the white horse, he had a black cape on with the hood up, all that could be seen was his gorgeous red eyes, crimson red to be exact.
"That's a human?" Said the man obviously meaning Serenity.
""Yes, this is Serenity she helped me a great deal." Said Isis, Serenity blushed.
"…… That's unusual …… at least now days." Said the man abruptly.
"Well Isis I've got to get home BEFORE sun set." Said Serenity darting off.
----- Just Isis and man in cape on white horse-------
"…… Isis" Said the man
"Pharaoh there's something …. Special about that girl." Said Isis
"Well that's obvious most humans now days would have ran sooner." He said
"She stayed with me the hole day." Said Isis thinking
Pharaoh's (man in the cape) eye brows rose in surprise.
"That is very unusual." Said Pharaoh thinking.
"Come we have to go back to the palace." Said Pharaoh abruptly helping Isis up on his horse, they then disappeared into the palace.
Sorry it took so long, but I promise the next one Serenity and Pharaoh will meet each other and some action stuff will happen !!!!