Bet You Weren't Expecting That

A Huddy Fic

Wilson and the ducklings get an information overload after a tragic accident....

I can't take credit for this idea, Brittney AKA HughLaurieLover, gave me all the ideas, I'm just writing it.

I do not own anything, if I did, do you think I will be writing fanfics? Don't think so. I would be watching my stories unfold on House.

Chapter 1: Family Life

Lisa Cuddy got up from bed as the alarm went off and stretched as she yawned.

Today was going to be one of those days, she sensed.

Before going to the bathroom to shower, she lent over to the still sleeping, slightly snoring individual who she had shared her bed with for the past 21 years, and softly kissed his cheek.

He stirred slightly, but did not wake up.

She smiled at how adorable he looks when he sleeps, and slipped away to the bathroom.


After showering and getting dressed into one of her sexy power suits, Cuddy crept into one of the other bedrooms in the house and looked upon the face of her sleeping 11 month old baby.

Rachel would be a year old next month, everyone was excited about throwing her a birthday party.

She was still asleep, and had a rough night last night, so Cuddy decided to let her sleep a bit longer.


She crept into the next room, and glimpsed her next youngest child, Ellie Rose, who was 5 years old.

She was such a loving child, so smart and funny.

It was gonna break Cuddy's heart to wake her up, she looked so peaceful.

She gently shook Ellie.

'Ellie, sweetie, it's time to wake up.'

Ellie stirred lightly, then opened her eyes.

'Sweetie, Adi's downstairs if you want some breakfast.'

The 5 year old grabbed her teddy and made her way down the stairs.


Cuddy moved onto the next room, the room that belonged to the next youngest child, a son called Joel.

He was 11 years old, and a sports nut.

He especially loved lacrosse.

She opened his door, and like she did with Ellie, she gently shook him.

'Joel sweetie, you gotta get up.'

He groaned in disagreement.

'Honey, I know Ariel has some lungs on her, but you need to go to school. You've got that class trip today.'

He groaned again, then sat up and put his hands through his short brown curly hair.

'Adi's downstairs.'

'Good, she owes me.'

With that and a half hearted yawn, he too made his way downstairs.


One last child to wake up.

Cuddy sighed in anticipation.

Aaron at the best of times was not a sociable kid, but after Ariel's screaming last night until God knows what hours, he's gonna be even worse.

She knocked on the door quietly.

'Aaron, honey, you gotta get up.'

There was no answer from her 16 year old son.

'Come on Aaron, get up.' Said Cuddy, her patience wearing thin.

'No,' that was the simple answer that came from the bedroom.

'Any particular reason?'

'The brat kept me up last night.'

'She kept us all up Aaron, life goes on.'

'Give me 10 minutes.'

'Aaron, I swear, if you're not down in 10, I'll bring up Ariel.'

All she heard was a groan.


After waking up her clan, Cuddy came downstairs to find quite a peaceful environment.

Ellie and Joel sat at the table eating cereal, whilst Cuddy's eldest son Reuben fed Rachel in her high chair, and Cuddy's eldest daughter Adi breastfed her daughter Ariel.

You're sure as hell right, Cuddy had one big family.

She was the proud mother of 3 handsome boys and 3 gorgeous girls, with her gorgeous man still sleeping away upstairs.

She was even a grandmother now, 20 year old Adi had given birth to Ariel 2 months ago, with only her twin brother Reuben there to support her during the traumatic birth.

Cuddy had all of her family under the same roof.

Because Adi and Reuben were lucky enough to be studying in Princeton.


Cuddy's overslept husband was heard coming down the stairs.

He entered the kitchen.

'Morning honey,' said Cuddy, lightly kissing his cheek.

'Hey Dad,' chorused the rest of the kids.

'Morning all,' he said joyfully.

Then Aaron could be heard stomping down the stairs.

He came into the kitchen looking like he hadn't slept a wink.

'Adi, you seriously have to do something with that kid of yours. She don't bloody sleep during the night.'

'Aaron, honey, you need to be patient. It took you 6 months to sleep all the way through.'

Aaron went over to Adi, who was holding a sleeping Ariel and laughed.

'Oh right, now she sleeps. When the rest of the house is awake.'

'Sod's law, I'm afraid,' said Adi laughing quietly so she didn't wake Ariel.