Teach Me Perfection

Chapter One: A Full Plate, Metaphorically

Disclaimer (s)

I do not own the characters, places, or anything from the Harry Potter world. I merely own the plot.

This story contains situations that may trigger you if you have had Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa. If you currently have these disorders and were looking for supportive fan fiction, I'm glad you're reading my story. If you're in recovery and this may cause you to relapse, please click the back button now. I'm not writing this to glamorize the disease, but merely as a way for me to cope, and to entertain the masses. Thank you.

Author's Note:

Hi there folks. I'm in the process of expanding and editing each chapter. Hopefully they will read, look, and flow better. I'm also adding more development where it needs to go. Feel free to review the new and improved chapters as well as each update. If you notice anything weird or out of the ordinary, please either review or message me about it so I can fix it. Enjoy!

Tea Cakes, and Fan fiction,


Hermione's Point of View

It was during the summer following my fifth year at Hogwarts when my mother told me that she and my father were divorcing. I didn't even know they were having problems; although my frequent yearlong absences may have shielded me somewhat. Mum explained that they were having money problems since the dentistry practice was going under; my father took the hit hard, and was now rarely seen without his constant accompaniment of gin. I wasn't myself for some time after that. My father moved out, straining our already maligned relationship because I never saw him, even when I was home. My communication with my mother almost ceased after my father left, her constant working left us with little time. When I was home, I was alone.

I don't really know when I stopped eating, but I did know that it was bad for my health. I knew… and I sincerely didn't care. With the divorce in my muggle world, and Voldemort's return blackening the wizarding world, along side my deep depression; I felt as if it was the only thing in my life that I could really control. I wasn't really stupid, well I was, but I knew how to hide it. I put dishes in the sink, threw food in the trash, and I hid my weight loss really well.

Returning for my sixth year was especially hard. The immense amount of food that is at the feasts was almost unbearable. So I began to study through meals, I told everyone that I had to read up on healing magic for the final battle. They were suspicious, but when they checked up on me in the library, there I was, reading away.

A little later in the year I noticed that Ron and I were beginning to spend less and less time together; whilst he began to spend more time with Lavender Brown. I honestly didn't blame him, I was a cow. But the day he broke up with me still crushed me. We haven't spoken since. My relationship with Harry became strained after that.

I stayed home the summer after sixth year, alone. My mother was now working all hours of the day to pay the bills that took her and my father to pay. We didn't have money like we used to. I was glad that I still had money in my vault at Gringotts, and that my mother couldn't touch it. She had followed in my father's footsteps and began to drink. My life was spiraling out of control, but I couldn't tell any of my friends what was going on. I didn't want anyone to worry about Hermione when there were bills and Dark Lords to deal with. I suffered in silence.

Now I'm sitting on the Hogwart's Express, on my way to my last year of school.

Hermione was sitting in the compartment with Ginny, Harry, and Ron. She was reading a book on magical plants and their healing properties. Ginny was just staring out the window, and Ron and Harry were talking.

"You're really taking this healing magic stuff seriously aren't you?" Ron inquired, and received a cold nod from Hermione.

"I'm sure if you asked Poppy she'd help you." Ginny chipped in. "That is if you can get a word in while she is trying to 'shoo' you out of the room."

Hermione nodded again. She had been reading the same paragraph for the last ten minutes. She couldn't concentrate. She was getting dizzy from the lack of adequate nutrition.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The woman with the trolley full of sweets asked.

Ron leapt to his feet and grabbed all that he could afford falling into his seat and biting into a half opened chocolate frog.

"You want anything Hermione?" Harry asked her. "My treat."

"No thanks, Harry." Hermione smiled. "I had take-away before I got on the train."

Harry nodded while everyone got their treats and settled into a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip.

As they finally arrived at Hogwarts, they shared a carriage with Neville and Luna, and made their way to the castle. Before the huge welcoming feast, they first years were sorted; eight for Hufflepuff, three for Slytherin, six for Ravenclaw, and five for Gryffindor. Then Dumbledore gave his usual epic speech about inter-house unity and being courageous in the face of evil; then the feast came. Hermione was beginning to earn strange looks from Ron and Harry for not digging in as voraciously as they were.

"Why aren't you eating Hermione?" Ginny questioned. "The food's great, better than last year actually."

"I'm not hungry." She explained. "I told you that I ate take away before I got on the train."

"That was hours ago!" Ron exclaimed.

"But I'm still not hungry." Hermione retorted "Because I am not a human garbage disposal like you, Ronald."

"What in bloody hell is a garbage disposal?"

After rolling her eyes, Hermione grabbed her bag and got up from the table. "I'm going to the library."

Harry and Ginny glared at Ron for a moment, before continuing their own meals.

Hermione walked into the library, it was peaceful inside. And empty of students because of the feast. She gathered some Advanced Potions books from the shelves and settled down to a desk to read.

She was reading about the properties of Antimony in shapeshifting potions, when Ginny wandered to the library to check on her.

"Hey Hermione." Ginny smiled when Hermione looked up at her, "I'm sorry about Ron, he acts like mum so much it's not right."

"I know." Hermione laughed. "I always knew Ron was just a woman at heart."

They laughed together.

"Seriously though," Ginny looked Hermione in the eyes. "Are you alright? Do you need to talk about anything?"

"No, I'm fine," Hermione replied with a tight smile, "Thanks though, but I just really need to study. I do have to deal with Snape tomorrow, and I guarantee he'll have a quiz over stuff that wasn't in the textbook that he assigned."

"Okay, well I'll let you get back to that then." Ginny waved goodbye and left the library.

Hermione continued to study for about an hour before she was interrupted again. And this time it was a less pleasant guest than before. Draco Malfoy had chosen to interrupt the sanctity of her library time, and she was mad.

"Hello mudblood!" Draco said in a cheery voice that sounded more creepy than anything, "How was your summer?"

"It was spectacular." She looked up from her notes and glared. "Because I didn't have to see you."

"Well that's a little harsh." He mocked hurt and continued. "We both know that I'm perfectly fine to look at…you on the other hand…Well let's just say that if I were ever to lower myself to a mudblood, I'd rather it be Justin Finch-Fletchley than you."

Hermione was slightly hurt, but she controlled herself. "I always knew you had homosexual tendencies. Tell me: Are you the broom, or the broom cupboard?"

"Well, well, well Mudblood Granger, that's quite a tongue there." Draco smirked at her, "Too bad you couldn't use it for something a little more useful than licking sweetie wrappers, love."

Hermione was fed up; she was about to either cry or cut his throat with a rather dull and rusty knife. She looked down at her book and continued to study.

"Well if you could use your mouth for something other than insults and kissing Voldemort's ass, maybe you'll get somewhere in life besides Azkaban or the cemetery."

He was very quiet before he spoke again. "You don't know anything." And he left.

She felt a pang of regret as he left, because she heard the pain in his voice. Something had happened, and she wondered what for a moment before she realized it was Malfoy, and it was probably nothing more than the death of his pet ferret.

Hermione tried to study after that, but couldn't concentrate properly so, after checking the books out she made a beeline for the Gryffindor common room.

When she got to the portrait, the Fat Lady gave her a look.

"Why are you here dear, has something happened?" The portrait asked her quickly, a worried expression on her face.

"This is my house…" Hermione gave her a confused look. She had, after all, been staying in this tower for the last six years of her Hogwarts' life.

"No, dear. Well I mean yes it is your house, but you don't sleep here anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know that the Head Boy and Girl get their own tower this year? It was said after the feast. Congratulations, by the way, as your house portrait, I am very proud of you! However, I do feel quite bad that you have to share your responsibilities with…err...what is it they call him…a ferret boy. Is he really a ferret, or an Animagus? I mean he looks a bit like a ferret, but anyways. You have my condolences, of course I'm not sure why. All I heard this evening was 'Poor Hermione has to share her brand new tower with ferret boy.' But yes, you should go talk to McGonagall about the location of your tower."

Hermione was a little too stunned to move. "I'm sharing my tower with Draco Malfoy?" She asked the portrait quietly, looking down at her feet for a second.

"Yes, dear." The Fat Lady replied and then left her portrait. Years of experience told her that this was not going to go well.

"Right, this must be a mistake, or Dumbledore has finally went senile." Hermione whispered as she stormed away.

She was not really mad. No, not mad at all, Furious was the word; a burning, intense anger from the bowels of hell filled the small girl. She was furious at Dumbledore for placing her in the same tower as her arch nemesis. The ferret boy, extraordinaire would now make her last year at Hogwarts more hell than it was already going to be. Why Dumbledore would do this to her, she had no clue. Like she didn't have enough stress in her life already, he had to add to it. She fumed silently as she made her way to the Headmaster's office.

"Professor, may I ask why Professor Dumbledore has gone loony and put me in a tower with Draco Malfoy?" Hermione asked angrily.

"Miss Granger, I understand that you are upset, but I will not tolerate talk of the Headmaster like that." The Professor scolded.

"It is quite all right, Minerva." The Headmaster smiled as he walked in the door, "Miss Granger is rightly angry. Although the reason that I put her with Mr. Malfoy was explained after the feast, which she was in the library for."

Professor Dumbledore continued, "The reason, Miss Granger, that I placed you with Mr. Malfoy, is because I believe that the two of you will be good for the school. You both are excellent students, and the fact that you two are, how should I put this… mortal enemies, it will be good to promote house unity. There are rules, however. You two will not be permitted to fight, magically or otherwise; both of you must work together on the patrol schedules; you both must set a good example for the student body. These are some additional rules to the rules already in place at Hogwarts, and I expect you both to follow them. The Head Tower entrance is the portrait of Ari on the fourth floor. The password is 'beetle eyes'. Please enjoy your night Miss Granger."

Hermione nodded and left. She wasn't happy that she would have to share her personal space with Malfoy, but she was satisfied with the reason. At least he would not wonder why she didn't walk down to eat with him, and they wouldn't have to share a loo. Merlin help the poor girl if she had to share a bathroom with Malfoy, it would have been the end of her.

Draco's Point of View

Currently I'm awaiting a reply owl from my father about this current situation. The old coot must really be off his rocker if he thinks I'm going to share quarters with the mudblood all year. I won't stand for it. There's my father's owl, finally.

My Dearest Draco,

Your father is currently out of the country on business. However, I understand your situation, but there is nothing we can do. I am very sorry. The war is almost upon us, and your father is making arrangements for us to flee. He plans to leave his current 'boss' and find a more peaceful career It's been going on for a while, and you were kept out of it for your own safety.

I want you to know that when you were little and we taught you those horrible dark magic lessons, and the 'rules', that we were doing that to keep you safe. If your father had not gained employment by his current 'boss', then we would have been considered 'blood traitors' and we would have been murdered. I love you, son. No matter what happens.

If you can, please try to look over the horrible prejudices that we have make you think were right. Treat the girl with respect, she deserves it. Your father and I are so sorry for what we've done, and we're going to try and fix it.

I have an appointment with some people who can help us through the tough times ahead. Please take care and be a good boy.


Your Mother.

What on earth was she talking about? I thought my father loved working with his 'boss'. I mean he never really talked about it. Maybe he did hate it. He always drank more after a mission. Maybe I was gone so much, I simply missed it.

But me, be nice to the Mudblood Granger?

I don't think I'd be nice to her if she was a Pureblood.

Hermione entered the common room to find it empty, and amazingly nice. Dark wooden floors, an ornate area rug with the Hogwarts Crest on it, two black couches with an oak coffee table in between them. On the other side of the room there were two bookshelves full of books, and a worktable with an inkwell and oil lamp. She felt at home here.

"Look at what the cat dragged in." Hermione heard Draco say as he descended the stairs from his room.

"Yeah, she must've dragged in a ferret." She replied angrily and started up her own stairs.

"Funny, Granger." He sneered at her and sat on one of the black couches.

Hermione continued up the stairs and to her room. It wasn't anything special. It had the basic four-poster bed, with red and gold Gryffindor colours. It did have a work desk, and a nice chest of drawers.

She walked to her trunk and pulled out a copy of Hogwarts: A History, well a notebook that was charmed to look like a copy of it and a muggle scale from the very bottom of her trunk. She quickly stripped and stood on the scale.

43 Kilos She thought as she dated a new page in the notebook, Better than yesterday, but still not good enough.

She finished writing down her stats and thoughts for the day. She sighed and put the tools away and made her way to the bathroom adjacent to her room. Hermione was glad that she and Malfoy didn't have to share a bathroom. What madness would ensue!

Ginny sat in the overstuffed armchair by the fire in the common room, talking to Ron and Harry about Quidditch strategy. She needed to figure out how to beat Parkinson, the Slytherin team's newest chaser.

"Just try to practice a bit more, mostly on speed." Harry told her. "Ron needs to work on his hand-eye coordination…obviously."

"How can I have better speed if I can't afford a new broom?" Ginny replied curiously.

"I have no idea." Harry looked off for a moment. "I'll think of something."

Ginny nodded and yawned, "I'm going off to bed, and you two should head there, as well."

They nodded and she walked up the stairs to her dormitory, and to sleep.

"This is a N.E.W.T. level Potions class." Professor Snape announced as class began. "Therefore, you will all be expected to perform excellently. You will not have partners this year; everyone will work alone, so you are very much responsible for your own grade. We will be working with difficult and volatile potions. This means that paying attention will be important." He gave a pointed look at Ron and Neville. "You will not act like children in this class. Now, today we will be brewing the Veritaserum potion. Don't get excited, we won't be testing it in class. After you finish brewing it, collect some in a vial and then dispose of the rest. If you are caught smuggling any out, you will be in trouble with the Headmaster, as well as the Ministry of Magic. Begin."

Professor Snape waved his wand and the ingredients appeared on the blackboard in the front of the class. Hermione began to brew it straight away, adding each ingredient at the exact right time. She was about to add the angelica when she suddenly her vision blurred and with a light thud she fell to the ground. Ron rushed over and roused her.

"Hermione are you alright?" Ron asked worriedly. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Hmm…nothing…I tripped." Hermione replied shaking her head and standing back up. Ron gave her a look. "I'm fine, get back to your potion, now."

Ron gave up and went back to his potion, giving Hermione looks every couple of minutes. By the end of class, everyone had finished their potions. Only two of the students managed to mess theirs up beyond repair. That would be Neville and a Ravenclaw student named Anaye.

"Miss Granger, stay after class, we need to have words." Professor Snape told her before he dismissed the rest of them. Once the rest of the students were gone, he closed the door and continued."I need to discuss Mr. Malfoy with you."

"Sir, I'm not comfortable talking about someone when they aren't present." Hermione replied, even if it was Malfoy.

"I assure you that I'll be the one talking about him." He looked around and cast a silencing spell on the door. "This is Order business, and it cannot leave this room, do you understand me. Potter, Weasley, no one can know this except Dumbledore, you, and myself. Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, has come to me with a request. She has alerted me that Lucius is planning to leave the side of Lord Voldemort, in order to protect his family. This means that Draco will not be safe at Hogwarts for very long. As an Order member, and as a colleague, I am asking you to help me protect young Malfoy. Don't let him alone with other Slytherins after this coming weekend. That is when Narcissa and Lucius will flee to France."

"Sir, if I may ask, why are they in danger?" Hermione inquired quietly, she didn't want to protect Malfoy, but if it were a duty given to her, well then she would do it.

Professor Snape sighed sadly. "The dark lord is…disappointed that Draco is choosing not to pursue a career with the Death Eater's, and has chosen to…" He trailed off and looked away from his student. "He's chosen to use Narcissa as a ….as a concubine for his spawn. She blatantly refused, as did Lucius. Now the Dark Lord is furious with the whole Malfoy clan. Even as Draco's godfather, I cannot protect Draco all the time, seeing as I am still a 'faithful death eater', so I am charging you with this task. Will you please do this for me, Miss Granger?"

"I will." She accepted it grudgingly. She obviously didn't need anymore stress, least of all protecting a person that she detested. "Am I to tell Draco this?"

"No, I expect he'll be receiving a letter from his mother soon. He'll know." The Professor sat at his desk, getting ready for his next class. "And thank you Miss Granger. It's odd for me to say that to you, I know. But I am very grateful for this favour."

"It's no problem, professor." She smiled weakly at him before she left, and she could almost swear she saw him smile back.

She shook her head and made her way to Transfiguration, during which she didn't pay attention as much as usual. She had entirely too much on her metaphorical plate.

Better, worse? Let me know with a review. Hope you all enjoy the ride.

Tea Cakes and Fan Fiction,
