I'm Swedish and my English is rubbish but I hope you'll like it anyway:)

I held my cell phone in my hand. This would be one of the hardest think I would ever do. I was going i break up with my boyfriend, Riven. I held the phone to my ear and waited for him to answer in the other end. When he answered we decided to meet up outside Alfea in an half an hour. When I hung up on him, one of my best friends, the fairy of nature, Flora took me in her arms and wiped my tears away. When I stood outside the gates of Alfea, I could her his leva-bike in distance. I just wanted to melt and sink into the ground.

''I'm so sorry Riven'' A single tear run down my cheek, I dried it of, Riven couldn't see me like this. When he got of his leva-bike he walked up to me and kissed me. Why did he have to make it harder?


''Hi.'' I could feel the tears in my eyes but fight them not to escape them.

''So what was it you wanted to tell me.''

''Riven, I want to brake up.'' I saw the pain in his eyes, damn it!

He tried to convinced me that we could make this work, he took a hold of my shoulders, gently. He asked me if I fond someone else, how could he ever think something like that? He started to shout at me but calmed soon down. I started to walk of with tear-filled eyes, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. I told him I loved him, I really did. I cried into his chest and he into my hair. Did he just started to sing? Oh my god he did! Well I did the same. I started to walk away but was still holding his hand and then let it go. He stretched out one of his hand to me but I didn't take it, that's when he dropped it to his side again. I started slowly go backwards against the school again. I started to walk inside to the school again without looking back and then stopped again. I looked back at him one last time. He started to walked up to me, but then stopped. I ran into the big pink building and up to my room, looked out from the window and saw him drive away. I threw myself at my bed and the girls sat around me and comforted me until I finally fell asleep. I had now lost a piece of my heart!

A week later I stilled laid on my bed, I hadn't eat or talk to anyone since mine and Rivens breakup.

The girls sat around me on the bed and stroke my arms, hair, back and legs, Well Stella was the only one that didn't sat by me, she walked around in mine and Technas room. She tried to make me go and make up with Riven on move on with my life. How could she be so selfish? Flora, Bloom Techna and Layla told her so keep her blabbing mouth shut but they didn't succeed. Bloom walked over to the Solaria princess, she told her once again to shut up.

''RIVEN!'' I cried out in pain of an broken heart.

Stella had enough, she was going to the Red Fountain and talk with Riven. I asked her not to, I had to do this myself. What was I thinking when I broke up with Riven? I told them I was going there myself, Layla asked if I was sure, and I was.

When I finally arrived at the boys school, I looked for Riven. I really hoped the he would forgive me. I heard a voice calling after me and turned around to see Floras boyfriend, Helia. I told him I was looking for Riven and asked if he know where he was. Unfortunately he hadn't seen in an hour. So I thanked him and continued my search.

I found him outside with a girl with long brown hair, she was crying and he hold her gently in his arms. I felt jealousy run through my body. I was the only one that he should hold that why. I took him only one week. One week, to find another girl. I was going to break those two apart. They make their way inside and I followed them, but kept my distance.

I saw Riven go inside Saladins office but the girl waited for him outside. I walked over to her with a sweetly smile on my face. She asked if I knew him, I knew him alright. I told her about my relationship with Riven. She told me that her name was Mista and seemed to know who I was. I told her to stay the hell away from mine lover, MINE! She just keep tell me they were just friends, friends in my ass! I heard something buzzing in her pocket, when she picked it up I could see it was some sort of cell phone, like that one Bloom told us about that Diaspro had in our freshman year. It was a hologram of an beautiful woman with Blooms red hair and an quite handsome man with Rivens magenta hair. Mista addressed the couple as ''Your majesties.'' The man asked if she had found someone yet? Who was she looking for? It couldn't be Riven could it? She told him that she had and was going to take him back with her tomorrow. No, this couldn't happened. Riven couldn't leave now. I could feel some tears in my eyes again.

''Mista take good care of my son now and bring him home safely.'' The woman with red hair spoke. Son? Riven? Majesty? What was going on here?

When she had stopped talking to the couple I asked her what she meant.

''I'm taking Riven back home to his family and his kingdom.'' She said.

Was this some sort of joke? I slapped her face and we started a fight. I heard some voice call and felt someone grab me from behind. I turned and saw Sky, Brandon, Helia and Timmy. I told them that this girl would take Riven away as I grit my teeth as I pointed at Mista. The boys looked at her, I was surprised that they hadn't seen her before. She was about to speak when Riven walked out of Saladins office. He spot me ''what are you doing here?'' he said. I dragged him outside with me by his arms and left Mista with the other Specialists.

Once outside, he asked me what I was doing. I asked him about Mista, but called her Mitsa. He correct me with her name, which I disliked much.

''I didn't think you cared.'' He grinned at me. I? Didn't care? Are you kidding me? I love you Riven.

''Of course I care, I love you. But I guess you have other things in your mind.'' I started to walk of but to my surprise he grabbed my wrist and kissed me. This felt SOOOO good. I moaned and let him slip his tongue into my mouth. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. When we broke apart I hit him hard in his chest. I asked what he was doing. Why was he leaving with her for? He told me he was one of the most riches princes in the whole universe. Seriously? I laughed but then I saw that he was actually telling the truth. I bet my face lost all its color. I started to get upset which Riven noticed. He told me that he didn't want people to know, so that people would lie him for him. I hugged him, I would love him anyway. And I sure Sky and the others would too, and so I told him. He leaned down and kissed me. But he hadn't answer me why he was going back for. Apparently is was some evil man that had kidnapped his little sister and he was treating to kill her if Rivens parents didn't gave him the throne, could this be any weirder? I understood that he wanted to go back, but I HAD to go with him.

''I can't you let come with me, it can be dangerous.'' He said

''Or does you just want to be alone with that slut? No way I'll let you go that easy.'' I though. I begged to come with him, I really wanted to see his kingdom. When he once again said I couldn't come with him, I had to do something about it. I showed my puppy eyes because I know he would fall for it. YES, I could go with him. I hugged and kissed him again.

''And I bet the girls will coming with us, and the boys.''

''Musa don't get carried away now, this can be very dangerous.'' He had a serious expression on his gorgeous face.

When we got back to the others Timmy spotted us walking down the corridor hand in hand.

''Well we see you two got together again.''

''Yeah well she couldn't resist my charms.'' Riven said playfully, I hit him again in his chest. And as I thought Sky and the others would come with Riven too and save his kingdom.

''Thanks guys but, I can die over there and I don't want you to go the same way because of me....''

''Don't say that Riven, DON'T SAY THAT!'' I hugged him as hard as I could.

He said it was true, that's why he didn't want me to go either. I stood face to face with him, pointed one of my fingers at his chest. I was going to make him understand that if he dies, I'm going to die with him. When I finally seems to have got it through his head, I throw my arms around his neck and kissed him as a reward. And the guys seems to convinced him as well, we decide to go back to Alfea and get the girls too. The boys walked back to their rooms and packed as I took Rivens hand and we walked to Rivens room so he could pack also. A bit behind us walked Mista which I gave a dirty look.

Well on the ship to Eldorado, the others discussed how it was.

''Aren't we there soon, I'm tired of just sitting here.'' I agreed with Stella, I was tired of just sitting here also. Oh no, Mista wanted to talk to Riven alone, that stupid hag, I hate her. Worse he agreed, Riven watch out. They walked back into the garage, what is she up to? I glared after them, Flora noticed that I stared after them. She is definite trouble.

Like 5 minutes later they came back again. I walked over and kissed him.

''Missed me already?'' He grinned at me. Missed you, I have missed you like crazy, I kissed him again before letting him go again. When Riven walked back to steer the ship I walked back to Mista, oh she looks annoyed, BINGO! She wasn't just unfriendly, she were rude also. She walked away but I grabbed her wrist. We heard Riven call from his seat, we could now see Eldorado. Riven wanted that thing that Mista had talked with his parents through. There they were again, the woman and the man.

We walked out of the ship and as Riven had promised Stella on the ship, infront of the royal palace it stood at least five hundred people and applaud and cheered. Stella looked like she had find a pimple on her face., which was quite funny to see.

I was on my way over to take Rivens hand but that cow Mista grabbed his arms first and he smiled. I was on my away over to her for rip the two of them apart. was on her way to rip Mista but Techna and Flora stopped me and gave me a warning look. When Riven and Mista had reach his parents me and the others stood a bit behind. The Queen hugged him and he hugged back, he then hugged his father. Aww how cute. The King spotted us and wanted us to come closer. The Queen told us to come in, yes, Riven came back to me and kissed me on my forehead and took my hand. He might have been a pain in the ass under my freshman year but now he was such a sweetheart. We walked through a long corridor with a couple of portraits of the former King and Queens. Oh look that must be Rivens dad when he was younger, and their is their wedding picture. And there he is my prince charming, and that girl must be Chel. But the other boy who is that? He has the Queens red hair. I asked him about it. He just smiled at me at me that we could take it later. Once inside the dinnerroom we all sat down at the big table, and a couple of servants came out with plates of food. They talked about how we should save his sister. To my sorrow we needed Mista because she know the way to Tzekel-Kans cave. Apparently when Riven and Mista were younger they had sneaked out of the palace to the city through some tunnels.

''Well it's pretty much like the secret tunnels from the palace to the city you remember those?''

''How can I forget?'' Riven grinned at her and she grinned back. I wanted to kill her right there. I make a fist under the table but Bloom relaxed me. Damn it Bloom, who's side are you on? I though I was going to faint when he told us that these tunnels were almost like the tunnels to downland. NO, then I can't help. Mine and Floras powers don't do any good down there. I didn't want to leave Mista alone with Riven without being there with him. Me and Flora would get Chel out while the others were fighting Tzekel-Kan, well at least the girls were down there, so if she tried anything I could always kill her later.

After dinner Riven was going to show us our bedrooms, when the others had gone in to their rooms Riven grabbed mine wrist and pulled me close to him. He grinned at her. I knew where this were going, and I had to admit that I like it. He pulled me with him. Then i remembered the boy in the portrait, I asked him about it. Riven had a brother, and now he was dead? Murdered by Tzekel-Kan. I felt so sorry for him, now he was negative again, he didn't think he would survive this. But I told him that he was going to be fine and that we live happily ever after, I stroke his cheek.

''You wanna do that?'' He looked down at me.

''Do what?''

''Marry me someday?''

''I couldn't be happier.'' Riven bent down and kiss me again and I kissed back. I don't want anything more then be with him. I would give my life to him, if I couldn't be with him, my life weren't worth living. We were interrupt by a man voice. We turned and saw Rivens father stand there and look at us. I just wanted to sink through the floor. What is he didn't think I deserved to be with Riven? But to my surprise he seemed to like me. He smiled at me and asked if I had an special interest in his son. Of course I had and blushed. He even invited me and Riven in an hour for talk with him and the Queen. I felt relived that the King seemed to like me and Riven seems to be too. He even called me a good choice and then left. Now it was only what I should wear. Riven of course thought that I should wear mine ordinary clothes. He had to be joking? I just couldn't wear whatever I had.

''Musa listen to me! You are perfect as you're, we're just going to talk to my parents for a while.''

''Well I have to make an good impression so they'll like me.''

''They are going to love you, don't worry.'' Riven kissed my forehead. Wasn't he just adorable? Well I had to know about Mista though. I asked him and he seems to don't even want to think about the thought of him and Mista as a couple. Hehe who's the luckiest girl here?

''Good because I don't want to lose you again.''

''You won't.'' He kissed me again and I kissed gladly back.

We laid in Rivens bed and make out. How could something like this feel so damn good? I had forced his shirt of and reveal his beautiful chest, Riven of course thought that it wasn't fair if I took mine of as well. Fair enough, but my bra had to stay on. Suddenly he screamed out his sisters name and jumped out of the bed. He blabbed something about that we had to go and rescue her right away. He throw my sweater over to me and told me to get dressed.

We walked through some tunnels, Riven walked in the front with the witch Mista. First she is trying to steal my boyfriend, then she forgets the way to Tzekel-Kan.

''Well which way? Left or right?'' Riven looked at Mista.

''I... I don't remember.'' She burst out in tears and Riven embraces her. Now I couldn't stop myself.

''Alright that's it, GET OF HIM.'' I make her way through the others and ripped Mista and Riven apart.

''Musa what's gotten in to you?'' Riven looked confused at me.

''I SEE THE WAY SHE LOOKS AT YOU, AND I'M SICK OF IT!'' I shriek, feeling tears in my eyes. Bloom laid her hand on my shoulder tried to calm me down. Finally she remembered the way.

''I'll get you Mista mark my words.'' I growled for myself.

When we finally were there it was a giant door separating us from Tzekel-Kan. It was time for us to transform into our enchantix, unbelievable Mista was a fairy too. Friendly as Layla is she wondered what powers she had.

''I'm the fairy of water and ice.'' Mista said proudly. What? Now I know why she is so coldhearted.

''Wow another Icy.'' I whispered to Stella and we giggled but stopped when we got a dirty look from Flora.

''Who's Icy?'' Mista looked confused.

''Oh she is just a stupid witch like you.'' I smiled sweetly, I got a cold stare from Riven as well, which make my heart sink. Well we could take this later, we girls would blow the giant door open but because of my power it was better if I stayed back. I felt so helpless right now, and Riven was probably mad at me. Only a second later the doorway was open and there was Chel and Tzekel-Kan.

''Riven!'' The tied up princess cried out in happiness.

''Get your filthy hands of my sister.'' Riven growled and was looking at Tzekel-Kan Riven grabbed his sword and ran against Tzekel-Kan but he missed. Sky told me and Flora to get Chel out of their and they would meet up with us later. Me and Flora make our way over to Chel and tried to get hers rope of. Gladly Chel seemed to like me to when I told her about my relationship with Riven. When Flora finally got the ropes of her we focused on to get her out of there, before we left I turned and looked at a fighting Riven one last time before I followed the other.

When we got in safety me and Chel sat down in on the grass. I told her about Mista and how much I hated her, then I suddenly remembered that she was Chels best friend. She tried to comfort me by if I ever felt treated by Mista I could come to her. I really like her, this was the beginning of a new good friendship. Flora spotted the others coming out from the cave. I saw something familiar on Skys shoulder, when he dropped it to the ground I could see perfectly fine what it was. It was Riven, and he didn't move. It felt like the time stopped for a minute. I ran over to his body and I cried…… a lot.

I sat and cried and tried to wake him up. Chel sat on the other side and cried. What if I lost him? What if he wouldn't wake up?

''Riven I know I've been a pain in the ass lately but I promise if you wake up I'll never do that again. You can't leave me like this, we should get married and have kids and grow old together remember?'' Bloom, Flora, Techna, Stella and Layla sat down around me and hugged me tightly.

''Well we better get the princess back to the palace.''

''Hey not without me.'' Riven opened his eyes and sat up slightly. YES he was alive!

I pushed him down to the ground again when I throw myself in his arms. Being Riven he just joked around with me by saying he was just taking a nap…. Idiot. When he and Chel had hugged again we make our way back to the palace.

Well back at the palace, Chel was reunited with her parents, as a reward they would arrange a ball tomorrow night and we would get 10.000 dollars each. The Queen told us to got to bed, which we all agreed to after this long day.

''Well good night then.'' I was on my way to my bedroom before Riven stopped me.

''Hey no good night kiss?'' Riven looked hurt.

''I'm still mad at you.'' I started to walk of again. He pulled me back and embraced me. He wanted to make it up to me. I grinned at him,

''Well, there is one thing.''

''I don't like the sound of that.'' He grinned back at me.

''Riven you have to be my slave tonight and if disobey, you'll get punished. Now come on.'' I leaned in and kissed him before pulling him with me into my bedroom and locked the door.

The next morning the decoration for the bale the same evening was almost done. We sat and ate our breakfast with the royal family. Riven seemed to be lost in his thoughts because he didn't look at his mother when she tried talk with him.

''HEY SLIMEBALL!'' Chel shout at her brother. Haha that was unexpected and it seems to bring Riven back to reality, he was ready to stand up but he stopped by the Queens warning voice. What now? Riven left us by saying he had to do something but he would catch us up later. Odd, where is he going?

Riven was back from wherever he was an hour later. Stella wanted to go shopping and Riven had promised to take us there was the happiest that he was back, I of course had missed him like hell.

He didn't say what he was doing so we dropped it. I smiled at my handsome boyfriend and took his hand, Luckily for me Mista didn't go with us so, I could have him all to myself. The others linked hands with their partner and we left the palace.

''I wonder what Riven is up to!'' I thought for myself looking up at him.

The guys had left us into a dress shop and promised they would meet up with us later as they wanted to go to the weapon store and we didn't. Stella had tried out a long white dress with some pink decoration on the chest. And as always she looked amazing. Bloom called to me from outside my changing room. I had a purple dress which I though fit quite nice. I stepped put of the changing room and saw my friends with wide open mouths, the dress maybe didn't fit as perfectly as I though. But it turned out to be that I looked as amazing as I thought I did, maybe even better.

''Musa darling, when Riven sees you in that dress he is going to forget all about that bitch Mista.'' Stella laid her arm around my neck and smiled. It felt so good that Stella could see right through her too. I laid my arm around my friends waist. Bloom and Flora on the other hand I didn't feel I could trust right now.

It was evening and the bale wound begin soon. The Winx stood inside my room and got ready.

I held up two necklaces. One golden chain with a golden heart with a note engraved that Riven had given me for my birthday last year. And my mothers diamond necklace. The girls seemed to like the golden chain better. I wore the purple dress that ended just above my breasts, the golden chain a pair of gold earrings and matching gloves and high heels. I just hoped that Riven would have his eyes only on me tonight, at least not Mista.

We meet up with the boys in the throneroom and was waiting for the King, the Queen, Chel and Riven to arrive. I had my gaze locked on the stairs all the time and didn't really hear what my friends were talking about. We heard a trumpet and looked up at a servant.

''May I present, his majesty King Miguel and her majesty Queen Topaz of Eldorado.'' Rivens parents walked down the stairs hooked arms.

''And may I finally again presents his royal highness prince Riven and her royal highness princess Chel of Eldorado.'' Riven and Chel walked down the stairs hooked arms. He was so unlike himself, in a better way of course.

''Well what are you waiting for darling? Go over and take your prince now!'' Stella pushed me a bit forward. Could I really go over to him right now?

''I don't know if I should I mean, he has others guest right now.'' I blushed but a bit but hesitated.

''Oh come on Musa who could he possibly wanna see right know that you?'' Stella pushed me again.

''But Stella, no wait.'' Stella had pushed me all the way to Riven who just smiled at me. As Stella had said he was looking for me. Oh Riven. He asked me to dance, well I would be an idiot if I didn't.

I blushed and Riven peeked me on my lips.

''Well are we going to dance or what princess?'' Riven reached his hand for me to grab. I took it and we started to slow dance. I didn't think I could love Riven more, but I was so wrong. I loved him more then anything right now. We were about to kiss again when we heard a girl scream and Riven looked around for his sister. He told me to stay where I were and he run over to Chel who looked like she had seen a ghost or something, and now I knew why. I could see Riven grew pale as he looked at what we just had seen.

I, as all the others in the throne room stood and stared at the red-haired boy infront of us. But Riven told me he were dead. I could see Riven stroke his sisters back. Their brother, Tulio walked over to his brother and sister and they were soon joined by their parents as well. Riven let go of Chel and stretched his hand over to Tulio but drove his hand back when he had felt him.

I could see Topaz started to get upset as well. I could hear Chel say something before she run upstairs and Riven out on the terrace, I run after him.

I ran after my boyfriend and find him out on the terrace. I asked if he were okey, but I could understand if he didn't. He told me he was but I was not that sure.

''You are upset aren't you?''

''Yeah well, my brother who have been dead for five years just turns up alive, it doesn't make any sense.'' He told me how happy he was that I were there with him. He looked down and smiled at me. I wouldn't go anywhere without him. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him long and passionately.

''I love you princess!''

''I love you more!'' I kissed him again. Riven took a wrapped package out of his pocket and gave me. I couldn't believe that what he just gave me.

''Oh my, Riven you didn't.''

''Well can't a guy give his girlfriend a little knick-knacks sometimes?'' He stroke my cheek.

''Knick-knacks? Are you kidding me? Riven this must have cost a fortune.'' I hold a gold amulet with Eldorados royal family weapon shield in diamonds. This was one of the most sweetest thing he had ever done. He took the amulet and slipped it around my neck.

''This means that you are and you always will be one in the royal family of Eldorado.''

''Riven I.... I....'' He interrupted me with a kiss.

We still stood on the terrace and kissed.

''Come on I've another surprise for you.'' He grinned at me.

''Riven I feel spoiled.'' I giggled and followed him out in the countyard. He told me to close my eyes. When he told me to open then again, I saw him on one knee infront of me. Was he doing what I hoped he was doing? Oh my, he WAS!

''Musa, will you marry me?'' He took a little box out of his pocket and revealed a silver ring with two small diamonds with a bigger one in the middle.

''Riven I.... YES.'' I jump on the top of him and we both fell to the ground. I couldn't believe it, he had actually proposed. I wrapped her arms around him.

''I take that as an 'yes' then?'' He laughed

''You bet you are.'' We got up and he slipped the silver bond on my finger and kissed me. I promised I would make him happy, I really wanted to.

''You already have, you just made me the happiest guy in the whole universe.'' It felt so good to hear and I kissed him again.

The next morning I walked through the palace corridors in my imagination when someone bumped into me.

''Oh I'm sorry.... Oh it's you, no I'm not sorry.'' I change my mind when I saw who it was. It was Mista, she was crying. What had she been doing in Rivens bedroom? She told me to go to hell and then ran away. Confused as I were I let myself into Rivens room. He stood and looked out from his window with his back against me. He didn't know what to say, but I could tell that he was upset. Then it hit me, she had been trying to seduce him I just know she had, but he had turned her down. I was going to kill her now for sure.

''She tried didn't she? She tried to seduce you right?''

''No she was, she was just...''

''Just what Riven?'' I started to get upset and walked over to him.

''She said that she loved me.'' Loved you? She can't love. It was a relief that he had told her that he didn't fell the same way about her.

''Oh I'm going to kill her.'' I was on her way out. Riven tried to grab me but he missed.

I found Mista crying outside in the countyard. No one could stop me now.

''What do you want?'' I want to kill you that's what!

''You though you were so cleaver didn't you? But he didn't fall for it.'' And I'm so glad for it.

''I don't know what you're talking about?'' Mista got up from were she sat. You don't? Well I maybe should fresh up your memory then?

''Oh yes you do! ENCHANTIX!'' I transformed into my enchantix.

''Okey you ask for it. MISTORADO.'' Mista transformed into her enchantix.

''Now you're gonna get it.'' I flew up into the air and Mista did the same.

Mista send a couple of nail of ice flying against me. I protected myself with my sound barrier sent her nails back again.

''Bass maxi!'' The attack make so only Mista could her a annoying sound. Mista held her hands by her ears and begged me to stop.

''I cant hear you, higher? With pleasure.'' I grinned snapped my fingers and Mista cried out loader in pain. When the attacked had stopped I could see rage in her eyes. She sent a giant ice block against me and I feel to the ground. I could here Rivens voice and saw him, Chel the Winx and the Specialists walked out in the countyard to us.

''Oh my Musa are you okey?'' Stella and the others girls ran to me.

''I'm okey, she's no match for me.'' I lied, it was painful but I couldn't let them know. Mista was now on the ground and tried to blame it all on me.

''Riven you have to believe me.'' Mista looked at him. I could hear Chel shout at her former best friend as she stood between them.

Riven took his sister gently by her shoulders as he told Mista that it might be better if she stopped working for them. I felt my pain go away. Was he actually saying this?

''What? You can do that, this is my only home.'' Tears running down her cheeks.

''You will hear from my father by the afternoon.'' Mista looked at him one last time before she ran into the palace in tears.

An hour or so later I sat in the throneroom with Riven and his parents.

''So Musa, you're a student of Alfea?'' Topaz smiled at me.

''Yes I'm, this is my last year actually. You went at Alfea?''

''Yes, beautiful school. We might come by when Rivens is going to take his examination.'' I and Riven smiled at each other and he took my hand under the table.


''Yes Sir?''

''You love our son yes?''

''With my whole life.'' You would just know how much.

''And you would marry him one day.'' It might be sooner then you think.

''I cant wait.'' I squeezed Rivens hand tighter under the table.

''Wonderful, we would love to meet your father some day.'' I guessed that Riven had told them about my mother. Aww he's caring to.

''Yes Musa, what are you father working with?''

''Well he is musician, but first of all he is King of Harmonic Nebula.''

''So you're a princess? Why haven't you told us that before Riven?'' His parents looked at their son.

''I haven't told you? Silly me.'' Riven grinned at me and I grinned back.

''So I guess I'll see you at the bale tonight right?''

''We sure will.

Once again we and my friends stood in the throneroom and waiting for the royal family. I could hear people chattering in each corner about Rivens dead brothers return. I also felt like I was going to explode of happiness right now. First I was going to marry the love of my life, second I had talked with my father about this engagement and he couldn't be happier either, third Riven wanted to announce our engagement tonight. Bloom and the others knew already of course but Stella promised she wouldn't blab about it tonight and ruin the announcement. And it didn't hurt that Mista were out of the palace, finally. I saw the King and Queen linked arms again.

''May I present, his majesty King Miguel and her majesty Queen Topaz of Eldorado.'' Rivens parents walked down the stairs.

''And may I presents his royal highnesses prince Riven, prince Tulio and her royal highness princess Chel of Eldorado.'' Riven and Tulio walked down the stairs on each side of Chel hooked arms. The whole room applauded loader then before. When they finished the stairs, Riven walked over to us friends as a flock of people walked over to their youngest prince.

''Are you ready dear?'' Riven winked at me.


''I'm ready when you're?''

''I'm ready.'' Riven looked back to his parents and nodded to his father.

''May I have you attention please?'' The King stood up.

''It's soon time for my oldest son, prince Riven to take over the throne. But he can't do it with out a wife. Only a few minutes ago, my son told me that he had proposed to his girlfriend and she had gladly accept. May I present my son prince Riven of Eldorado and my soon-to-be-daughter-in-law, princess Musa of Harmonic Nebula.'' Riven and I walked over to the King and Queen. We were greet by Chel and Tulio, and it was cheering and clapping for us. This was the happiest day in my life…. So far.

Next is Rivens POV, if you want me to make a season 2 after then review what you think. Please R&R:)