Disclaimer: see my profile

A/n this is an answer to a challenge from Editor Frog to write a dialog only peice. If you haven't read her peice "Science Fiction," I highly recommend it.

"What the hell happened to you man?"

"Our friends were here last night. I forgot to hide the poster."

"Oh… I told you to put it away before they got here."

"Don't 'tsk-tsk, me!' I didn't know she and the guys were coming over last night. Chase told me a week ago they had some kind of top secret case with Michael in Miami."

"Yeah, but she told me they were on their way back yesterday and I told you. Don't you ever listen to me?"

"Unless we're on a case - not really."


"You're the one that teases me twenty-four seven. I've learned to tune you out. It's all white noise to me now."

"You'll listen to me now kid. Unless you want another shiner."

"Cute… Be careful with that!"

"Geez… You'd think it was the Holy Grail or something.

"It happens to be a family heirloom."

"I can see that! I thought you had your own espresso machine?"

"I do!"

"Next you'll be telling me how it works."

"Actually, all you have to do is fit this tube into the flat and round piece right here. Then you stand it up in the pot. The filter goes there and you fill it up with water. The top goes on and when the coffee is ready, you can see it bubbling in the glass piece on top."

"I feel like I 'm in one of the shows on television."

"What show?"

"Don't roll your eyes at me. You know the ones where they hunt around in some person's attic and find all these antiques. They discuss how much they're worth at auction. "

"Don't you think you're overstating it just a little?"

"No… You're the one that went into all the boring detail about how that coffee pot works. I could care less. Where's your espresso machine."

"The guys helped me pack it and move it yesterday."


"It's not that heavy!"

"Whatever… So how does Austin feel about the poster?"

"Um… she's fine with it."

"Then why are you squeaking?"

"She thinks it's Carrie Fisher in that gold bikini."

"You dog!"

"Well… Chase is a dead ringer for Carrie Fisher at that age. So I thought -"

"You thought 'what she doesn't know, won't hurt her'."

"Laugh all you want. It doesn't matter anymore."


"Chase destroyed it."

"Now that's funny."

"No it's not… She also made me tell her where I got it. She 'convinced,' Kyle to get rid of his copies so he can't make me another one."

"Cry about it tomorrow. I want to finish moving you before six tonight."

"Let me guess… Hot date?"


"Me too… Austin's been here since yesterday and she can't wait to set up my new place."

"You, my friend, are totally whipped!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes you are, totally whipped."

"I'm not listening to you. See… This is me not listening to you."

"You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you're whipped."

"Who's whipped?"

"Um… Hi Austin!"

"I thought I'd help with the last of your stuff."

"You're so whipped - OW!"

"Come on Austin. Morgan would rather talk than work."

"Did anyone ever tell you that you two act like brothers?"

"No we don't!"

"Oh… Denial in stereo… Proves my point!"

"Can we please just finish this move?"

"You're a little tense, baby."

"Yes, he is!"


"Come on Spencer… The sooner we finish here, the sooner I can help you 'relax."


"See kid, totally whipped!"