Disclaimer: I do not own the incredibles, transformers, or anything else I intend to use in the making of this story. Except for one character. That being said, Let me just say this is my first fic, so please read and review this chapter and I will try to get the next one up as soon as possible. And For the incredible fans, this takes place exactly one year after the Omnidroid was destroyed.

The AutoKnights: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The Meteor

"Hurry up kids! Were going to be late for the party!" shouted Mrs. Incredible.

"Were almost ready Mom!" shouted her two kids, Violet and Dash.

"Well go faster! This is the first annual Omnidroid Liberation Banquet and I do not want us to make a bad impression by being late!" Mrs. Incredible shouted again.

"Hey Helen, lighten up." Said her husband, Bob (or Mr. Incredible) "They're kids. They go a little slower sometimes so relax. We'll get there on time."

Helen then looked at her husband. "I would expect Violet to be slower but Dash has super-speed for God's sake. What's taking him so damn long?" She said.

"Hey I heard that!" shouted Dash.

"Good!" replied Helen. "Maybe that will make you go faster!"

"For your information Mom," Dash said "I've been ready for twenty minutes! I just can't find my mask!"

Now both Helen and Bob were pissed beyond belief. They were going to be late just because of a stupid mask? Even Violet, who had just finished getting ready, was a little annoyed. All three went into Dash's room to find a two-foot-tall black blur zipping from one end of the room to the other trying to find the mask. When Dash finally stopped, everyone looked at him with a bit of anger in their eyes. There was nothing but silence until Bob broke it.

"At least he looks good in his tux." He said with a slight chuckle.

Helen then shot him a glare that to Bob translated as "Shut the hell up before you die."

Bob immediately lost his smile and then looked at Dash and said "Dash, where did you last see your hero mask?"

"I can't remember." Dash answered.

Helen then released a deep sigh that read anger. "Rick is going to so pissed he'll make us go back into hiding for this." Helen said.

Violet then had an idea. "Mom, Dad, if you don't mind, allow me." Violet said as she entered Dash's room.

Dash then became a little mad. "Hey, no girls except Mom are allowed in here." Dash snapped at his sister.

Violet just pushed Dash out of her way and walked towards Dash's bed. She then got on her knees and reached her arm under Dash's bed and searched around until she felt something. She pulled it out from under the bed, and everyone was surprised at what she caught. It was a piece of black rubber with two eye holes in it that fit Dash's face perfectly. Violet handed the mask to Dash and he simply said "Should've known. Stupid." Violet then made the exit out of Dash's room and on the way out her Mom asked,

"Vi, how the hell did you know where it was?"

Violet then replied with a smile, "He's an 11 year-old boy. Almost everything of his can be found under his bed."

Both Bob and Helen soon laughed together for a few seconds until finally starting to make their way towards their car. Helen grabbed baby Jack-Jack and opened the door to the garage where everyone was waiting. Helen got Jack-Jack in his car-seat and then got in shotgun position.

"Just make sure he doesn't burn this tux. It's his last one." Bob said to his wife.

"Way ahead of you." Helen replied. "Edna made this one. It's fire, metal, laser, and demon-proof" After that was said, Bob started the car, backed out of the driveway, and headed towards the banquet.

After the long drive to the downtown banquet hall, everyone got out of the car, Bob handed the keys to the valet. And they all made their way to the door. Just before they got to the door, they heard a familiar voice.

"You weren't planning on going in there without me now were you?"

They all turned around and saw a man in a white tuxedo with a bluish-white hood over his head and wearing optics you would see on Cyclops in X-Men.

"Frozone! You made it!" Bob said as he went over and high-fived his friend.

"Well of course I made it. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Frozone said "You all got your masks?"

"Yeah we do. Thank God." Helen said as she stared at Dash.

"What?" Dash asked. "Nothing lets go." Helen said as they all stated to head inside.

A few hours later, Bob got his car back from the valet and everyone was ready to leave. He and Frozone bumped fists and then Frozone skated off on a trail of ice that leads into the sky. Bob go into the car started it up and the clock read 11:45pm.

"Wow it's that late already?" Helen asked a little surprised.

"Just be thankful that its summer vacation for the kids." Bob replied.

"Yeah as if Dash's grades aren't bad enough already." Helen said while chuckling.

"Hey he'll hear you." Bob said back.

"No he won't. Look behind you." Helen pointed out. Bob turned around and saw all three of his kids fast asleep.

"Oh OK" Bob said before shifting the car to DRIVE and heading home.

On the way home they stopped at a red light near a park. Helen looked at the park, smiled, and then looked at bob with the smile still on her face.

"You remember our first date in that park?" She asked her husband.

Bob replied, "Of course I do." which made Helen smile even more.

"Although I don't remember that on our first date." Bob said looking up concerned.

Helen then turned her head back to the park and the same thing caught her eye. She looked up and saw a small meteor heading for the park, which it successfully hit the center of with a very loud bang that woke up the three kids in the back of the car.

"What the hell was that?!" Violet asked her parents.

"A meteor. Get your super suits on!" Helen answered. After hearing that everyone took off their nice clothes to reveal what they had on underneath, their super suits. They all put their masks back on, got out of the car, and started running towards where the meteor landed. But when they got there something was wrong. There was an eight foot wide crater, but no meteor.

"Are you sure you saw a meteor?" asked Dash.

"Yes I'm very sure! I saw it fall! SO WHERE THE INCREDIBLE HELL IS IT?! Elastagirl replied pissed off then ever before.

"uuuughhhhh" was her answer.

Everyone then began to turn their heads in different directions to see where the groan had come then spotted something.

"OVER THERE!" she shouted.

Everyone turned their heads in the same direction as Violet's. There was someone right outside the crater who was barely conscious and looked like was in pain. All four incredibles rushed over the guy and saw him clearly. He was a male, seventeen years old by the looks of him, thin and nearly six feet one inch tall. He was wearing camo style pants, a plain black shirt, and black boots.

"Why the hell didn't he run away when he saw the meteor?" Mr. Incredible asked.

"Maybe he didn't see it and it was too late when he finally saw it." Violet concluded.

"Whoa cool. Look at his hand." Dash said completely off topic.

Elastagirl grabbed the guy's right hand and when she saw what Dash saw, she agreed that it was cool. There was a ring on his finger with a large stone in it. It was the stone that caught everyone's attention. The stone was sapphire-blue and it had some redish-orange markings on it that looked like flames. Before they could examine the ring more, the hand with the ring grasped Elasitagirls hand very weakly. They all looked down to see the guy was trying to move.

"Don't. Save your energy." Mr. Incredible advised him.

"Mmmmm……mmmmmmm……my." The guy uttered out.

"What?" everyone asked.

"My name…….is………Trevor….Bauer." he said before falling unconscious.

Mr. Incredible picked him up and stood up with the rest of his family. "Where should we take him?" He asked his wife. "Lets take him to the hospital. We can go check on him in the morning to see if he's all right." Elastagirl replied. Everyone agreed as they took Trevor to the car and started to head for the hospital.

*So there you have it Chapter one is ready to be read and reviewed. (please) Next Chapter coming soon., I Promise.