You know, I really can't stand hypocrites and yet, I have become the biggest one of all. I get aggravated when I'm reading an amazing fanfic and it becomes month after month after month and the writer has yet to update! Doesn't that just make you want to scream? Yeah well, I've become the worst of 'em all, haven't I? I haven't updated in, what, almost a year? Yeah...and I can't give suitable excuses. I go to college and I work, yes, but I have a lot of free time where all I want to do is play on Facebook instead of updating like I should.


That stops now!

I went back and read it and frankly, its awful. Seriously, I don't understand why you all like it as much as your reviews express that you do. But, I will not complain. I am going to completely redo this whole story because I have sat down and thought about it and I have finally come up with a suitable plot! As you will notice, while reading this first chapter, a lot has changed. If you are reading this story for the first time, however, you should just skip my rant and go straight for the story.

That being said, I am merely asking that you stick with me for a few more months. That's all I ask is a few more months to put up with my procrastination and writer's block.

On another note, after I finish this fanfic, I want to do an Inuyasha one. However, just like with the beginning of this one, I have no idea nor plots in mind! So, while you're waiting, would you be so kind as to give me all and any ideas as to what I can do? Oh! I guess I should mention that I want it to be a romance with the couple Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. If you are against the whole incest aspect of it, then please don't put anything because I would really rather not read flames. It would only depress me and then I really wouldn't want to write anymore!

Thank you so much for sticking with me through all my issues!

Disclaimer: I disclaim.


These are the times that Hagrid really appreciated having a job such as his. As well as gamekeeper, he could occasionally embark into the Forbidden Forest and just relax, as well as collect injured animals or even greet old friends. Sure, he knew that the forest was dangerous, but it concerned the half giant little. The animals themselves would sense the danger and react to it in a violent manner, but Hagrid wasn't fazed; he seemed to have a way of taming wild beasts- Buckbeak for example. Okay, he couldn't really tame him, but he got him used to humans enough that he even saved Harry Potter's life his third year, as well as Sirius Black's.

Hagrid was amazed at how much Harry has done throughout his years here at Hogwarts, though it saddened him thinking about the boy and his friends. He glanced up at the sky in thought as he wondered how long it had been now; five...six years? Time really did fly since their graduation and the school was rather quiet these days without his favorite troublemakers.

Hagrid shook those thoughts from his mind and glanced up into the forest canopy to see the sun finally rise into the sky. He had left his home early this morning to venture into the forest, knowing that animals would be teeming as the sun continued to rise.

He chuckled lightly and rolled his neck, a few bones popping before he rose the lantern he had been holding and blew out the flame inside. The forest illuminated enough to see where he was going now.

He had actually heard that there was a new abundance of baby unicorns that he wanted to take a peak at and see if everything went well throughout the birth. That, and he also wanted to venture deep into the forest to see if he could come across any dragons at all, though it would be unlikely as it wasn't the time of year for them to be about, but Hagrid could only hope.

He grunted as his large form climbed over fallen tree trunks and branches, the lantern swinging at his side as Fang sniffed the ground in front of him. He learned that bringing Fang along was a good idea, seeing as the hound could lead him straight to any animals of Hagrid's choosing, even if he did get sidetracked from time to time and ended up chasing some kind of small rodent until it scampered up a tree or into a burrow.

Hagrid chuckled at the memories and bent down to pat the dog's head a moment before he stood back up and looked around. "Alright, Fang. Now, if ya 'appen to come 'cross anythin' good, le' me know." He smiled down at the dog, earning a small bark in return as if he understood. He put his face back to the ground and continued to sniff around, tail wagging. He gave a bark and trotted off into another direction, making Hagrid smile as he knew Fang was leading him towards the unicorns.

They traveled for a while until they came upon a large clearing where snorting and whinnies could be heard. He grinned and situated himself behind a tree. At the far distance he was positioned at, he could watch the unicorns without being spotted, as they tended to run off if humans were near. He called Fang to his side, not wanting the dog to make any noises as he turned and looked back at the creatures. The new babes seemed to be coming along fine, as they were nurtured by their parents and played with the other offspring.

He continued to look around before one of them caught his eye. One of the babes was having trouble standing, and would fall back to the ground on shaky legs when it attempted to stand. Concern filled the half-giant and he stood from behind his hiding spot to help the babe but he stopped when he noticed the parent come over and nudge him, encouraging him to try and stand again. A few more attempts and the babe was standing on shaky legs. He walked around a bit cautiously before he neighed happily and ran off to play among the others.

Hagrid smiled and chuckled before Fang's growling caught his attention. He looked down at the hound with confusion and squatted down beside him. "Wha' is it?" he whispered. The dog sniffed the ground a moment before he bayed loudly, startling the unicorns and causing them to bound off in fear. The dog barreled off in the direction of whatever he was tracking, causing Hagrid to curse and scramble after him.

Hagrid chased after the dog, panting for breath as he glanced around to see where Fang went, following the sounds of his barking. The forest became thicker as well as quieter, the silence setting Hagrid off a bit as he became more cautious. He heard himself getting closer to Fang so he slowed down, the dog soon in his sight but he was growling and whimpering towards a clearing; not a tree, not a burrow of some animal, just into a clearing. Hagrid looked at the dog quizzically before he stepped forward to try and coax the dog to follow him, but Fang wouldn't move from his spot. Hagrid didn't understand the dog's strange behavior and turned towards the direction that Fang was barking at and glanced around, not understanding. He did feel as if something dark had happened here, something not caused by the forest. A chill went down his spine as he made his way deeper into the clearing.

He turned and was about to head back when something caught his eye. Curiosity driving him, he walked over to a large black tree and knelt down in front of it. The body of a small animal lay at its base.

He reached out and gently touched it, but when nothing happened he grew slightly concerned. He put down the lantern beside him and reached foreword and gently picked up the animal, surprised to see that it was a baby black fox. He inspected it closer, found it to be male and also noticed a small, white unidentifiable pattern on his forehead. White also encircled the tips of his ears and tail and he had white paws.

Hagrid glanced around a moment, the animal tucked into his arms, trying to locate the parents, but it seemed as if all life had fled from this area of the forest. He looked back down at the bundle in his arms, a case of déjà vu overcoming him a moment before he shook it away. The fox was alive but clearly unconscious and his front leg seemed to be injured.

Picking everything up, he walked back over to Fang who sniffed at the creature a moment before he barked and wagged his tail, turning and starting the trip back home. Hagrid watched the dog a moment, wondering what was making him act so strange before he followed him.

The whole trip home, the fox didn't stir once, which concerned Hagrid and he started to wonder just how long the kit had been knocked out. He hung the lantern up on a nail as he entered and gently placed the small fox on his chair before he went over and started a fire in the fireplace. Fang took his normal spot on the rug to catch a nap. Hagrid went back over to the fox and gently lifted him, sitting down in his chair with a sigh before he rested the creature in the crook of his arm, inspecting his leg. It wasn't broken, but it was sprained and needed to be tended to. Hagrid carried the fox around with him as he gathered some herbs and bandages, not knowing if there were any cuts on him through all this fur, but he was going to treat him for them anyway. He sat back down with the supplies in his lap before he set to work, gently applying the herbs to his leg before he wrapped it in bandages. "There ya are." He cooed softly, stroking his fur before he walked over to Fang, kneeling down in front of him and slowly presenting the fox. Fang lifted his head and sniffed him a moment before he gave the fox a small lick. Hagrid took this as an okay and gently placed the fox down beside the dog, knowing that Fang would protect him while he was away. He needed to go and report his findings over with Dumbledore. He stood and cleaned himself off a bit before he turned and left the house, locking the door behind him.

The pounding between his ears refused to stop, making it almost impossible for him to open his eyes. Harry shook his head slowly before he forced his eyes open, blinking a few times to clear his vision. He tried to stand but found that he couldn't balance on two legs and fell over. Green orbs glanced down and was startled as black covered his arms and legs and the more he looked the more he noticed it was on his stomach and back too. He panicked and reached to rip it off, but he found that his arm wouldn't bend towards him.

'What happened to me?'

Harry panicked and looked around for some kind of mirror. He had to see what had happened to his body.

'Okay, okay, just, calm down and look around.'

He forced himself to take a deep breath and looked around. Everything was obviously larger than him, but definitely recognizable. He wracked his brain and soon gasped when he came to realize that he was in the middle of Hagrid's house! How had he gotten in here? He glanced around again, but the feeling of something pressing into his back and sniffing him made him freeze and slowly turn around. He blinked up at the massive dog and gasped when he realized it was Fang.

'Fang? He's so big!'

He opened his mouth to shout at the dog, but all that came out was a small bark. He froze at the sound. Fang cocked his head to the side and wagged his tail as he bent down and started to sniff at him once more. He rolled his eyes and backed away a bit.

'Okay, think! How can you get up there?'

He pondered for a moment before he glanced down at his paws and got an idea. A smirk came to his face and he reached up. He sunk his claws into the material and grinned in triumph. He climbed up the chair and up onto the arm before looking over and spotting the mirror. He gasped at what he saw though. He was covered completely in black fur, except for on his forehead, ears, tail and paws. He looked back and noticed the large tail, staring in slight awe as he swooshed it around, glancing back into the mirror, his own bright green eyes staring back at him.

'Well, at least that hasn't changed.'

He shook his head as he continued to stare at his reflection before he growled lightly. He had to get out of here! He glanced around and noticed that the window was open. He smirked and jumped up. His claws connected with the curtains, but his weight started to make them tear. He scrambled up as fast as he could and stumbled a few times as the curtains continued to shred. He finally made it to the window ledge and climbed up onto it as he tried to catch his breath. He glanced down and gulped at how high he seemed to be. He looked over and noticed Fang was jumping around and whimpering, making Harry blink in confusion at what the dog was doing. His eyes widened as the dog started to run at him and he scrambled out of the window and to the ground once more. It knocked the wind out of him and he had to stay still a moment to catch his breath before he rolled over and looked around. He had to think of something! He needed to change back, but how? He paced a moment in thought before he gasped and started to race off towards the school, intent on getting into Gryffindor tower and finding Hermione! She'd know what to do!

He raced off as fast as his small legs could carry him, sprinting across the yard and into the corridor. Thankfully students were still in class so he wouldn't be spotted. He raced on and down the corridors, glancing around every now and again to get a feel on where he was before he continued on. His heart was pounding in his chest and he couldn't help but love the speed he was going at. Sure, this was nothing compared to the speed of his broom, but his own speed and strength was allowing him to run at such a pace that no human could match!

He skid to a stop and sniffed at the air; something wasn't right. He glanced around and gasped, his ears falling back onto his head and his tail slightly falling as he caught the scent of a cat stalking the halls. If Miss Norris caught him, who knows what Filch would do to him! He looked around wildly before he turned and ran down a random hallway, not stopping until he rounded the corner of it at the far end. He held his breath and peeked around the corner, seeing that the coast was clear. He breathed a sigh before he turned and looked around, wondering where he was. He slowly walked down the corridor, looking up at the doors he passed before he stopped and blinked up at a large portrait that looked strangely familiar. His eyes widened when he noticed that he was standing in the middle of the Slytherin corridor. He glanced around him to make sure no one was around before he relaxed and started to sniff around.

He started to grow frustrated at the fact that everything was so large, towering over him. He growled softly before he turned to leave the corridor. The ringing of a bell caught his attention as did the footfalls of students. His ears flattened back on his head before he turned and ran, hoping to get out of the corridor before the Slytherins caught him. He made it out, but there were so many students around, he was afraid of getting stepped on. Ears still flattened on his head and tail lowered and tucked underneath him, he slowly started to make his way into the hall, avoiding all the feet that he could. He had almost made it all the way across when loud laughter caught his attention, making him stop and look, and therefore tripping someone in the process. He yelped out in both surprise and pain as he had been stepped on. He turned and ran as fast as his legs would carry him, slipping and sliding in the process as he dashed behind a large pillar, chest heaving as he tried to calm down.

He peaked around the edge up at the student's faces, ignoring the cursing of the black headed boy he had tripped. As his eyes took in each student's face, he grew more and more confused. Did the school get a bunch of new students in the middle of the year? He didn't recognize any of these people.

He waited quietly behind the pillar as the students made their way to their next class. When the coast was clear he slowly walked out and glanced around once more before he turned and made his way to the end of the corridor and found himself in front of the Grand Hall. He looked up at the extravagant doors and released a breath of air before sitting back on his haunches.

So far, he had done a great job of keeping his mind clear, but here, in front of these massive doors in the dead silence of the hall, he had no choice but to think of his current predicament.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember how he ended up like this. The last thing he remembered was getting on the train to head back to the Dursley's for the summer. After that was a massive blur. He had flashes once and a while of people and places, but none of them were familiar to him. The most often one he received was one of a high-class house that held modern, yet extravagant furniture. There was a fireplace in the living room with two comfortable-looking couches with an equally comfortable-looking recliner. Off to the side was a winding staircase that led to the second floor of the house, but he didn't know what was up there. Past the staircase was a kitchen that had a door which led farther into a garden.

There were people sometimes there too, but again, he had no idea who they were. A short blond-headed woman with kind blue eyes and also a boy with large brown eyes and brown hair who looked a lot like Teddy, but he was too old to be the little toddler that Harry knew of.

A sigh escaped the fox's lips as his head drooped to rest on his chest. A wave of depression hit him followed by a small whimper. He wasn't a coward by no means; he was a Gryffindor! But, that didn't mean that he didn't grow upset and frustrated. Here he was, a little over a foot tall, no recollection of how he got like this, surrounded by faces he didn't recognize. He assumed they could have been the new first years, but they were too old. There was no way they were eleven years old; fifteen perhaps.

"My, who do we have here?"

Harry turned to find himself facing a pair of shoes. He blinked and looked up, and up, and up until he finally saw the face. The familiar white beard and twinkling blue eyes made his heart race with excitement and relief. He gave a bark up at the old man, earning a chuckle in return. Dumbledore knelt down to examine the fox closer.

"So you are the little creature that has poor Hagrid all upset."

Harry walked up to him and reached up with his front paws, resting them on the headmaster's knees. Finally! Someone he knew! But when he tried to speak, all that came out was a bark. He growled in frustration and shook his head.

Dumbledore had a puzzled expression on his face before he reached foreword and picked up the young black fox. When Hagrid had come rushing to him about an injured fox, he didn't think much of it and wasn't in much of a hurry, seeing as the only injury reported was a sprained foot; not a life-threatening injury. He took his time and wandered down the halls, nodding to students he passed by as they made their way to their next class. He rose an eyebrow at a student who was cursing about an animal that tripped him. The only animal he knew of that would be wandering the halls was Miss Norris, but she wasn't known to be in main hallways, and especially not when students are out. Curious, he made his way to where the student had come from and found himself walking towards the Great Hall, where lo and behold, a small fox was sitting. Looking at it from a distance, the creature seemed normal. He couldn't detect any dark magic which only made him more curious as to where it came from. The closer he came to it, he could have sworn he saw the creature start to cave in on itself. The shoulders drooped and the head fell to rest on its chest, which heaved before letting out a pitiful sigh. He allowed himself closer and watched as black ears with white tips swivel in his direction at the sound of his footfalls, but the fox didn't turn. Only when he spoke, did it turn in surprise. He wasn't sure where this fox came from, but he knew that it wasn't meant to be here. A quick inspection let him know its gender and he decided then and there that he would get to the bottom of this curious fox.

Shifting him in his arms gently, he stood back up to his full height and started to make his way back to his office. "Now, young one, just where did you come from?" he asked, but it seemed to be more to himself then directed at Harry.

Harry didn't know how he was to let the man know who he was, but he had to think of something. The trip up the winding stairs was made in silence save for the grinding of stone against stone as the stairs rotated. As the door opened to his office, Harry couldn't help but look around. The familiar surroundings made him relax farther; he was safe here and he knew it. Nothing would be able to harm him in the headmaster's office, especially with said man here.

He was placed on the floor once more and he couldn't help but immediately jog up to Fawkes's stand and bark up at the bird. Fawkes turned and looked at him quizzically before he jumped down to Harry's level. The bird seemed to simply stare at him a moment before he leaned foreword and rubbed its beak gently across Harry's head. Harry smiled, well, as much as a fox could smile, and watched the bird fly back up to his perch and continued to groom himself.

Dumbledore watched this interaction with a sense of wonder. Fawkes never reacted so kindly to another creature before, let alone one he had never known. To see him act so...lovingly towards the fox made him wonder if there was more than what he had initially known there to be. He sat down at his desk and just simply watched the fox as he made his way to a chair and climbed up into it. This fox wasn't normal. He was too intelligent to be an ordinary forest dweller. No creature would have had the human intellect to sit in a chair and stare back at him with large green eyes that seemed to hold wisdom no mere animal should have; unless he was an animagus. But that theory couldn't be correct as the person would have changed back as soon as they were approached. Unless the person didn't want to be found out, but then why exhibit such human behavior that gave themselves away so obviously? As he pondered this, the fox continued to stare at him.

Harry was growing frustrated. He had no idea how to convey to the man who he wa-wait! Wasn't he a master legilimens? Harry jumped up and barked excitedly at the man, causing Dumbledore to raise his eyebrows in surprise. If Harry himself couldn't recall his own memories as to how he came to be like this, then perhaps the professor could go into his subconscious and find them for him!

He spun around in the chair yipping before he came to a stop with his front paws on the old man's desk. His chest was heaving and his tail wagging madly but he started to sag as he noticed the man just stare at him like he was mad. A growl passed through his throat as he backed up and pouted in the seat once more. He huffed and laid down, resting his muzzle on his paws. He was out of ideas. If even the brilliant, if slightly delirious, Albus Dumbledore couldn't figure it out, then there was no hope that anyone else would.

Feeling depression fall around his shoulders, he shut his eyes and let out a long sigh. He did everything he could think of, but without his voice, it was all hopeless. Then again, he would even give up his voice if only he could get his memories back. He seriously didn't understand any of this. Where were his friends? Surely they were looking for him. But...why hadn't they found him yet? He was even at Hogwarts for bloody sake! It wasn't like he was lost in some god-forsaken place filled with dementors or even death eaters!

Before he knew what was happening, his thoughts drifted and his eyelids grew heavy as he slipped into an uneasy sleep.

He wasn't asleep long though before muffled voices pierced through his dreams and he woke groggily, giving a small moan as he lifted his head to look around. He was weary as he took in a plush red chair and he lifted his head further to look around, his brain moving slowly before he remembered he had been trying to communicate with the headmaster. He jumped as a sharp noise entered his ears, whipping around to stare at Fawkes. He heaved a breath to calm his heart and gave a small huff at the bird. His left ear twisted to the side as he picked up the muffled voices once more. Jumping down from the plush chair, he winced as he landed once more on his sore leg and leaned down to sniff at it a moment before he licked at the blood stains from where it had re-opened. His ears twitched once more before he padded over to a large wooden door that was stationed off to the right side of the room, almost hidden from view. He dropped his head down to the ground and took a dainty sniff, furrowing his brows as he recognized the smells lingering just on the other side of the door. Without even having to place his ear against the door, he could clearly hear what the voices were now saying.

"Head Master, it is not my responsibility to care for this creature! Give it to that oaf, Hagrid!"

Harry snorted, giving a small growl at the snarky potions master.

"Now Severus, Hagrid can't take care of him, seeing as he is leaving tonight for Switzerland to check on some injured thestrals."

"And what, pray tell, gave you the idea to call upon me? Need I remind you that we agreed that my pact was fulfilled and was free to do as I pleased?" Snape replied with a scowl.

"I know Severus, but that little cottage of yours is the perfect place to help this creature. Besides, out there in the country all alone all the time would become rather lonesome, hm?" Dumbledore replied with a that damned twinkle in his eye that Severus hated dearly. With a growl he turned on his heal and stormed out of the Dumbledore's private office.

Harry's ears perked as he heard the shuffle of robes and feet head his way. He turned to get out of the way of the door, but was a second too late; the edge of the door caught his lower-half. He was flung across the room from the force of the thrown-open door, sending him clear across the floor only to settle under the Head master's desk.

He was beyond confused. Cottage? What cottage? Snape wasn't a teacher anymore? Did he retire after Harry graduated? But if he did, how was his still able to be a spy for Dumbledore? Maybe it was a type of safe house? Yeah, it had to be! That was only logical explanation after all.

The footsteps stopped in front of him and he poked his head out to look up at the Head Master. The man's smile was clear on his face as well as the twinkle in his eyes. He turned his attention to Snape and almost shrank back from the intense glare he was getting. This put a whole new meaning to 'if looks could kill' but he returned a glare of his own at the man which only made Snape scowl more.

"Ah, here he is." Dumbledore smiled before he squatted down, smiling at him. "Come now. Don't be shy." He chuckled as he patted his knee lightly.

Harry walked out from under the desk and up to the old man and sat back on his haunches right in front of him. He switched his gaze from man to man, wondering what he was to do now. He could feel the glare repeatedly piercing his flesh, but refused to pay Snape any mind at all. He gave a small yelp of surprise as he was suddenly grabbed underneath his front legs and lifted. Dumbledore cradled him gently in his arms before he turned and looked up at him with a questioning glance and tilt of his head.

"Now look, Severus. He doesn't look too complicated to handle." He chuckled softly, lifting the arm that wasn't cradling Harry to scratch softly behind his head.

Harry blinked before he turned his head to get more of his head scratched. Who would have thought it would feel this good to have his ears rubbed!

He heard a gruff mumble before he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and yanked foreword to now be face to face with Snape. Harry gave a small growl at having been handled none-too gently before he was dropped unceremoniously onto the floor, growling once more at the potions master. Snape merely gave him a grunt before he turned his glare onto the Head Master. Without a word he turned and walked towards the exit of the office, heading towards the winding staircase. Harry blinked in confusion before he noticed Dumbledore wink at him. "Best be off, Harry."

Harry jumped at his name, turning to look at the old man incredulously, his eyes widening. "Yes Harry, I figured it out. Strange I didn't think of legilimens in the first place." he chuckled when Harry growled at him. He tried to tell him to do that! He pouted as Dumbledore continued. "Now, I placed you in Severus's care because he may be able to find a potion to revert you back to human. I'm sure you have many questions, which will be answered in due time, but for now you'd best be off. Everything will become clear soon." he smiled, giving a small wink.

Harry gave a nod before he turned and ran out of the room and down the winding staircase. He glanced around him before he caught the swirl of robes from the corner of his eye. He turned and scampered after the man, growling under his breath at being placed with this man for who-knows how long!

He fumed inside at the fact that he was to be stuck with Snape for who knows how long! As long as he stayed out of his way he was sure to be alright, but knowing the man, he would have a sixth sense and figure out that the creature was Harry Potter and even deduct points from Gryffindor for being such an imbecile at getting cursed in the first place. It was better to just play along for a while, and as much as he hated to admit it, he had to get this man to like and warm up to him before anything could be done. Although, knowing Snape, the malice and spiteful wizard with no heart, this task is a lot easier said than done.

He caught up to him before slowing down, going at a brisk trot to keep up with his long strides as he followed him to the Great Hall and then out of the doors. He glanced up at him to see the frown and glare never leaving his face. 'Great, just great. This is going to be a long process' He sighed mentally before following him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and past the apparation wards. Snape stopped suddenly but Harry was too lost in thoughts to notice and ended up ramming into his leg. He fell back onto his back and looked up to Snape scowling down at him. 'Well! You shouldn't have stopped without some kind of warning!' he spat, but all that came out was an irritated bark.

Snape's eyebrow twitched before he leaned down and grabbed Harry by the scruff of his neck. Before Harry could argue, they apparated, coming to a stop in front of a stone cottage. Harry was released to drop onto the ground but he was too busy trying not to be nauseous to be angry. His stomach finally settled after a moment and he stood to catch back up with Snape who was already at the door. He stopped before the door and lifted his wand, waving it in an intricate pattern before the wards dropped and the door opened for the pair.

Snape stepped aside and let Harry in first with a pointed look. As the fox passed, he stayed outside and wired the animal's magical signature into the wards so that he could enter and not be hexed by the protective wards.

He closed the door behind himself before looking down at the creature that was slowly taking in everything around him.

The cottage inside was very plush and comfortable-looking. As Snape lit the fireplace, Harry could see two black, plush couches facing each other with a cherry-wood coffee table sitting between them. Off to the right and to the back was a kitchen, and off to the back left was a little nook with a lamp over-hanging a table with two chairs set up around it. He walked further in and noticed a single door on his right that was set a few feet away from the kitchen. To his left he saw a hallway that held three or four rooms, from the number of doors he could see anyway. He turned and looked straight against between the nook and the kitchen, seeing yet another door. He wondered where it led to, but was soon distracted from his thoughts as robes hastily swirled past him, glancing over to where Snape had come from to see the fire place lit. The walls were a dark beige and the plush carpet a blue-gray.

He turned and walked over to the fire place, enjoying its warmth, before he turned his head towards the kitchen to see Snape pull a bottle from one of the tall cabinets, fill a glass to the brim and down it. Harry cringed, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with a drunk Snape tonight. He continued to watch the man before he turned and walked into the kitchen, stopping only three or so feet from Snape, staring up at him expectantly. He watched as Snape tipped his head back and downed yet another drink before he set the glass down and glared at the creature before him. Harry stared up at him in return, wondering what was going through the man's mind. Snape scowled down at him before he stalked past him, his robes hitting him in the face. He turned and glared at the man as he walked through the door that was settled between the nook and the kitchen. He started to follow after him, only to have the door slam in his face. He growled lowly before he turned and stalked into the living room area, not knowing what else to do. He continued to growl lowly, but in his mind he was shouting and crying out all kinds of insults and profanities at the snarky potions master, wishing he was human so he could truly give him a piece of his mind.

He figured that the door Snape had gone through was his private lab, and knowing Snape, Harry wouldn't see the man for the rest of the night. He sighed softly and glanced around before he stepped up to the couch. Pushing strength into his back legs, he jumped up onto the couch, surprised at how soft it was. It took him a moment, but he soon laid down, curling in on himself as he relied on the fire not too far from him to keep him warm. Settling his chin on top of his paws he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep from such a long day, hoping tomorrow would prove more effective with a certain potions professor.