Next day around lunch Musa stood by the lake and was waited for Riven. She heard the engine from his levabike and she got butterflies in her stomach like everytime she was waiting for him. When he got there he took of his helmet and shook on his dirty purple hair that Musa loved so much. He got of and walked over to her.



''Well you wanted to see me.''

''Yes um... Musa listen. You know if you got the idea of I didn't want to you know that's wrong, I do, I really do.''

''You do?'' Musa blushed.


''Well I might have overreact yesterday.''

''So, we're okey?''

''Yes.'' Musa smiled at her boyfriend and leaned in to kiss him. Riven wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck.

''You know, if you're up to it I wanna show you something.''

''Well I don't have to be back at Alfea until 07:00 PM so.''

''Okey then, are we?''

''Absolutely.'' They walked back to the levabike and they drove away.

They stopped inside the forest by a mountain wall with some vines and they got of.

''Well what did you wanted me to se?''

''This.'' Riven walked over so some vines and pulled them aside and revealed a cave and they walked inside. And there stood a picnic basket and a candle.

''Oh Riven this is.''

''I thought we could maybe take of where we finished yesterday. If you still up to it of course?'' Riven stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

''I'm, if you want to, if you aren't ready we could wait it's okey.'' She turned around in his arms. Riven didn't answer, he just kissed her and ran his fingers through her hair. Musa moaned in pleasure and she start to pull the zipper downwards on her sweater and took it of. A few hours later Riven dropped Musa of by Alfea again.

''Well I see you tomorrow again?''

''You sure will.''

''Okey bye.'' Musa kissed her boyfriend one last time before going back inside the school.

''Hi Musa.'' Bloom sat in the common room of their apartment with Stella and Flora.

''Hi guys.''

''Soooooo, what happened?'' Stella grinned over at her friend.

''Well do you really wanna know?''

''YEEEES!'' All three of the girls had gathered around Musa at this point.

''Well I'll just say it like this, me and Riven have taken our relationship to the next level.''

''Really? Oh how was it?''

''Did it hurt?''

''How was he?''

''That girls is between me and Riven.'' Musa grinned at her disappointed friends.