
I yawned and sat up hearing some rustling next to me. I saw Max at the window apparently opening it in just his boxers. "Is something wrong Maxie?" I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, still feeling tired.

He yawned and sat back down on my bed. "Sorry. Its just hot and I couldn't sleep." He said before yawning again.

"Yeah it is." I answered him taking off my shirt and discarding it on the floor leaving me also in my boxers. I yawned again and sat back against the cool wall. Max sat back further so that he had his back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me, enjoying the warmth that he brought even though it was hot enough already. We stayed like that for awhile before Max finally spoke up.

"Tyson? Are you still awake?" Max asked thoughtfully.


"Im pretty nervous for the second round for some reason."

"You'll be fine. If anyone can win it its us." I said rubbing the special spot on Max's stomach that always turned him on. He relaxed with a groan and rested his head on my shoulder. "I still can believe you found that spot Takao." He said smiling.

I love it when he calls me that. "Heh, it wasn't hard to find considering you practically died when I poked you with your own ripcord there." I said laughing lightly and still rubbing his special spot.

He laughed as well before stopping and looking at the ceiling. "Tyson?" he said quietly.


"What are you going to do after this tournament is over?" he asked looking me in the eye.

"Im going to take a certain person and go to Disney World." I said smiling.

I watched as the blondes blue eyes lit up. "You mean it!?" he practically shouted. I promised Max the last time we took a vacation to Disney World that I would bring him back. I never go back on my promises. Sometimes. At least I try not to. Anyways.

"Of course! We'll go right after this tournament is over." I said hugging my blonde.

"Oh Tyson thankyouthankyouthankthankyou!" the blonde screamed practically choking me to death. "You are the best boyfriend ever Tyson!" I admit that this time I actually blushed. I had never been complimented like that before. At least not anytime soon, that is.

"Anything for my blondie." I said smiling. "So what are you going to do after the tournament, other than be with me every second of every day at Disney World?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe travel the world, or just stay at home. I'd rather be with you though, you're way better than the world." He said snuggling into my chest. Once again I blushed. I mean I know you heard that right? I didn't really know what to say so I said the first thing that came to my head.

"I love you Maxie."

"I love you to Takao." I love that! We stayed like that for awhile just watching the ceiling thinking about each other. After awhile I looked down and saw Max' body go limp. I placed him back on his pillow and layed down next to him. I brushed a loose tuft of blonde hair out of his face. It wasn't long after that I fell asleep.