"Mia…it's alright…it's over…"
"I want to go home… I don't want to be here…." A frightened Mia whispered in Chuck's ear, who tightened his arms around his little sister.
"Mr. Bass. Miss Bass, are you alright?" One of the bouncers, Chuck remembered his name was Andrew, and knelt down to the two shaken children.
"Yes we are. Thank You. Can you help us get back inside" Chuck asked as Andrew motioned to pick up Mia, she jumped but looked at Chuck and nodded. Andrew picked her up lightly but her held onto Chuck's hand. The two other bouncers escorted them back into the warm foyer. He placed a shake Mia on the nearest chair and moved around to talk to Chuck.
"Mr. Bass, I will just go and get your father" Andrew informed but when he was about to turned around he was stooped but a shout.
"NO!" Both bass children looked at him terrified. The bouncer was confused; these two terrified children who had nearly been attacked and kidnapped didn't want to see their father.
"Please Sir, don't get Dad. He'll be angry he was talking to someone very important. Could you get Serena Van Der Woodsen, Nate Archibald or Blair Waldof?" Chuck asked, his eyes pleading for the man not to get his father. But before Andrew had made his decision a shout of a blonde girl in a bright blue dress came running down the foyer to the Bass children.
"CHUCK! What happened?" 12-year-old Serena Van Der Woodsen stopped and pulled her friend into a giant hug.
Three other children had followed Serena down the foyer when they say their cheeky friend hurt with his little sister still shaking with fear. Blair Waldof, in a royal red silk dress hugged, Chuck after Serena had let him and gone to sit next to an upset Mia. Eric sat the other side of his best friend.
"Mia what happened?" Eric whispered softly looking at her seeing the rivers of tears falling down her face. Blair and Nate were holding up Chuck as he tried to stand, energy all drained from him.
"We have to get them upstairs before anyone sees them" lair stated while looking around to see if the coast was clear. She saw the three bouncers still standing with still silent as the young group of children reunited with them.
"Excuse me, can you help you move these two up to the top floor? It's just our parent with not be happy if they see them like this" 12-year-old Blair put on her most grown-up voice and point to the three men who looked at shock of what that had been asked to do.
"Miss Waldorf, I really think we get Mr. Bass he-"
"Mr. Bass is in a very important business discussion and will not be happy to be interrupted because of this. We can look after them, we need to move them up to the top bathroom" Blair ordered and the bouncers reluctantly agreed.
Andrew lifted Mia back into his arms while another steered Chuck toward the stairs. The last stood at the doors of the ballroom to keep a look at. The group slowly moved across the foyer while looking anxiously around for any adult. Luckily they were all inside the ballroom dancing, talking and drinking too much champagne. Five minutes later the two Bass children were sitting in the large marble abandoned bathroom. Blair and Nate had already started cleaning Chuck up who hadn't let go of Mia's hand, still trying to clam her down. Serena and Eric were trying to clean Mia's dress that she had taken off. No one talked but just moved to do their jobs they had taken up. Mia was the first to talk and to break the comforting silence.
"I want to go home…"
"Where's your home?" Chuck asked the small little girl in front of her, tears streaming out of her large chestnut eyes.
"I want to go home…"
15-year-old Mia Bass whipsered into the chest of her older brother and the tears fell down her face. Chuck squeezed Mia close knowing that every face in the room had tears in their eyes. He had to show Mia where her home was no matter what.