Disclaimer: Not mine. Darn it all.

A/N: Mkays, this is part 2 of "Father's Day." I meant to put this up yesterday. Oops!

To you your father should be as a god;
One that compos'd your beauties; yea, and one,
To whom you are but as a form in wax,
By him imprinted, and within his power
To leave the figure, or disfigure it.
A Midsummer's Night Dream
Act 1, Scene 1


"It's time for Daddy to open his gifts!"

"Oh, quite right, sweetheart," Carlisle said, "how thoughtless of me. Why don't you give him your gift first?"

"Yay!" my daughter exclaimed happily.

She handed me a thin, rectangular box. "This is your Father's Day gift, Daddy," she said sweetly.

"Thank you very much, my little love." I unwrapped my gift eagerly; it was my first Father's Day after all and I was excited.

Inside the box was a beautiful picture frame engraved with music notes and held a picture of Nessie and myself sitting at the piano playing together. I remember the day quite well. I was so proud of my daughter; she was a very quick study and was eager to compose her own music.

"Oh Renesmee," I started, "this is magnificent!" I picked her up and sat her in my lap, hugging her tightly. "Thank you very much. We'll put it on the piano so that whenever I play I'll be sure to think of you." I kissed her cheek, the both of us smiling.

"Can I give you your birthday gift now too, Daddy?"

"You've already given me more than enough, little one."

"But Daddy," she said, "I really, really want to!"

"Alright then," I conceded.

"Come with me then!" She hopped off my lap and grabbed my hand, leading me toward the piano.

She sat down and patted the bench next to her. "Sit down, Daddy."

I did as I was instructed and watched as Nessie placed her tiny fingers on the piano keys. "I wrote this for you, Daddy. I hope you like it." And with that she began to play.

There are few things that are a surprise to me and even fewer surprises I enjoy. Meeting Bella, hearing her tell me she loves me, our wedding vows, the first cry issuing forth from my newborn daughter, and now this: a beautiful, flowing, cheerful, wondrous song that my little girl wrote for me. I was in complete awe of this darling youth. Everything she did, every word she said, every picture her mind showed me was better than the second before, even when I did not believe it possible.

The house was quiet and looked upon my child with awe and wonder. She looked up with a bashful look on her face when she was through.

"What did you think, Daddy?" she asked timidly as if my response would be anything other than praise.

"That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard!" What an understatement.

Nessie smiled happily. "Really?"

I wrapped my arms around her small frame, pulling her toward me, and kissing her face repeatedly. "Oh yes, 'really'! I cannot believe how magnificent it was. And that you wrote it for me? I am unworthy. But I'll selfishly accept it and say thank you anyway!" I knew that my grin would not be removed from my face for a very long time.

Everyone praised Nessie on her beautiful song as we walked back into the living room, my daughter now in her mother's arms. I retook my seat on the sofa next to Bella and Nessie.

"Okay, can we get on with the gift giving?" Emmett said. "I can't keep you out of my head for long, Eddie, and I'd like to surprise you this year!"

It was true Emmett never could keep his mind from bouncing to the very thing he was trying to keep away from me. At the moment, every one was trying to think of things other than their gifts to me. Well, everyone minus Bella, she had a natural immunity already and was very smug about it at times.

I laughed. "Alright Emmett, go ahead. Even then you all know you shouldn't have."

"Well you don't listen to me," Bella said annoyed, "so why should we listen to you?"

"She has a point," Emmett said, "but never mind that now. Here!" He handed me a brightly colored gift.

I opened it to discover a book. Maybe Emmett knew a bit more about what I'd like than I originally thought.

Then I heard him chuckling.

Then I looked at the title of the book.

"The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World."

Emmett could not contain himself. Therefore, neither could Jasper. Therefore, neither could anyone else in the room. Eventually I gave in a laughed as well.

"Oh, my dear brother," I began, "just you wait. I'll return the favor when you least expected," I teased him.

"Bring. It. On," was his reply.

"My turn!" Alice sang out handing me a large, deep box.

"I bet I can guess what this is even with out reading your mind," I kid her.

"Oh, just open it!" she said.

So open it I did.

And I was right.

The box contained a new outfit complete with shoes. Alice offered her commentary as I examined the clothing.

"It's a charcoal colored, single breasted, three button, wool feel dress suit with an eggshell white dress shirt and a grey and silver stripped tie paired with black dress shoes. All of it is designer and tailored to your exact measurements. You will love it."

Alice can be a bit demanding at times.

"Yes, Alice," I laughed. "I do love it. Thank you very much."

"Told ya," she smirked. "Jazz's turn!"

Jasper handed me a package with pretty ribbon tied around it. It took it with a raised eyebrow.

Jasper shrugged. Alice wrapped it.

Of course she did. I chuckled.

The package contained a rustic-looking, leather bound book. Opening it up, I found that every other page had staff marks on it while the pages opposite were blank.

"For your compositions," Jasper said. "You could use the blank pages for lyrics or notes. I thought maybe one day you might give it to Nessie or something like that."

I nodded my head to him. "Excellent idea; I thank you very much."

"Here you go, Edward." Rose handed me an envelope.

I opened it. It contained information for a car stereo system.

"I knew you said you wanted an upgrade for your Volvo. It's already installed. And it's wicked!" Rose grinned mischievously.

"Nice!" I said appreciatively. "Thanks Rose!"

"Our turn!" chimed Esme. "Carlisle and I already put our gift to you in the cottage. Alice wanted to try to wrap it, but we thought it'd be better this way. Here is a picture of it. She handed me an envelope that contained a picture of…

"A new piano? Esme, Carlisle, this is amazing! Thank you so very much." Now I didn't have to worry about waking Nessie up if she was asleep in the main house.

"You have one last gift, my dear," Bella said from next to me. "Here you go."

I took the envelope from her hand, kissing her cheek while I was at it. The envelope contained two tickets for the Manheim Steamroller concert in Seattle next weekend.

"You did say something about wanting to see them live, didn't you?" my wife asked me.

"I did indeed! This is fantastic. Thank you, love. I can't wait!" I was practically giddy. Edward Cullen is never 'giddy.' Alice fills that quota in this family. But, I digress.

Speaking of Alice…

"When you and Bella go to the concert next weekend, you're wearing your new outfit. Bella already has hers too." Pushy little thing, isn't she?

I looked around at my family. "Thank you all so very much. I don't deserve you all, but I thank you regardless."

Hugs and kisses, 'thanks' and 'welcomes' were exchanged.

"Nessie," I started, "will you play for me again?"

"Of course, Daddy!" She kissed my cheek and hopped off my lap running toward the piano where the rest of us congregated to hear her.

Standing there watching my daughter, my arms wrapped around my wife, and surrounded by my family I knew how blessed I was. Today was turning out to be a very good day.

As will the rest of my eternity, as long as my family is along side of me.


Aww! Wasn't that cute? Well, I thought so anyways. Lemme know what you thought! Review, if you please.