hi! this is my second fan fic. i haven't uploaded the first one yet. please review and let me know if i suck or what. thanks!

DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter belongs only to JK Rowling

Chapter 1


Great Hall

He is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my entire life. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of grey that pierces through your very soul and has the ability to make you forget your existence. His hair is the most beautiful of all the blondes in the world – so silky and so fine. His lips is the most beautiful there is.

I know I have been using the word beautiful non-stop but, really, there's just no better word to describe him. Everything about him is just so beautiful. Especially those lips! Oh, those lips! I want to –

"Rosie! Hey, Rosie!"

I want to rip my beloved cousin into pieces for disturbing my Scorpius-Malfoy-Staring ritual that I do religiously every morning.

"What?" I snap, forcing my gaze to tear away from the beautiful image of The Scorpius Malfoy from the Slytherin table eating breakfast. It's pathetic and creepy but… it's kinda hard to kick the habit.

"You're drooling," says my ever so observant cousin Al.

"I'm not drooling," I growl under my breath.

"You've been staring for fifteen minutes. Poor Malfoy's going to melt anytime soon," he mutters before taking a bite out of his toast.

He does have a point. The moment Scorpius Malfoy entered the Great Hall; all girls literally stopped what they were doing just to watch him walk. And what a walk! No, it's more of a glide. He is so graceful. He carries himself with such elegance. Or arrogance, as Al said a thousand times before.

"You're ogling him again," says Al impatiently.

"It's not ogling!"

"Look, why don't you just go there and tell him you've been stalking him since first year?"

"Shut up, okay?" I hiss at him as James sinks into the seat beside me.

"Morning," he greets cheerfully.

"You're in a good mood," I say, looking suspiciously around me.

"Relax," he says, "I don't have Dungbombs anymore."

"Why the good mood then?" I ask, still not letting my guard down.

He looks at me as though I'm missing the obvious.

"Quidditch," he and Al answer at the same time.


Like I even care about Quidditch. I don't even watch any matches, not even Gryffindor's. Well, except if it's Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Or any Slytherin match, actually. My reason? I turn my eyes back to the beautiful Scorpius Malfoy. He plays seeker for their house and just like everything about him, he's the best.

Taking a last sip from his pumpkin juice, he stands up to leave. He's done eating already? It didn't feel that long a time. My face falls as he disappears from my sight. I wonder where he's going. With a sigh of disappointment, I go back to eating my untouched breakfast.

"You coming, Rosie?" Al asks as he stands up from the table after James who's done eating. That was fast.

"No," I mumble quietly. "I'll be in library. Good luck."

"Okay, see you later."

I grunt in response. Ugh! Do girls even grunt? No wonder Scorpius don't even know I exist.

I was nibbling sadly on my piece of toast when my cousin Lily arrives, taking Al's place.

"Hey," she exclaims, always the bundle of sunshine.

"Yeah," I say moodily.

"Where are my brothers?" she asks, looking around.


"That's great!"

"Well, go cheer for them in the stands," I snap grumpily, "I'm not going. I have loads to do."

"I'm here to talk to you," she whispers to me, "but promise not to say a word to Al."

"Whatever," I shrug uninterestedly.

Lily scoots closer to me and whispers in my ear.

"Scorpius Malfoy asked me out!"

WHAT?! Wait, rewind! What? What?

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Scorpius Malfoy asked me out," Lily repeats the horrible words.

NO!!! NO WAY!!! IT CAN'T BE!!! Not Lily! Not my own cousin! I feel moisture gathering in my eyes. I'm not going to cry. Please don't cry.

"Rosie, are you okay?"

I glare at the table. "You know what I feel about him."

"Yes," she mutters quietly, "but he asked me and I… he's very cute."

HE'S BEAUTIFUL!!! And gorgeous, an arrogant prat, handsome, a playboy, attractive, HOT, good-looking, intelligent, sarcastic, rude, and sexy as hell and you stole him from me. I blink my eyes furiously, trying to keep the tears at bay. My heart feels like breaking. I can't breathe properly because of the lump in my throat.

"I know you have a crush on him and I'm really sorry, Rose. That's why I told him that I'll think about it. I'll give him my answer today."

The world stops spinning.

"What do you mean?" I ask Lily, not looking at her.

"I'd like to get your permission first," she answers softly.

Ouch. How many more times does she have to stab my already wounded and bleeding heart? Gathering strength that I still possess I look her straight in the eyes.

"Do whatever you want," I say impassively, "You know I have no claims over him. It's just a crush anyway."

I start to stand up and escape before I break down. For the first time, I'm thankful there's Quidditch. I can cry my heart out in peace.