Long story short: calculus took up all my time and I'm scared of the grade now. Mom had a huge fit over her check book last night and it took her a while to figure out her mistake, while having a rant over her cholesterol levels. …fun evening. Then I went back to what I'd written so far- hated it. Erased it and started over…. Got half way through. Hated it again, rewrote it and now I like where I'm at.

Ok Winners! (and yup, you can type 'A' and hit send and I consider it a review!) Wackylazy, Dragolover1, and Intro-Vex! 12 cybercookies each! No calories!

And I will be getting back to the bloopers today.

AIM: bluephoenix4361

Deviant Art: AuroraBluewolf

~dudes, get updates faster that way.~ AND REVIEWS MAKE ME WRITE FASTER! :D

I no own transformers. If I did, I would have kicked Megan Fox off the set a long time ago… and then maced some of the worst writers in history…one of which I have actually met. Unfortunately.

Soundwave sat in his new apartment stroking his precious Ravage. He held her gently and kissed her forehead every once in a while just to show her how much he loved her. She curled and cooed gently against his larger frame, loving the way his servos felt on her metallic skin. These few moments of tenderness were where Soundwave had longed to be for so long… it seemed like a far off memory now. It was almost perfect… even if he'd lost a few sparklings to the war, he still had Ravage… all he needed was his bondmate.

Blaster had yet to contact him, even though he'd reached through the bond several times… a bond which felt unused and barren for so long. Soundwave began to taunt ideas in his processor about his beloved… where he was… what he was doing… who he might have been doing it with. Primus forbid that Blaster had been killed. Or that he cheat on him. Soundwave wouldn't be able to get over a blow to the spark like that… but as he sat with Ravage and watched his favorite rerun of The Spark that Seeks from before the war, he thought that he could feel something on the other end… slowly getting warmer. Like a dream almost… so soft and slowly ebbing into his processor.

The little feline in his lap rolled over, snuggling into his larger frame. Soundwave placed a servo on her stomach and rubbed. He remembered that Blaster had been the first to touch Ravage's stomach when he met her, and she loved the feel of it. Soundwave leaned back onto the sofa, settling in for the night. He didn't want to rest in the berth yet, it just didn't feel right without Blaster there. Not in the huge berth that he had, it felt empty and trying to recharge there was just another reminder of how lonely he was without the red mech by his side.

Soundwave started to drift to sleep, reminding himself that he'd locked the doors and set the alarms before going to watch his old reruns on his salvaged entertainment system. The new apartments the Devastator had built for the current residents to take while the other buildings were being repaired were quaint at best… but until Soundwave's apartment had been repaired, he had to stay in the Capital building with the others. The Capital building was actually the throne of Cybertron, but it was also the only building that had been left standing after the battle of Iacon. So it was the easiest to repair and the only one with any immediate energon reserves left.

As Soundwave began to drift off to sleep, he didn't hear the spaceship dock against the ports outside of his window. Nor did he hear the red clad Autobot and his crewmates being arrested by the Decepticon guards and taken to processing, despite the yells and screams that normally occurred when an Autobot was cornered and forced to fight. Megatron made sure that the orders were to capture, not deactivate; all Autobots.

Poor Blaster frowned as he found that a cannon had been pressed against his back, then being forced towards the processing room. He was sure that he was going to give Megatron a good punch to the face… unless he was deactivated first. Megatron had stolen his beloved Soundwave from him… and was the reason four of his sparklings had died in this stupid war. But his thoughts then changed as he saw a large hanging poster of Soundwave, and the adorning label underneath the frame that listed him as third in command and communications officer.

…hopefully the picture wasn't outdated… then again, those shoulder spikes looked prewar at best. And his Soundwave didn't adorn himself in such scratched armor! …but perhaps being separated from Blaster for so long, he'd forgotten or not had a reason to polish the panels like he used to.

Starscream rested his head on Megatron's shoulder after a long day of… well frankly doing nothing active. Megatron had been in and out salvaging what he could from the Trypticon buildings, but most of the once dreadful buildings were reduced to rubble and soot. The Silver Tyrant had managed to regain his few possessions that were dear to him, but he had yet to find the remains of Starscream's room. Then again, the seeker never did carry that many possessions in the first place. He wasn't a materialistic mech, so he only carried the few datapads and objects that his friends had given him. One in particular stood on the Silver Tyrant's berthside table.

It was the datapad recorded on the seeker's graduation from the Flight Academy. Thundercracker and Skywarp were there with him in this dataframe, and Starscream often looked at it when he was away from them on missions or they were in stasis lock from a recent battle. It calmed him and relaxed the Decepticon Air Commander more than any amount of high grade had done.

Megatron ran a large talon down the seeker's spinal column to get his attention. They were watching another rerun of some show from before the war, finding a few long forgotten data tracks in the rubble around the EC (1) tower. Starscream shifted underneath the older mechs talons and looked him in the optics. Megatron smiled as he remembered the events of that morning.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked. The seeker had woken with a churning tank, and managed to barely make it to the waste depository before purging. Megatron was only a few pedfalls behind him as the seeker threw up the previous night's dinner. Megatron simple rode the bout of illness off as a side effect of the medications the medic Hook had given him to keep him calm. Megatron remembered when he had to take the same kinds of energon supplements as the young seeker when he was injured in battle.

"Feeling a little better… my tanks are still churning… and my spark feels lofty…" He said, shifting to get a little more comfortable in the older mech's arms. Megatron pulled him into a hug, kissing his forehead gently. He didn't want the younger mech to stress his neck cables, less it aggravate his tank contents again. Starscream nuzzled the older mech's chest plates, pulling the large blanket over them.

"So… what's the plan for tomorrow, love?" The now back to his regular sandy red seeker asked. Megatron smiled as he shifted his shoulder downwards to press his body into the moldable berth.

"Soundwave's back, so I think the construction on the EC tower will be next so we can communicate to our brethren. He found Ravage, and came back in the early hours last evening. You were recharging so soundly that I didn't wake you. After all… you're not named 'Screamer' for nothing…" The Silver Tyrant chuckled into his mate's neck as he nuzzled it with his air intake valve housing(2). Starscream chuckled, true- he was a screamer in berth; but only for Megatron now.

Right as the red seeker began to move towards his mate for a kiss, the COM link buzzed loudly. Megatron turned and grabbed the offending device and answered.

"What is it! I was in the middle of something! …oh… ok. Ok. Yeah, just put them in the holding cells of the ship for now. We can build that building later… yeah, the walls were destroyed… yes… yes… really? Check his datachip (3). If it matches Soundwave's call him to pick the brat up, and dart him if you have to. Sounds like he's going to be trouble. Though I bet he's just saying that. Ok…ok… bye." The Silver Tyrant hung up and dropped the COM link back to its home on the berthside table. Starscream looked at the older mech with huge, curious optics. Megatron knew what those optics were asking for… Primus, he received the same look when he asked if Starscream knew what 'surrender the booty' meant.

"Apparently some new Autotbot's were taken prisoner early this morning. One says that he's Blaster, but I didn't believe it." Megatron kissed the seeker's optic brow, just for good measure; "I mean… Soundwave taught him how to defend himself before the war, but Blaster was no fighter when Soundwave introduced us. I doubt the mech could of held his own in a fight… they are running his credentials now. Soundwave might get a good surprise out of this…" Megatron told the sleepy seeker. Starscream smiled.

"I hope so. He's been through hell after losing all those sparklings. Blaster's probably the only thing –yawwnnnn- he wants now…" The seeker managed. Megatron pulled the large blanket around them and rested his taloned hand on the seeker's lower back. Starscream's body initiated a recharge cycle immediately after, allowing Megatron to listen to the seeker's soft intakes as his systems cooled themselves in his rest.

Rodimus was meeting with Shockwave today, and decided to bring Optimus with him, because he thought the mech didn't get out of the house enough these days. After all, what was a life if you were trapped in a house all day long? As he led the decently clad mech into the fourth in command's home, he nudged him towards the harem room with a smile.

"That's where Bee and the others are. Have fun, but don't try anything the guards might think is inappropriate. They are Shockwave's harem after all… he doesn't take kindly to strangers touching anything that is his." Rodimus said as he pecked the mech on the cheek and turned to the 'war room' as he called it. One could practically hear the purple mech grumbling about the war or how to rebuild some building to the maximum efficiency at any given time in that room. Rodimus left the red and blue mech to wander into the room, under the surveillance of the guards at the entryway.

As he entered, he noted the fully stocked high grade bar, the naughty little treats on the table… that looked a lot like a cable. Almost… like they were molded from an impression. Optimus sighed as he thought he knew where, or more like who, that impression had come from. Shockwave seemed a humble mech on the outside, but when he was drunk (4) or excited, he'd come up with the stupidest ideas… including the 'cable pops' that sat in the iced container. The little statue of himself holding the damn thing was rather stupid as well.

The entertainment screen held the same thing that every other entertainment screen on the planet held right now- reruns. This time it was some documentary on animals from Earth that he guessed Bumblebee had downloaded during his time on Earth, but had yet to show the Prime. Optimus noticed the adorable little bot longing against Sideswipe's brother, who also had Blurr against his other arm, snoozing. Sideswipe himself was cuddle but a few feet away from where Blurr's leg ended, Jolt curdle into his side and smiling as they watched the program. Optimus smiled as he saw that all of the younglings were ok.

"Nice to see that this is a pretty cosy situation you have here, mechs." Optimus said, startling all of the younglings. Bumblebee let out a squeak as he tumbled from Sunstreaker's grasp and to the floor. Blurr jumped about a foot in the air as he turned to see his former leader, while Sideswipe gripped Jolt hard, thinking it was an attack out of habit more than of reason. Optimus laughed as he saw Cliffjumper, who remained surprisingly calm, turn with a cable shaped energon pop in his mouth to the Prime. That was a sight that Optimus never thought he'd see, and frankly would never forget either.

"Optimus!" Jolt yelped happily, getting up to hug the older mech. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker followed, eventually all the mechs but Bumblebee group hugged the older mech. Bumblebee stayed in the back and smiled, awaiting his own greeting from the Prime. As they broke the hug, Optimus held out his servo to the young yellow Camero and motioned his head towards the balcony outside. It was dark now, Cybertron had moved away from the star and behind one of its orbiting planets now, so night was temporary but welcomed as they could see the stars again.

Optimus led the younger mech out onto the balcony and took both serovs in his own.

"Bumblebee… I've missed you so much… I was worried sick about you…" Optimus said, hugging the younger mech tightly. Bumblebee smiled and decided to try to speak again.

"Prime… I missed you…" The young bot whispered out roughly, vocalizer scratchy and weak from years of not being used. Optimus stopped thinking for a moment and looked at the younger mech.

"Bee… you got your voice back!" He whispered, not wanting to catch the guards attention. Bumblebee smiled and embraced the older mech wholesprakedly (5) Optimus took the moment to press a quick, chaste kiss into Bumblebee's cheek. Bumblebee pulled back and smiled. He held Prime's servo to his chest, right above his spark.

"Can't…" The youngling whispered. Prime looked at his strangely.

"Can't what Bee?" Optimus asked. Bumblebee smiled softly. Then Bumblebee pressed the Prime's servo flat against his spark covering, looking into the older mech's optics.

"Belong… to… Shockwave…" He said sadly. Not that Bee didn't carry a small flame for Shockwave, but he didn't want to play easy to get with the older purple Decepticon, and Optimus was reportedly claimed by Rodimus… Bumblebee knew they had some history there… and he didn't want to interfere. Beyond that, Shockwave had treated him kindly. He'd even given him his own room, decorated with what few things Shockwave had salvaged in his spare time with his own servos from the destroyed Simfer Temple, where Bee had resided while he was still on Cybertron. What few possessions he'd managed to sneak into his room while he lived in the Temple had survived the bombing, and Shockwave had brought them back to his new room over time. One in particular was his stuffed Turbofox toy from his sparklinghood. He treasured the small creature, mostly because he was teased a lot as a sparkling, but also because it was the first gift he'd ever received from his creators the day he was extracted from his carrier's holding chamber. He was sure it'd been destroyed, but when he finally got away from Shockwave long enough to go to his own room, it was sitting there on the berth amongst the various yellow pillows and black berthsheet, with a cute little sign in its mouth saying 'welcome home'.

Optimus smiled, understanding Bee's position. He was at the age when a youngling starts to choose their bondmates… and he didn't want to hinder his own choosing any longer.

"You're right Bee… but we're still friends, right?" the older mech asked. Bumblebee smiled and hugged him again.

"Ye-ss" The young mech's vocalizer gave out halfway through. Optimus smiled and placed a servo around the youngling's waist, nudging him back into the warmth of the room.

"Then that's all I need to know to be happy."

1) Entertainment Circulation Tower. Building I made up to fill in a site for a lot of programs in one place!~

2) His nose.

3) It's like a permanent passport, it tells where you have been, lived, and what jobs you've had, as well (in this case) as who you are legally bonded to. Blaster was bonded to Soundwave by law prior to the war, so he should of still been registered as Soundwave's love.

4) To those of us who do not know who Shockwave was: he was the lone guardian of Cybertron for the Decepticons for over 4 million years. Poor guy didn't leave because he has a oil drinking problem. He leaves it for too long, his body shuts down. Now, I know what you are thinking: robots having a drinking problem? Oh man, she's lost it. Well, believe it or not- the Cybertronians actually do ingest other things than energon alone. They have to have oil, lubricants (XDDDD yeah, you know what kinds I'm talking about… ) and coolent to keep their systems running properly. Shockwave is supposedly as strong as Megatron, but the only thing that prevents him from fighting is his excessive need for oil. My guess is its all synthetic. (no BP spills there…)

5) Wholeheartedly=whoesparkedly. Making up new words for new meanings! :D


Thrust sat at his temporary abodes counter, eating a bowl of energon pudding as Dirge and Ramjet watched reruns with him again. The Coneheads had been doing this since dusk had given them a temporary break. It was nice getting to sit down… and eat energon pudding… and dream of a certain now-red mech who occupied Megatron's berth.

Oh that dreamy little frame wiggling underneath him… and those facial components twisting into a passionate scream!

Thurst sucked on his spoon more and more with each idea of how he'd take Starscream if he ever had the chance. The harder he sucked, the more the spoon went towards the back of his throat. And all of a sudden…

"Herrrkkkkk! ACK! ACK! ACK!" Thrust coughed, unrelenting in his quest to free the spoon from his own throat. Dirge and Ramjet shot out of their chairs once they saw their leader choking. Dirge went behind the red mech and started to grab his wings and stomach, pulling them both to try to dislodge the spoon. Ramjet- who was much less subtle or gentle, slammed his fist into the mech's stomach and-


Out the spoon came. Thrust coughed as fresh cool air hit his systems and he crashed onto his servos and stabilizing joints, holding his throat.

"You were thinking of Starscream again, weren't you?" Dirge asked. Thrust smiled up to the pair and Ramjet laughed.

"If it's a good suck off you need, let us oblige dear Thrust…" Ramjet said as the pair gently lifted Thrust and headed towards the berthroom.

And competed this chapter! Alrighty then… I have a one shot between human megs and star coming up… and I'm trying to get the energy up to type these things. Positive reviews= more writing! And feel free to talk to me. I'm always here. *has no job right now…*