OMG!!!! This was in my head for ages, and now it's here!!!! YAY!!!!

*crickets chirp*

Heh...well then. Khorosho. (it's german. Anyone know what it means?)

I'm not giving up my stories, I'm just putting this one down, so don't worry!

Disclaimer: I own KH. I also dance with purple cows on the moon and am made of platinum. NOT. You get the drift.

Review please!!!!

I bent over the display of candy and looked curiously at the Almond Joys, and then finally decided to grab a Dots.

"I wouldn't get those if I were you." My head snapped up, and I came face-to-face with a twenty-ish silver haired man with pretty aqua eyes. I subconsciously brushed my blonde hair out of my face, and, turning back to the candy, asked,

"Do you normally lecture strange girls about what candies they shouldn't have?"

He grinned, and replied,

"Dots are literally the worst candy in the world." A woman a few yards away glared at him and marched away holding a box of Dots.

I snorted, "Nice one. You haven't been at the movie theater candy counter for more than ten seconds and you managed to insult someone."

"I didn't mean to!" he protested, selecting a pack of M&Ms. I smiled shyly and grabbed a couple Almond Joys. Together, we walked to the register. As he looked at what I had chosen, I raised an eyebrow,

"Have my choices passed inspection sir?" I asked. He smirked at me and lightly took the candy from me, pretending to inspect it. He then pushed it back into my hand, saying,

"I guess it'll do." We reached the register, and he continued, "But Hershey is way better."

I laughed, and then stopped, surprised. When was the last time that I had laughed? I couldn't remember.

"What movie are you seeing?" He asked, interrupting my reverie.

"Um…X-Men Origins, Wolverine." I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and pulling out my wallet. "I'm not sure it'll be any good, though."

The strange teen shrugged,

"Well, we can walk out together if it sucks." I smiled again, and paid both our candies. He looked surprised.

"You didn't have to do that!" He protested. I smiled at him.

"Call it female kindness." I told him. He rolled his eyes, and dragged me over to the soda counter.

"Well, my male pride is demanding that I buy you a soda," He informed me. He got both of us a Coke, and completely ignored my protests.

He handed me the soda and grinned.

"That'll teach you not to buy strange guys chocolate." He said cheekily. I stuck out my tongue as we walked towards Screen 10.

When we got there, I realized that we were early.

"What's your name?" I asked, walking up the stairs to a few of the top seats.

"Riku," He answered, dropping down into a seat. "You?"

"Namine," I answered, sitting down next to him and stealing an M&M and popping it into my mouth. "Mmm…you have good taste in candy." I smiled, licking the chocolate from my mouth. He mock-glared at me, took an Almond Joy, and ate it. He chewed, closing his eyes like a food critic, and then smiled widely so that I could see the chocolate on his teeth.

"Yum. You aren't too bad with candy yourself."

"Ew!" I laughed, turning away, "You're gross!"

He laughed with me as more people filed in and the lights began to darken.

"But I'm so awesome it makes up for it."

Two and a Half Hours Later

Riku's POV

"Wow that was pretty good!" Namine said enthusiastically, stretching her arms as we walked out of Theater 10.

I nodded, and crumpled my candy wrapper in my hand.

"It was." I agreed. We threw out our trash, and went back into the lobby. "Don't think that I'm being creepy or whatever, but do you need a ride?" I asked, self consciously berating myself about asking a girl I had met barely three hours before if she needed a ride.

But she was special. She was really pretty, with golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes, but she had this glow that drew me to her. I felt like I'd known her all my life, and I was able to joke around and have fun with her. I didn't usually have fun, because of my job…this was the first night off I'd had in a while.

"Nah," She said, rolling her eyes, "Had to bring my own car, and no one else would come with me."

"That sucks." I sympathized.

"No, it doesn't," she disagreed, looking mischievously at me, "If I didn't come alone, one of my friends would've probably kicked you somewhere extremely uncomfortable when you lectured me about my candy choices."

I winced, and said,

"Um, okay then…"

"YO RIKU!" I turned around to see Sora, Roxas, and Roxas's girlfriend Olette running towards us. Namine looked at me curiously.

When my friends stopped, I introduced them to Namine.

"Okay, guys, this is Namine, a girl with really horrible candy choices—"

"Excuse me, but you don't have the brilliance to decide which candies rock!" Namine interrupted, her glare mellowed by her grin.

"Uh…?" Roxas said, with a slight frown, "What the hell?"

"Riku, introduce us already!" Olette said, giggling, linking her arm with Roxas's.

Sora laughed at my martyred expression.

"Fine," I said, mock-glaring at them, "Almond Joy Girl, the blond Romeo is Roxas, the brunette Juliet is Olette, and the brunette with the hair that—"

"Defies gravity?" Namine interjected. I patted her head.

"Excellent! Someone who agrees with me! Well, he's Sora."

"My hair does not defy gravity." Sora muttered, patting down his hair. It sprung right back up.

Olette snickered, and Roxas grinned.

"Yes it does bro."

Namine looked at Olette, and asked,

"Are they always this strange?"

Olette laughed, and nodded,


Namine laughed, and I noticed that she had dimples when she smiled. She looked at her watch, and turned pale.

"Oh my god! I've got to go! Maybe I'll see you guys later? Bye!" She turned to leave, and I grabbed her wrist, and fished a pen out of my pocket. I scribbled a number on her hand.

"Call me!" I told her. She blushed a deep red, and started to jog away, calling goodbye behind her.

I watched her leave, and stared at the spot she disappeared until I realized that Sora was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hello," He said crossly, "Earth to Romeo." I put him in a headlock, and told him,

"Do not call me Romeo. Ever." I released him, and snuck a glance out the window. I saw her getting into a white Prius, and driving away. "But that is one hell of a Juliet."

Olette rolled her eyes, and began to lead us towards her blue van.

"I hope she calls you," She told me, flipping her braids over her shoulder, "Because otherwise all of us who work with you are going to have a completely lovesick, moping ass on our hands."

"As opposed to…?" Roxas ventured, smirking at me. Jerk.

Olette grimaced,

"The normal, smirking, silver-haired, fan-girl attracting asshole that is our dear Riku."

I scowled at her as Roxas and Sora roared with laughter.

"I don't care if you're a CIA agent, I'm going to whip your ass someday, Olette." I muttered. Sora snorted.

"Yeah, Mr. Boss Leon is really going to like his agents murdering each other on the job."

"He probably wouldn't mind if it was off the job." Roxas reasoned.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as Olette pulled out of the parking lot.

"I hope she calls." I groaned, "Because I don't know how I'm going to deal with you lot."


Namine's POV

I drove my white Prius home to the house I shared with my 'family', my adoptive sisters Aerith and Kairi.

The house was big and a light shade of cream, with long gardens and a large oak door.

I ran into the house, closed the door, and checked my watch. I'd made it. Barely.

"Namine?" My red headed sister Kairi walked into the main hall, and took in my appearance, looking slightly surprised. She checked her watch, "Cutting it a bit close, aren't you?" I nodded, and as the clock struck ten-thirty, all alarm systems came on, the outside walls electrified, and the surveillance cameras switched on.

But Kairi looked at me like something was strange.

I supposed I looked…different. Happier. There was some color in my pale cheeks, some sparkle in my blue eyes.

Strangest of all, I was smiling.

Kairi smiled slightly, and asked,

"Have a good time?"

Well, that was a no-brainer.

"Yeah, more fun than I've had in years." I replied. I took a look at her surprised face and burst out laughing. She put her palm to my forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asked, looking scared, "You haven't laughed in…"

"Forever!" I sang, and skipped up the stairs to my room. Kairi ran up after me, and slid into my room as I closed the door. I collapsed on my pale lavender bed, and stared dreamily up at my pale ceiling. Kairi warily sat at the edge of my bed, and asked,

"So what did you—" She stopped, and picked up my hand, seeing the number Riku had written.
She looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

"A guy?!" She screamed, her face going pale, "Are you completely insane? Do you have any idea—"

"Kairi, I'm not going to say anything about what we are!" I yelled, sitting up straight and curling my fingers into fists. Despite my anger, I could feel a few tears beginning to form in my eyes. Kairi grimaced, and pinched the bridge of her nose. She sank down into the white rocking chair in the corner of the room.

"It's not…I don't think you'd tell him, exactly," Kairi said slowly, rubbing her temples thoughtfully. She looked up at me through clear blue eyes, "But I do think that if you start to date him, you'd be putting everyone in danger; him, you, our family, the Organization…" She trailed off and looked my clearly in the eyes, waiting for a response.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and locked my arms around my legs, putting my chin on my kneecaps. I knew that she was right.

"Okay Kairi," I said, feeling deflated, "I guess you're right."

My family, Kairi, Aerith, and I were all members in a criminal organization called the Organization. Yeah, there wasn't much imagination in the name, but it got the point across.

"It's just…" I looked out my window at the dark night, "He just made me feel like…" I closed my eyes with a smile, imagining his sparkling eyes under a fringe of silver hair. "Like I was flying."

Kairi looked at me sympathetically, considering.

Finally, she blew out a breath, and looked me in the eyes.

"Listen. I'll talk it over with Aerith, but go on one date—just one, mind you—and we'll see from then on." I squealed, and hugged her tight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yelled, laughing.

She detached my arms from around her neck with a martyred expression. As she left, I heard her say,

"What have I gotten myself into?"

I laid in bed, and turned off my light, happy for once.


Kairi's POV

I walked down the stairs, worried to no end. If Namine was really stuck over this guy, and he somehow stumbled onto our secret, we could die.

All of us could all be finished off if he turned us in. There were different branches in the Organization, and our branch, the Amazons, specialized in secrecy missions. So it would be mostly our branch that suffered, but…

I walked down the hall, and carefully pressed a code into the object that looked like a heating control.

A mirror swung open, and I descended down into the underground rooms.

I walked through the padded blue training gym, the pool, and the secret bedrooms, stopping finally at Aerith's office.

Aerith herself was a brown-haired woman with a slender build, and a deceptively fragile, brown-eyed face.

That woman had a mean roundhouse kick.

"Hi Aerith," I said, sitting on a corner of her neat desk.

"Hey Kai," She replied, not looking up from her paperwork, "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be in bed?"

I sighed, and smoothed down my pink dress.

"Namine's got an issue."

"And that is?" Aerith asked, still not looking up. I braced myself,

"She's in love."

"WHAT?!" The office practically rocked with the force of her shout, and I nearly fell off the desk. Aerith was shocked, but her face was red, and her eyes seemed to flame.

"Eh…some guy she met in the movies…" I offered lamely.

"Did you tell her off already?" Aerith seethed. "Doesn't she know how dangerous…?"

I put my hands on my foster sister's shoulders, and said seriously,

"She was laughing, Aerith."

Aerith's mouth dropped open, "No way! Namine, I can't even remember the last time she laughed!"

I nodded, "Exactly."

Aerith considered it.
"What do you think?" She asked, sitting back down. I paced, and said,

"I think we should let her go on one date, and then take it from there."

Aerith sighed, then nodded,

"All right," She said, "But I hope she knows what she's doing."

I fervently hoped the same thing.