"Push, Tiny they said they can see her hair its black with some silver at the ends." Sesshomaru encouraged her. Kagome had sweat pouring down her body with a man looking in her vigina and Sesshomaru keep repeating everything he heard the doctors say. She just concentrated on get the baby out knowing that she could turn into a sailor if given the opportunity to speak her mind.

She kept following the orders the nurses and doctor keep throwing out. When her daughter's whining could be heard she knew that she had completed her job and relaxed and decided she wanted Sesshomaru should be the first to hold her.

"What her name?" Kagome asked Sesshomaru as she watched them meet for the first time. She got to name Kazuki so it was only fair for him to name his daughter. Sesshomaru thought it over quietly then finally decided on one.

"Her name is going to be Hikari" Sesshomaru answered. Her name meant sunlight and radiance. She was a light child. She tiny only about five pounds but healthy. Hikari looked just like Kagome but her attitude was the same as her father and had his facial expressions. Kagome smile so happy that their daughter had the perfect name for her beauty.

Hikari started whine when she smell her mother's milk wanting to take part in tasting it. Sesshomaru place her on her mother's chest. Kagome made the child comfortable to receive her first meal. She latched on as soon as the nipple was near her mouth. Sesshomaru watched the sight and licked his lip at his mate's body on display for him. Her stomach had already returned to normal size with a little chub at the bottom but not really noticeable.

When Hikari finally finished Kagome said it was time for everyone to meet her. Sesshomaru first fixed the baby's mother's hospital gown then pulled they blanket so no one could see any part of her anatomy that was for only his eyes. All of the people in the waiting room rushed in the room when they saw Sesshomaru motion for them to come.

Kazuki ran as fast as his little leg would allow so that he could see his "Mama". He had cried for days when he was told he won't see his mother until she gave birth to his sister. Kazuki walked into the room to his mother resting her eyes and a baby playing with his father's hair.

"Mama?" Kazuki questioned. He really wanted the attention he had missed. Kagome sat up a little and picked him up played with his silver locks are they rest of the party came in. Yura had promised to Akio because she didn't want to hurt Kagome in anyway angering Sesshomaru to his breaking point. Akio looked at her sire as if asking permission to go to Kagome. Sesshomaru nodded and Akio did the same as Kazuki and made herself a warm spot in the hospital bed.

"I can believe you pushed a baby out of your tight little pussy" Naraku said as he looked at Sesshomaru as if he was mocking to no end. Sesshomaru handed the baby to his mother and looked at Naraku not believing that he would say that in front of everybody.

"Look, dude. I know you have fucked her but she's with me so you need to stop" Sesshomaru said not caring that he was taking same of the attention off of his pup. He had to put this guy in his place or he would never get the respect he need form Naraku.

"Okay, whatever" Naraku brushed him off like it was nothing at all. Sesshomaru was going to let that be the end of this because this was the day he would stop all of the drama he could refusing to make his children suffer anymore.

"Then don't say stupid shit like that anymore. And we will be cool" Sesshomaru replied. Naraku nodded his head and pulled Sesshomaru into a man hug. Kagome was official passed out. Hikari whined she see opened her eyes and didn't see her "Daddy". Sesshomaru picked the "daddy's girl" and snuggled her. She let out a little noise that made Sesshomaru smile.

Everyone's happy and eating cake. Kagome's mother baked a cake for Hikari's birthday. All of the drama was gone and they would finally be the family they were meant to be. And Sesshomaru knew that this was the started a turn of a new leave.

The End

Author's Note: So that they end! I'm planning on editting the chapter and adding stuff to make it flow better. I am glad to finish so I can start on this idea I have been thinking of for the past couple of weeks so keep reading!