When The Lights Go Down

O.k. so this is my first TDI C+D Fanfic story. I've sure read enough of these stories to write my own. Big thanks and props to B-Mac982, Uncensoredharulover, toritona and 13katie who are some of the best TDI writers I know. Their stories gave me a lot of ideas for my own.

Oh I almost forgot, I don't TDI, Courtney, Duncan, or any of the other TDI characters in my stories I might mention.

Chapter 1


Why did I let Bridgette convince me to stay up so late…. Well, at least I was somber, when she decided to give an impromptu tabletop version of Striptease.

I turned over in my queen-sized bed. Damn, I had one drink, I think, with Bridge, and I was almost the one up on that table.


Well, he always said I couldn't hold my alcohol very well. Then I would answer with an "I can hold whatever I want, thank you."


So many memories were wrapped up in that name. Last night was great, Bridgette saw Geoff again. The first time in almost two years. But, with Geoff was a certain delinquent I was trying my best to forget.

After all, that's why Bridgette and I came to Vegas in the first place. To forget.

Well, that ended extremely quickly. As soon as Geoff and Bridgette saw each other they were joined in a horizontal liplock the rest of the night.

Well, as much as the night as I could remember anyway.

I'm starting to think that I had one too many drinks. Talking with Duncan, though, was a whole different story.

Seeing him again was like heaven and hell wrapped up into one heart-wrenching package, both hot and sweet.

He looked exactly the same as I remembered him. Piercings, thick cords of muscle, lime-green Mohawk, and of course his beautiful teal eyes.

Those gorgeous blue eyes, the ones that don't seem to have a bottom. They can be both compassionate and filled with ire at the same time. The pools of lust that can make me melt into a puddle with just one glance.

Those eyes seem to be the only thing that I can remember about last night.

I rolled over again in my bed only to bump my arm against something.

I opened my eyes to see a human lying next to me in the bed,

"Bridgette," I moaned "Why can't you sleep in your own damn room?" Obviously the hangover was starting to take affect. But I couldn't have a hangover. I know I only had one frickin drink.

"Then why," my inner voice started in "Do you have a massive headache, and very obviously a hangover?"

When I sat up to tell Bridgette she needs to go sleep in her own room, I noticed something.

Bridgette doesn't have a tattoo on her upper back, nor does Bridgette have a very lime-green Mohawk.

Only one person in the whole Las Vegas area or even the whole fucking state of Nevada has that hair.

Conveniently, I'm pretty sure I spent all of yesterday night with that said person.

After leaving the island almost two years ago I hoped I would see that hair again. Hell, to even dream about that hair would be a gift.

But, attached to that hair was a delinquent who, over two years ago taught me the true meaning of summer romance. That and how to finally let loose.

Even though I couldn't find the first thing he taught me, I held on quite tight to the second.

I mean I'm in the City Of Lights, don't remember most of last night, and woke up next to a dude who I haven't seen in months.

The last time I checked uptight Courtney wouldn't have even gotten on a plane to Vegas. Hell, I wouldn't have even called a cab to take us to the airport.

So now here I am hyperventilating, and trying to remember what happened to me last night, next to a (probably) naked, smart-alecky, hot, pig of a guy.

Needless to say, I'm starting to see why I've been trying to stay away from alcohol.

But, I mean it was just one night, what was the worst that could've happened?

A/N Ok so what did we think? I think the ending could've been a little better. But I like how I started this story out. Sorry it was kinda short though. I'll try and make the others longer.

Duncan: Seriously, I mean all that entire chapter had was a very uptight prissy girl complain about me.

Courtney: Excuse me, you know I'm right here, right?

Duncan: Did you hear something? It sounded like a very annoyed princess with an attitude problem.

Courtney: Maybe there's a reason K didn't have you say anything in this chapter.

Duncan: Ah, doll-face check out her name; Team Duncan, not Team Courtney.

Me: Well, that's true, but Courtney you do have to admit Duncan is snappier with the comebacks then you are.

Courtney: Are not.

Duncan: Are so.

Courtney: Are NOT.

Me: Please REVIEW!!! Tell your friends, favorite me, put my story on the side of a blimp. I don't care, just spread the word. Hypothetical Brownie points for all who do. Thanks!!
