HELLOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hey, peeps! Just another update of.. da da daaaaaa….DUSK!! Haha, this is going to be long, so you might want to get some chocololate milk and a piece of cheesecake while you're at it 

Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue in here is from Order of the Phoenix. I do NOT take credit-it was all JK Rowling. Oh, and Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

BTW, one of the lines in hear is from A Very Potter Musical by StarKid. Not me.

Youtube it. Seriously. Worth it. Best 2 hrs of MY LIFE. Which isn't that interesting, to say the least.

Btw, drakeundone, I AM going to do a 'funny little encounter'…wait till Bella hears where Edward is lol…erm…the rest of you didn't hear that…….

Chapter Three

Ministry Waffle

When I got into bed, I forced myself not to think of her. Instead, I thought about Professor Umbridge. I didn't have much information about the Ministry of Magic, but I knew some. Carlisle had taught Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and I some about the magical world.

"…Preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning whenever we find practices that ought to be prohibited." Practices ought to be prohibited. I thought it over. So she really did know. That little toad. Literally. This brought up another difficulty. How were we going to feign magic? We didn't have powers. I lay down against the pillows. I would ask Dumbledore in the morning, I decided.


Great, I thought. A headache. Just what I need to brighten up my day. Probably from the range of emotions flooding through me. Anger, sadness, depressions, horror, terror…why had Edward done this too me? He had known Victoria was after me. And who knows what else. I hugged my knees to my chest as another wave of tears came. Come on, Bella. I thought to myself. Lying on your bed, with a huge block of chocolate. Pathetic. I know, I told the voice

in my head. I can't get him out of my head and every time I look at his picture I get these pangs in my chest and I just know it's his fault. That **. I thought savagely. I got up and went to my computer. I knew just what

would cheer me up. Mione's email. Even though my cousin and my favorite person in the whole world were about three years younger than me, well, age is

but a number, isn't it? Even when she moved to that boarding school-what was it called? Pig-farts?-when she was eleven, and even when I moved to Forks about 6 or 7 months ago, we never lost touch.

Dear Couz,

Things are well, school's good. It's just started though, so stay tuned!

There's this new guy, can't remember his name, something like Edmund, but anyway, he came with this like huge family, and they're all like, brothers and sisters. It's weird.

I froze. No. No, it couldn't be.

Oh yeah, Edward. So anyway, how's Uncle? Still Fishing? Haha, he does do that. Mom's still a dentist, and Dad too, slaving away. I think someone actually bit Dad's hand once. Haha, serves them right for grounding me. So, how's your friends? Ooh, and that boyfriend of yours-

Ex, I thought.

give me ALL the details, and I mean ALL of them!

I started typing up a reply.

Dear Mione,

Things aren't going so great. My boyfriend broke up with me, he moved away.

I thought about a long-distance thing, -you know, over email, like us- but he said that it just wasn't working. This 'Edmund'

I almost snapped the mouse in anger at his –well, mention- of his name.

You were talking about, he sounds pretty…weird. He comes with a big family, right? By any chance, are the names, Alice, Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie? And I think it is Edward, not Edmund.

xXxXx, Bells

I clicked 'send'. I slumped down on my bed. Edward was at what's its name?

He couldn't be…it was coincidence. I tried to picture him, in those weird robes Hermione showed one holiday in Florida- Renee was her mother's sister-. I sat upright, and realised I was forgetting what he looked like. No! I thought. I jumped off the bed and opened the scrapbook I had gotten for my birthday. The pictures were gone. There were just the captions. Well, if that's the way he wanted it, then so be it. But then I realised forgetting Edward Cullen was the last thing I wanted to do.


Dumbledore sat in front of me, his piercing blue eyes looking as though he could see into my very soul. I fidgeted -something out of the norm for a vampire-. His hands clasped together, as if in prayer.

"Well, Mr. Cullen, that is a problem Dr Carlisle and I have not discussed."

"Then what are we going to do? If Carlisle-"

"But I,' he continued as if I hadn't spoken. "Being the brilliant (if I do say so myself) man that I am, I have thought of a solution."

"What, Sir?"

He smiled. "Transfiguration."