
I felt slightly guilty as I took everything I needed. It's for her own good. I kept saying to myself. It's for the best. I usually was a pretty good liar. But right now, I couldn't even believe myself. I opened up the floorboards and put everything in. Part of me wanted to hold onto the disc and the pictures, but I forced myself to put them away. I straightened up and went to the window. I had to get away from here. I breathed in her scent, for the last time, and jumped. Most people wouldn't have made the jump. Maybe some would have. Vampires could, I knew that much. I got into my silver Volvo, and started the engine. I usually drove fast, but now, I wanted to drive slowly. See her house for the last time. That's what my heart was telling me. If I even had one. What had I done, leaving her unprotected, depressed, angry, and I couldn't bear to think of anything else I had done to her. She was so fragile, so human, so naïve. Anything could happen to her. I thought of Victoria. Would she take this chance, while I wasn't there? I knew she could if she would. But would she? It was then that I realised I had reached my house. Not for long. I thought, and got out of the car.

"Edward?" Carlisle questioned when I came inside. "We weren't expecting you until morning. Is Bella OK?" I sighed. My eyes must have said it all. Or I was predictable. Probably the latter. "No, Carlisle. She's fine. Well, she will be." Esme looked frightened. "Will be? But-"

"No, Esme. We're-we're going. Moving. All of us. It's for her. Bella." I winced. It hurt physically to say her name. "The thing with Jasper-I can't stay after that. We can't stay. She'll get hurt." Jasper nodded.

"It is for the best." He agreed. "I don't want to feel guilty about hurting her again."

"But honey, where do we go?" Esme asked.

Carlisle looked thoughtful. I" know someone. In Britan. It rains there a lot. The best part of the year, actually."

"We're going to Hogwarts, aren't we?" My head snapped up. I hadn't seen or heard Alice come into the room.

"Hogwarts?" Rosalie said, looking disgusted. "That's a place for…witches. And wizards. Ugh" She made a face.

"We are no different." Carlisle said. "I'm friends with the headmaster there. Great man, Albus. I'm sure we will be able to get you in."

Emmett grinned. "Isn't he the guy who's off his rocker?" Carlisle winked.

"Great." I said. "That's a great idea." I said enthusiastically. No Bella. No uncontrollable lust for blood. No worrying all the time. Just blending like before.

"Wait," Rosalie said, as if desperate to find a problem. "What about hunting?"

"I'm sure the professors will make exceptions for students to enter the Forbidden Forest." Carlisle grinned.

And that was it. We were going. It was done. Bella, safe at last.