Chapter 17

Life comes around full circle.

Obi-Wan left both Jedi behind him, striding down the path through the trees, and heading deeper into the swamp. He needed to be alone to sort out his feelings. He sledged through heavy patches of mud, and stopped when he came to a massive hill covered in trees. It was a strange looking hill and he thought it was high ground which was unusual for Dagobah.

As he came closer to it he realised the hill was made up of twisted roots entwined around each other. Over time the rains had eroded the dirt from around the trees, but the roots had stretched out like long arms searching for stable ground, they had grown tall enough to reach the sunlight and the roots had dug deep into the swamp land to gain a solid footing. A cold chill ran up his spine like icy cold water surrounding him, it was an ill-omened feeling, and it crept up his limbs, like the shadows of evil saturating his body. This twisted place beckoned to him. He could see a large opening between the roots. It seemed to invite him in and it reeked of the Dark side.

The air around him was oppressive, making it difficult to breath and he backed away from the opening. His feet sunk into the mud and he sensed the Force warning him. He turned around and headed back the way he'd come. Maybe he should have listened to what the ghost of Qui-Gon had to say.

Trudging through the swamp he could hear the sounds of the night, the hiss of a dragon snake, the ripples in the water of a Swamp Slug sloshing across the mud, the screech of a Bog-wing over his head, they were close – all around him. In his rush to leave that dark place he'd taken a different track and he ducked and weaved his way along slipping and sliding in the heavy mud. His mind was beginning to play tricks on him and shadows appeared to come at him. He had lost focus and awareness of his surroundings and abruptly he was falling.

He drew the Force around him to soften the landing, but because of the mud he slid along the ground, when he finally stopped he was staring at a pair of shimmering boots. However, before he could say anything or grasp his own sabre, a green glow lit the night and caused an eerie light above his head. He sensed a disturbance in the Force and his mind worked to decipher its meaning. Qui-Gon Jinn was standing over him and he slid his hand down toward his sabre, but an ear piercing scream filled the air around him and then the green blade slashed at something above his head.

Flying in to attack Obi-Wan was a grey-green carnivorous reptile with massive jaws and sharp teeth, known as a Bog –wing. It fell to the ground as its body was slit in two by Qui-Gon's sabre.

"I told you I would be here for you." The spirit of Qui-Gon said to him.

'How can a ghost kill anything, you're dead- you have no substance to you!"

"It is the will of the Force that I am able to perform the feats that only mortal beings can complete and now I think it would be wise for you to get up out of the mud, before another Bog-wing comes along to make you its meal?"

Obi-Wan could feel the mud seeping into his clothes and he quickly stood up and wiped his hands on his tunic. "I knew the Force was powerful, but I never imagined that the force could bring back beings from the dead!"

"There are records in the archives about Force ghosts Obi-Wan; didn't you read about them when you were an initiate?"

"Yes I read the ancient writings but like all the other children, I didn't believe it could happen."

"I am proof Obi-Wan and I am here to show you that you have a future and so does the Jedi order. Go back to the dwelling and listen to what Master Yoda has to say."


When Obi-Wan arrived back at the dwelling, Kira was outside looking for him. "What happened to you?" she asked looking at the mud soaked young man.

Obi-Wan wondered if she could see Qui-Gon and he looked back but Qui-Gon had disappeared. "I tripped over." he said looking down at his muddy state.

"I think you need a bath," she said smiling.

For a moment irritation rose in his mind and he was tempted snap. (Oh really, you think I don't know that!) But he gazed into the compassionate blue eyes and he couldn't hold on to his anger especially, not with Kira. "I do believe you're right." He smiled instead.

While Obi-Wan bathed, Kira took his clothes and washed them. She hung them by the fire and sat down with a needle and cotton to repair a tear in his tunic. He came out of his room with a clean pair of trousers on and just a towel around his shoulders.

She looked up startled to see him. "Oh I'm sorry, I suppose you are looking for this," she said holding up the shirt she was mending.

Obi-Wan didn't know what to say, no one had ever fixed something for him before. "Thanks" he stuttered.

He took the shirt and as he turned away he dropped the towel from his shoulders and Kira saw the scars on his back.

"Oh dear!" she gasped and Yoda's ears sagged at the sight as well.

Obi-Wan spun around to face her horrified look. "What?" he asked "What's the matter?"

She couldn't speak and put her hands over her mouth as tears were forming in her eyes.

It was Yoda who spoke. "See she does the marks you bear." he said quietly.

Obi-Wan realised she had seen the scars that marked his back and now that he was facing her she could see the ones on his chest as well.

"I'm sorry you had to see them," he whispered.

"Who did that to you?" she demanded.

He glanced at Yoda, but he could tell Yoda had not known about them either. "It was part of my training. My Master Maul, Dooku and Darth Sidious made sure I learnt well." he admitted, anger lacing his voice.

"Dooku?" Master Yoda asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Yes Dooku was one of the Sith Lord's apprentices."

Yoda shook his head in disbelief. "Dooku, disillusioned he was with the Jedi order sad to hear that turned he did."

"He had his own agenda; he believed he could gain control and rule in his own right.

But he didn't count on Darth Vader, spoiling his plans.

"Dooku dead is he?"

"Yes Vader killed him."

Kira felt her own anger rise; she wanted to know who did that to Obi-Wan. "These devils you speak about, they did that to you?"

"Yes, it was their way to make me strong."

"How could you let them do that to you, it's cruel." She said.

Obi-Wan's face grew stern and he snapped. "What choice did I have? Tell her Yoda - what choice did I have, - who could I turn to for help?"

She saw Obi-Wan glare at Yoda and it was then she understood why he was angry with the little green being. He blamed Yoda for his pain.

"Oh please, I didn't mean to upset you." Kira said as she grasped his hand.

"Perhaps we can talk about something else?" she asked.

Obi-Wan turned away from Yoda and looked into her eyes, she seemed to calm him. "I don't have much to talk about, but I 'would' like to know a bit about you."

"Me, well you know about my family and other than little Luke, I have no living relatives. Originally, I was going to Alderaan to live, but my brother offered me a home with him. I didn't like Tatooine much and I'm glad that we don't have to stay there anymore."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Me too."


The next morning the sun broke through the canopy of trees surrounding the swamp and Kira woke to the sound of a loud cracking noise. She checked on young Luke who was still asleep and she hurried outside. Yoda was sitting on a tree stump watching Obi-Wan swing an axe. He was chopping firewood.

She leant against the door frame to watch him. He had his tunic off and even with the hideous scars covering his upper body, he was beautiful. His muscles rippled as he tensed his arms to swing the axe, and a light sheen of sweat made his body shine. The axe came down and split the lump of wood neatly in half and she could hear them talking, but she couldn't make out their words.

Her connection to the force was untrained, but she sensed a fair amount of frustration and anger radiating from Obi-Wan. She assumed that Yoda was discussing Obi-Wan's past with him. She could sense his emotional turmoil in the flow of the force. She wondered if Yoda felt guilty about the pain and suffering that had befallen Obi-Wan. She had heard him say that he wanted to help him, but she didn't think Yoda could help him, he seemed too old.

She went back inside and organised first meal, and by the time it was ready Obi-Wan and Yoda had finished chopping wood for the fire.

They ate in relative silence, but occasionally she would sense Obi-Wan looking at her, and she would look at him, but he would look down at his food. She could feel his embarrassment and she realised that he was shy and that if a conversation was to commence it was up to her to instigate it.

"How long will we be staying on Dagobah? she asked.

Obi-Wan looked at her blankly and shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Yoda.

"Long time, short time, all depends on Obi-Wan it does." Yoda stated.

Obi-Wan sighed, and continued eating as he shook his head out of frustration.

"Why does it depend on Obi-Wan?" she questioned Yoda, frustration lacing her words too.

"Confront his demons, he must and banish the dark side from his soul and only then will he see the future that he will build." Yoda explained.

"Oh... I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean. " She said glancing at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan rested his elbows on the table and entwined his fingers, taking in her confused stare and he grinned at her. "Don't worry Kira, Yoda confuses me too." Obi-Wan confirmed. "Nevertheless, I'm not planning to stay here any longer than necessary; this is no place for you or Luke to stay for too long."


After speaking with Yoda, Obi-Wan trekked back to the mangled root cave. He had to purge the demons that resided within him before he could begin to look to the future and Yoda said that the place to purge them was inside the mangled root cave. He made his way to the edge of the swamp and he sensed a presence not far in front of him. He could see the cave and he was surprised to see the tall Jedi Master Jinn waiting for him near the opening. Jinn appeared different to the last time he'd seen him. Gone was the blue glow that had been around him when they first met.

"I thought Spirits shimmered?" He asked.

Qui-Gon lifted his hand and rubbed his bearded chin. "Oh, and how many spirits have you encountered, Obi-Wan?"

"None - till you popped up, and if you don't mind I can do without you too!"

"You are a stubborn boy aren't you? And here I thought I was the only stubborn Jedi in the galaxy."

"You forget one thing Qui-Gon, I'm not a Jedi. It was you who made sure that I never got the chance!"

"I am here to prove you wrong Obi-Wan, you are a Jedi, you have been guided by the Force your entire life and now you need more guidance, if you are going to teach the younglings in the ways of the Force."

"Why should I teach them?"

"Obi-Wan you have lived in both worlds, who better to teach the children."

"What can you do for me?"

"I can guide you and teach you. It was your dream wasn't it – to be a Jedi?"

"You know it was, but that didn't happen and now I'm more powerful than a Jedi, so why do I need your help."

"Yes you are powerful and you are strong, but do you want to teach the younglings the same way as you were taught?"

Vivid memories invaded Obi-Wan's mind of his training at the hands of the sith and he clenched his fists in anger. "No, I cannot teach them to be sith and live in darkness for the rest of their lives, I won't put them through that brutality."

"So we have that settled then, you're not going to train them to be Sith" Qui-Gon stated.

"No, of course not!" Obi-Wan said releasing his anxiety.

"Then what do you know of training a child to be a Jedi?" he asked.

Obi-Wan sat down wearily lowering his head. "Nothing, and that is what I'm afraid of I don't know anything about teaching them about the light side."

"Now do you know why I am here?" Qui-Gon asked.

"But it takes years to learn enough to become a Jedi. Yoda is too old to teach me and you're dead!" Obi-Wan exclaimed.

"Ah I may be one with the force, but the force has bestowed upon me a gift of existence." Qui-Gon confirmed.

"How long will you hold your human form?" Obi-Wan asked.

"For as long as it takes! Now why don't you go and banish the darkness that you believe is in you." Qui-Gon said as he pointed off into the tangle of roots.

"Are you going to be this pushy all the time?"Obi-Wan said shaking his head.

"No, just until you lose that chip on your shoulder."

"Alright I'm going." Obi-Wan said as he stood up and entered the opening.


It was cold and murky and there seemed to be a permanent fog mingling with the tree roots. Obi-Wan's breath seemed to freeze in mid air as it left his body and the dark side was weighing him down. He stepped over vines and roots coming to a deep crevice which was wide enough to climb down into, and he felt the pull of the Dark force beckoning him. It had been raining earlier and water was still dripping off the vines. The sound of the droplets hitting the muddy ground, sounded like footsteps and Obi-Wan tried to release his apprehension to the force, he was beginning to hear sounds of his past invading his mind. Whispering voices bounced around the cavern, beckoning him to give himself over to the power of the dark side. The fog swirled around and the voices took on grotesque shapes, and he froze when he recognised what these apparitions were forming into. Their icy hands were reaching for him, and he seemed to be powerless to escape their touch.

He began to panic and their grip was unyielding, Sidious, his face a hideous mask of evil was taunting Obi-Wan, he felt the fingers of ice and evil slide around his shoulders. The voice of Maul whispered in his ear. "Come 'my apprentice' you will never be good enough without us, you cannot escape your destiny it is with us." The apparition whispered icy words to Obi-Wan.

"Nooo!" Obi-Wan felt his body freezing inside and his arms felt sluggish. He couldn't breath and he couldn't move. He was losing control of his emotions and he could feel the dark side smothering him.

He knew he was doomed if he didn't get control of his emotions and release his fears to the Force. He closed his eyes to purge their icy touch from his mind, and thought of Qui-Gon, he had come back to help him. Qui-Gon had come back and was sorry, and wanted to save him. He thought of Kira and Luke, they were the future. Obi-Wan had to break the spell these evil spirits had over him. He closed him self to all thoughts of the past, and he threw open his connection to the force, he called upon the force to guide him, to set him free.

At first all he could see in his minds eye was darkness, so he blocked out the chill that seemed to be wrapping around him, and concentrated on expelling the darkness before him. Suddenly he saw a tiny dot of light in the middle of all that darkness. Obi-Wan concentrated hard on the centre of that dot, and banished all other sensations. The white dot grew and the more it grew the more Obi-Wan called for it.

Soon it was a glowing bright like the rays of a sun it warmed him, he could feel the cold chill of darkness on his back and he knew he had to walk towards the warmth, toward the light. He stretched out his hands and touched it, his finger tips revelled in the warmth that spread up his arms, and the brilliance of it filled him with such light as he had never experienced in his lifetime. Obi-Wan felt alive and he felt free; he reached out further and sensed life in the murky depths of the swamp. Insects and beings big and small all striving to live in the light. Obi-Wan opened his eyes and he wasn't cold any more. He glanced around, but the cavern was empty and he was alone, although he didn't feel lonely.

For the first time in a long time he didn't feel angry and Dagobah didn't seem like the end of the galaxy. He smiled and walked out into the daylight. He wasn't surprised to see Qui-Gon still sitting on the log waiting for him. Obi-Wan didn't know what to say, he'd never felt this kind of warmth in his entire life, so he just smiled and bowed to the Master Jedi showing his respect.

Qui-Gon sensed the change in Obi-Wan and he could feel the Force penetrating and surrounding him. "How do you feel?"

"I feel…different… like a weight has been lifted from me. I sense so much life here in the swamp… life that I didn't know existed."

"That's the living Force Obi-Wan, you have let it into your heart."

"It is different to the unifying Force and now I sense both equally."

"You have brought balance to the Force Obi-Wan and now you can move forward and begin living. We should go back, Yoda is waiting for you."


Yoda was indeed waiting to greet him; the small Master had felt a defining shift in the force. It was balanced and now Yoda's job was done he could rest, soon he would join his fellow Jedi in the comfort of the force.

"Sense I do that understand your destiny now you do." Yoda said when Obi-Wan arrived back at the dwelling.

Obi-Wan knelt on the ground in front of Yoda and bowed to the old master. "Yes Master, I see it clearer now and see that you had no choice if the galaxy was to be saved."

Obi-Wan sat back on his heels and rested his hands in his lap. "I have banished my demons and I ask for your forgiveness for my past deeds."

"Forgive you I do. However, it is I who asks for your forgiveness," Yoda said.

"I see now that you only followed the force Master, you've given me a reason to live and I am grateful, I am in your debt".


Kira was standing by the doorway holding young Luke in her arms when Obi-Wan came out of the swamp; she was amazed how different he looked, he walked like he didn't have a care in the world and the impression she felt all around him was that he was happy. She was surprised when he sunk to his knees in front of Yoda. They hadn't seemed to be that close before, but now Obi-Wan and Yoda seemed at peace with each other.

Kira was startled by the presence of another man; he looked like a Jedi, and she wondered where he'd come from. (Who was he?) she thought.

She felt the tall Jedi's eyes on her and she glanced his way. He smiled at her and nodded his head. She smiled back and gazed across to Obi-Wan who had risen from the ground and was heading toward her. Kira loved seeing that brilliant smile on Obi-Wan's face and his eyes there was something else in them, a look that showed affection for her.

"Obi-Wan you look wonderful and you look happy."

"I feel wonderful!" he answered her, and she was pleasantly surprised when he pulled her into his strong arms and hugged both her and Luke.

"So, Obi-Wan?" She whispered into his ear…"Are you going to introduce me to this other gentleman?"

Obi-Wan looked shocked as he half turned. "Him…You can see him?"

"Yes, of course I can see him he is standing right next to Master Yoda" she said slightly confused.

"Let me introduce my self. I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and I presume you are Kira?"

"Master Jinn, but didn't you say that Master Jinn died Obi-Wan?"

"Yes, I did say that he died and he did."

"What are you - a ghost or something?" she asked Qui-Gon laughingly.

"Yes' Kira actually, I am!" he replied.

She stepped back a bit when he began to shimmer slightly. "Oh my…How did you do that?"

"You will learn about the Force and Luke will learn too. The Force has granted me time to train Obi-Wan, he was meant to be my apprentice and I have come back to train him in the ways of the Jedi."

Qui-Gon placed his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder and Obi-Wan turned to face him. "I would be honoured to be your teacher and mentor" he said kindly.

"I would be grateful for your instruction Master." Obi-Wan acknowledged.

"Come Obi-Wan shall we spar for a while?" Qui-Gon suggested.

Obi-Wan was uncertain, and he shook his head "How can I spar with a ghost?" he asked in disbelief.

"I may be a ghost but the force has allowed me some advantages, and one of those is to be able to hold and wield a sabre."

They sparred into the night parrying and striking, any lingering doubt was flowing out of Obi-Wan.

"Kira is a lovely woman, Obi-Wan. I sense she will make you very happy." Qui-Gon said.

Obi-Wan parried another strike and smiled, "She makes me feel contented, I feel like I have known her all my life."

"She will give you many Force blessed children, brothers and sisters for Luke." he added.

Obi-Wan blushed, and he wondered if Qui-Gon was trying to distract him into losing his concentration in the sparring match, he pulled the force around him so his focus remained intact.

A flash of a vision that had long since changed, came to mind of a living Qui-Gon being stabbed by Darth Maul in another time, and he could hear somewhere in the vision a voice sounding very much like his own screaming Noooo! Obi-Wan shook his head and drew the Force around him and he held up his hand and disengaged his sabre. Obi-Wan was exhausted and he dropped to his knees. He looked up at Qui-Gon's blue shimmering form and smiled.

"I had a vision of you dying at the hands of Darth Maul and I was your apprentice at the time. That vision will never happen, but I sense that if it had we would not be here now contemplating a better future."

"So many things have changed Obi-Wan, and I am thankful to the Force that I have a chance to make up for what I did to you."

Obi-Wan stood up and connected his sabre to his belt and bowed to Qui-Gon. "When you died in the Senate building, I told you the Force forgave you, what I didn't tell you then was, "that I forgave you as well. Some how in the back of my mind I knew that the path we took was set and reset and changed by the Force."

"We were following the will of the Force Obi-Wan… all of us."


The day came when Obi-Wan had to decide where to go and Obi-Wan meditated and he chose Alderaan, the planet which had been given a chance to survive and prosper . The Alderaanian's had purposely built their cities so they wouldn't destroy the seas and grasslands, and it was a planet that communed with nature. Obi-Wan felt an affinity with the planet when he went there to speak with Bail Organa. He also sensed that Bail was a man to be trusted.

They would build a new Temple, and become a part of the people of Alderaan. Yoda could spend his last few remaining years connecting to the living force of the planet and watch a new generation of Jedi grow.

Life had come full circle for Obi-Wan, he had begun his journey with great expectations and now he was finally beginning a new life filled with hope and love.


I know this isn't great writing, and I cut out some of the story so I could end it. I lost interest in pushing myself to keep going. Thank you to those wonderful readers who reviewed and kept me going. I loved and appreciated every review.