Chapter one. The beginning of the end.
The sins of the Jedi / create the Darkness
AU/EU: a bit of everything.
Time frame: Anakin is a year older than obi-Wan, and Maul is on the scene. Then we venture into AotC and RotS, Obi-wan becomes an apprentice, but to whom. Obi -Wan's age 12 --to –23.
Characters: Obi, Yoda, Maul, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Sidious, others. WARNING CHARACTER DEATHS!
Genre: Action/angst/ death.
Summary: Qui-Gon makes a horrible mistake and takes Anakin as his apprentice instead of Obi-Wan.
Dreams pass in time, he had heard that saying before, but what did the dreams mean and how long before they would pass. The fires of evil consumed the Jedi Temple. Masters and Padawan's were being slain as they defended their home. Initiates had nowhere to hide and they were cut down as they ran. White clad soldiers stormed the temple and they were being led by a man dressed in a black robe carrying a blue sabre. Obi-Wan felt his fear rise, he could see Jedi dying all around him. He was there; he was a witness to this abomination.
He woke with a scream in his throat. The vision had gripped him in his sleep. Sheets dragged him down as he struggled to free himself. He shivered as he jumped up from his bed. It was just a nightmare, but he felt drained. He'd had this nightmare many times over the past few months. He didn't understand why he was having these terrifying dreams and he was afraid to tell anyone about them because they seemed to show him as a dark Jedi.
Obi-Wan felt his anguish rise because he hadn't been chosen as an apprentice and time was running short. He knew that by the rules of the Jedi order if an initiate wasn't chosen by their thirteenth birthday they would be sent to the Agri-corps. Garen and Reeft were thirteen already and had been assigned there. They would be leaving on the next transport in a few days.
Every time he asked Master Yoda if the agri-corps would be his destiny, Yoda insisted that Obi-Wan's future was to be a Jedi. To prove that Obi-Wan was worthy, he arranged for him to spar in the presence of Master Qui-Gon Jinn who was without a Padawan at this time.
Obi-Wan went through his Kata's and performed very well controlling his moves with every step he took. He felt satisfied at the end of the match and he bowed to his opponent and headed over to where he'd left his towel. Master Yoda and Master Jinn were standing close by.
Obi-Wan bowed and greeted the two masters, "Master Yoda, Master Jinn".
"Obi-Wan, time you have to spar with Master Jinn?" the little Master asked.
Obi-Wans mouth dropped open and to his surprise so did Master Jinn's. He began to say "Ye- when Master Jinn spoke.
"Master Yoda I'm not interested in sparing with an initiate I have more important things to do!"
Obi-Wan clamped his mouth shut and he could feel his face flushing with embarrassment.
"Nothing is more important than the younglings, Qui-Gon!" Yoda said calmly.
Qui-Gon was fuming and it came out in his voice. "Initiate Kenobi; please leave us. I have private business to discuss with Master Yoda."
"Yes Master Jinn." Obi-Wan said quietly, gave a quick bow, and hurried away. He glanced around the room and saw many of his peers watching him. He felt Master Jinn's irritation with him and he didn't understand why. He'd never spoken to him before and he hadn't done anything to upset him. Well at least he didn't think so.
He saw some of the other initiates heading his way and he knew that they'd want to know what had happened. He certainly didn't want to talk to any of them, so he looked for somewhere to hide before they caught up to him.
Just outside the doors was a small garden through an alcove. He jumped over the bench, dove through the bushes, and sat behind them waiting for everyone to leave the training hall. Sitting with his back to the wall he raised his shields and kept very quiet, hoping that no one would see him. He heard several initiates walk past and then there was silence. He was just about to leave his hiding spot when he heard a familiar voice. It was Master Yoda. He and Master Jinn were standing with their backs to him and then they sat down on the bench.
"Master Yoda, you know how I feel about taking an apprentice. I've told you many times that I'm looking for a particular apprentice. I've been doing research in the library and I've been reading about prophesy and the emergence of the Chosen one. You know that I'm not prone to having visions and yet I've had one and it shows me, training the chosen one. That means he's been born and is soon to be revealed. I want to wait for the boy that I see in my dreams.
"Seen it I have, your destiny is linked to Obi-Wan, much he can learn from you and give you something in return he will."
"What could I teach a boy who can't control his own emotions? I sense the desperation in him. He doesn't have what it takes to be a powerful Jedi. What if the sith return, just like they did a millennia ago and use their powers to destroy us. Do you think a boy like him has the strength to lead the Jedi?"
"Strength comes in many forms. Many powerful Jedi I have seen fall in battle, like leaves fall from a tree in autumn. Favours Obi-Wan the Force does see in him a great Jedi I do."
"With all due respect Master I fail to see the boy in the same light as you. I've watched young Kenobi and I'm sure with the right training he'll make a satisfactory Jedi. Nevertheless, he is a follower not a leader. The prophesy is clear, one with great strength in the Force will lead the Jedi out of the darkness and bring balance. Darkness is coming; I sense it and I know you sense it too. I didn't ask for the vision to appear to me, but it did and I have an image in my mind of what the chosen one will look like, and it isn't Kenobi."
"Visions can be deceiving, Qui-Gon, sense I do that your perception of the vision is clouded."
"Nothing is ever clear where visions are concerned, you told me that yourself many times. However, I've seen the image of the boy I will train. He has darker hair than Kenobi and in his eyes; I see power and determination in them. Kenobi needs more than I can give him. He is looking for reassurance and security and love." Qui-Gon shook his head. "I can't be that kind of Master. There is no time for love or attachments. I've been down that path before and I'll not make that mistake again. Surely there must be another who is in need of an apprentice if you think he deserves to be one?"
"Turned them down I did. Three Masters wanted Obi-Wan as their apprentice. Not suitable were they. The Force tells me that you should be his Master."
"Then you've sealed his fate, for I'll not take him as my apprentice."
"Qui-Gon, right you are that darkness comes, sense I do that young Obi-Wan plays an important role in the future. Understand it I do not. Nevertheless, sense I do that change your mind you will. Make a decision in haste you should not, meditate on each path that has been placed before you. Reach out and open your heart to the Force, listen to it carefully."
Qui-Gon sighed and stood up. He began to walk down the hall with Yoda following him.
"I will do as you ask Master; however, I'm certain that I'm making the right decision. If you're so concerned about the boy why don't you take him as your apprentice?"
"Train him I cannot… You must be his Master; it is the will of the force."
Obi-Wan felt his whole world crashing around him. He couldn't believe that Master Yoda had refused three offers of apprenticeship for him. His body was shaking from the exertion of keeping his shields at maximum and he felt like being sick. Bile rose in his throat and his head felt like someone had put it in a vice and squeezed it. The last words he heard as the two Masters turned the corner proved that even Master Yoda didn't want him. He sat huddled behind the bushes thinking about the words spoken and came to the horrifying conclusion that his own visions of darkness might come true if Qui-Gon didn't change his mind.
Three days later a transport called the Monument was loading up to take passengers to Bandomeer. Obi-Wan had received a data disk from the council informing him that he would be leaving for Bandomeer on the same ship.
Obi-Wan felt certain that he would be going after he overheard the two Masters. Therefore, it was no surprise to him when the orders came. The only comforting part about leaving the Temple was that he'd be with Garen and Reeft, his best friends.
Qui-Gon didn't know that this transport would be carrying initiates and he was heading to Bandomeer to preside over a treaty signing. He walked across the spaceport towards the transport and he noticed several initiates walking up the ramp in front of him. To his shock and surprise, Obi-Wan Kenobi was one of them. He'd seen the three boys together before at the temple and his guilt made him duck out of sight as soon as he reached the top of the ramp. He couldn't believe that after the way Yoda had praised the Kenobi boy that he was now on his way to the Agri-corps.
Little did he know that Yoda sent the boy on purpose, convinced that Qui-Gon would change his mind and bring Obi-Wan back with him. Unfortunately, for Obi-Wan, Master Yoda neglected to explain his plan to him.
Half way to Bandomeer the ship abruptly shuddered to a stop and a loud explosion caused Obi-Wan and his friends to jump up from their seats in panic.
"What was that?" said Reeft.
"I'm not sure, look! There a ship outside." Obi-Wan said as he pointed to the viewing window.
"They're firing on us Obi-Wan; do you think they're Pirates?" Garen asked.
"Pirates! Oh, Force! Garen, Obi what are we going to do?" Reeft cried out.
"They're boarding the Monument; we better go and see if we can help the crew repel them."
They ran past the other passengers who were beginning to panic and headed down the hall towards the front of the ship. Obi-Wan led the way and in front of him he could see the silhouette of a man covered by a robe come out of another corridor. He stopped and Garen crashed into him.
"Obi what did you stop for?"
"I think that's Master Jinn ahead of us. What's he doing on the Monument?"
"I don't know but maybe we can help him?" Garen said.
Obi-Wan felt agitated seeing his last chance to be a Jedi looming in front of him. He really didn't want to speak to the man who was partly to blame for destroying his future. Nevertheless, he knew he had to put his grievances to the back of his mind. They were under attack from pirates and he needed to focus on that right now.
"Yes we should let him know we're here and that we can help him." he said as they ran towards him. "Master Jinn, there are pirates trying to board the ship, can we help?"
"Yes you three come with me," he yelled over the noise of gunfire. They ran down the corridor sidestepping out of the way, as panicking passengers ran past crying out for help. Once they arrived in the cargo bay the Captain and some of the crew were firing on the Pirates but they were outnumbered.
"Garen, Reeft, you two boys help the Captain. Obi-Wan you come with me." Qui-Gon barked out orders to the three boys.
Another explosion rocked the ship and Qui-Gon could see that pirates were coming down the corridor from the other end. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were deflecting shots with their sabres and running down the corridor to the pilot's station. Obi-Wan felt sick seeing so many people lying on the floor either dead or dying. The pirates were shooting anyone who was in their way. He wanted to stop and see if he could help them, but Master Jinn pushed him forward.
"Obi-Wan you must keep going. We can't do anything for these people we have to get control of the ship."
Obi-Wan knew he was right but he still felt distressed at the sight. He pushed his fear aside and continued to deflect blaster fire as he ran. The battle wore on and many civilians on board were killed or maimed, blaster fire was screeching through the ship. Fire sirens were sounding and people were screaming. They reached the cockpit and found the pilot and two pirates dead on the floor. Qui-Gon pushed Obi-Wan through the door and then he closed it so they were both inside.
Qui-Gon pointed to the panel and yelled over the noise of the fire alarms. "Turn the fire extinguishers on and then seal the door leading to the cargo bay, that last explosion came from there and I think that part of the bay has been blown apart. We have to close off the doors otherwise all the air will be sucked out."
Obi-Wan obeyed the first order, but his friends were in the bay. "Master Jinn I don't think the explosion was from the cargo hold it seemed like it came from further down. If I seal the door to the cargo hold the Captain and the others will not be able to escape the Pirates."
"Obi-Wan seal the door there are far more people at this end of the ship and we have to save them if we can. It's too late for those in the cargo bay."
Obi-Wan was torn between obeying Qui-Gon and knowing that he could still sense that his friends were alive. Therefore, he hesitated.
Qui-Gon strode over and pushed Obi-Wan out of the way pressing the button to close the door. Obi-Wan wasn't prepared for being shoved out of the way and he stumbled backwards. He fell heavily against the wall and hit his head. Obi-Wan slid down the wall, his head throbbed and when he put his hand to the back he felt moisture. He was bleeding.
Qui-Gon hadn't noticed because he was pressing other buttons and checking some of the instruments. Obi-Wan clambered to his feet, not wanting Qui-Gon to think he was weak and he walked back to the consol.
"You must obey me when I give you a command, I know your friends were in there but Jedi should be prepared to die if it's the will of the force. By not shutting the door the air may have escaped throughout the ship killing more innocent people, would you want that?" he questioned.
Obi-Wan felt annoyed. "No I don't want to kill innocent people, but those people in the cargo bay were also innocent, what if the explosion didn't rip the side of the ship away, why are you so sure it did?"
Qui-Gon felt his own irritation rise to the surface. How dare this boy argue with him! "I'm a Jedi Master and you're a Jedi initiate, you will respect my judgement. Do I make myself clear!"
"Yes, perfectly Master Jinn." Obi-Wan said defiantly.
Qui-Gon eyed him again. "Follow me, I want to see what damage has been done and I want you to keep close."
Obi-Wan, stepped out of the Masters way, his head hurt but he wasn't going to show Master Jinn any weakness on his part. As they came closer to the cargo bay, Obi-Wan felt grateful and overjoyed to see Garen and Reeft running towards them.
"Captain I see you managed to defeat the pirates." said Qui-Gon amazed that they were still alive.
"Well we'd killed all but three pirates when a blast tore a hole in the side. Unfortunately, for the three pirates they were sucked out. We would've been next but a large crate was sucked into the hole and it stopped the air from being sucked out. Long enough for us to leave before the doors closed. This boy here told us to hurry because the door was going to shut."
Qui-Gon looked suspiciously at Garen. "How may I ask did you know the door was going to shut?"
"Obi-Wan told me, I sensed his warning. He was urging us to hurry."
"You sensed Obi-Wan warning you?" Qui-Gon was stunned.
"Yes." Garen stated.
The Captain smiled at him and said. "Well thank you Obi-Wan, without your warning we'd be dead now."
Qui-Gon didn't know what to say he had miscalculated and if it hadn't been for Obi-Wan hesitating they wouldn't have made it out of the cargo bay. He was going to apologise to Obi-Wan, however, a shuddering, grinding noise broke the silence.
"What's that?" someone yelled.
"Sounds like the pirates ship has disconnected from the Monument. We have to check the ship for damage. I don't think we're in any condition to reach Bandomeer without repairs. We will have to land on the nearest planet."
"Gallus is in the next sector, you could repair the ship there, and we could take another transport to Bandomeer." Qui-Gon confirmed.
"Yes Gallus will do." The Captain agreed.
The closest spaceport on Gallus was in the settlement of Cardan, Qui-Gon checked the times of departure for the next transport, and one would be leaving in two days heading for Bandomeer. He wasn't happy playing nursemaid to three Agri-Corps candidates, but he certainly couldn't leave them by themselves. Therefore, he booked rooms at the Inn, and told the boys to remain in them while he looked around.
Obi-Wan headed straight for their room and laid down on the bed, his head was still throbbing and he felt dizzy and slightly nauseous.
"I don't care much for Master Jinn, he's so arrogant." Garen said as he sat down on the couch.
"Yeah" Reeft agreed. "How come he can go and look around and we can't. I don't think that's fair. We aren't at the temple anymore so why should we take any notice of him. Let's go and explore Garen?"
"Yes Ok, are you coming Obi?"
"No I'm tired, I'll stay here," he answered.
"Ok see'ya later Obi." Garen and Reeft said together.
Nevertheless, unbeknown to Obi-Wan that would be the last time he would see Reeft alive again.