'Where am I? Why do I feel so tired?' Eiri tried to open his eyes, but found that even when he did, there was nothing but blackness. It was like he went blind. Eiri started to fall alseep again.

"Yuki!" There was a voice. It sounded familiar, but Eiri couldn't quite put his finger on it. 'Oh well, it's nothing important.' And with that, Eiri went to sleep again.

Shuichi was now sitting in the car. He was rather pissed and he kept trying to get Yuki to tell him what was wrong with him.

"Yuki! Why are you acting like this!? Is it because you hate funerals? I hate them too. But that was my sister! I wanted to stay longer! And why are you trying to stop me from singing? And why did you yank me away from Hiro? We're best friends! Why-"


Shuichi stared at him. Eiri usually said something like "shut up brat" or "quit your whining." Something deep within Shuichi was telling him that this was not Eiri. It was as if Eiri had become a new person. The pinkette stared out the window and realized that they were on a different street than before. He turned back to Yuki.

"Where are we going?"

"I had all of our things moved while we were at the funeral. I figured that you would want a new place since your sister is dead."

Okay, now something was definantly up. "But Yuki, I don't know where we are, and I don't know how to get to work from here."

Yuki looked at him. "I told you, you're not going to work anymore."

Shuichi got all riled up again. "And I thought I told you that you don't make my deciscions for me!"

Yuki stayed silent until they reached thier new destination. It was an apartment, but this one was set out into almost the middle of nowhere. There were trees and it looked like it was stuck in the middle of a forest. And it was rather small. It had three floors and it looked like there wasn't anyone else living there. They pulled up into a hidden driveway

Yuki got out of the car and went to Shuichi's side. He opened the door and didin't even wait for Shuichi to get out. Instead he violently yanked him out and slung him over his shoulder.

"Yuki! What- Put me down!"


Yuki still had the boy flung over his shoulder and walked through the building and went up to the third floor. They stopped outside of a room and Yuki produced a new set of keys from his pocket. He unlocked the door, and threw Shuichi in. Shuichi landed on his rear end on the floor.

"Ow! That hurt! Why-"

"This is where you will stay from now on. This whole room is yours. However, you're not allowed to go out. I will be checking on you." Was all Yuki said before he turned around and left. There was a small click, and the door was locked.

Shuichi ran to the door and found that it was locked from the outside. Both sides needed a key. So he ran to the window and found bars over them. It was ike he was being imprisoned. But for what, he didn't know.

Shuichi reached into his pocket. He still had his cell phone, so he would call Hiro and tell him what's going on. He looked at his phone and hope went out the window. His phone was completely out of servie here. Shuichi resinged himself to his new bedroom. It wasn't overly huge, but it was a decent size. There was a full sized bed in it and the walls were undecorated. As a matter of fact, the whole apartment looked plain.

'Maybe I'll ask Yuki if I can paint it a different color. What's gotten into him any way? Why's he acting all weird? I mean, first he's all nice, then he's gone into this-this-I don't know, kiddnapping and hiding thing.' Shuichi couldn't figure it out for the life of him.

He began to feel a little hot and sweaty from his suit. 'I'll change out of this. It's beginning to get hot.' He quickly stripped down and went over to a dresser. He was surprised that there were clothes in it. He figured that he would have to unpack them from boxes. 'Yuki must have told the men to do it.'

Shuichi pulled out what he thought was a shirt. It turned out to be a short plain white dress. Shuichi took an even better look at the contents of his dresser. It was all dresses.

"What the Hell is this Yuuuuuukkiiiii!!!!"

N.G Studios

"We really need to find both Eiri and Shindou-san."

The Bad Luck members were nodding in agreement. K had already taken off to Shuichi's place and Sakano looked like he was about to pass out.

"But why did Yuki san take off like that?" Hiro inquired. He was angry at Yuki for taking off and dragging Shuichi to.

"I'm not sure. Even his current behavior is puzzling to me, Nakano san." Tohma said sighing. He to had been pondering Eiri's sudden actions.

Shuichi had been telling them all week how Yuki was cuddling him and being nice. He practically danced around, flaunted, and sang that Eiri was finally showing him attention. But something even then was bothering Tohma. It wasn't like Eiri to suddenly do that. He didn't show affection, so, what was really going on?

The door to Tohma's office opened up. K came in looking distressed. "What is it K?"

"Shuichi isn't there. As a matter of fact, the whole place is empty." K said looking somewhat pissed.

Everyone in the room exchanged looks. Then Hiro remembered something. "Wait, can't you track them down by that Kumagoro that you gave Shuichi? The one with the tracking-" He was cut off when K held out a pink bunny rabbit. "This was left behind. Obviously, one of them figured out that it was a tracking device. And somehow, I don't think it was the pink head boy wonder."

Now everyone looked at Tohma. "I'll make some calls and see if I can find them."

Everyone voiced thier agreement. If Tohma Seguchi couldn't find them, then nobody could.

Yuki Kitazawa

Yuki was lying on his bed. He could see Shuichi in his room through the holes in the wall. He had heard Shuichi scream and laughed a little. The pink head was cute. He reminded him of Eiri when he was young. Eiri would always smile and laugh, it was cute.

But now, Eiri was cold and emotionless. It was mostly thanks to him, but still, he could have moved on. But Eiri chose to hang on to the past. And that was what made it so easy to possess him.

He had possessed Shuichi's sister. He needed a living host and had switched from body to body. He finally settled down in Maiko as he found out that Shuichi was close to Eiri. Maiko was jealous of Shuichi and it made her possession that much easier. He intended to use her to get to Shuichi, but the boy could not be touched. Somehow, he was innocent enough that he could not be touched at all. So, in the end, Yuki ended up staying inside Maiko and watched.

Over time, he began to realize that he was attracted to the pinkette. He was cute, naieve, and puzzling. Yuki always liked puzzles and Shuichi was one that he could not solve. So he decided to possess Eiri to get closer. And now that he had Shuichi, he was not going to let go. He was going to enjoy his pet.

He had to kill the sister eventually so that noone would know of her possession. It was easy, all he had to do was steal her life and use it for his energy.

Yuki began to doze. He felt sleepy and cursed at the living for having to sleep. He finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Eiri Uesugi

Eiri lay there in the darkness still sleeping until....


He woke up and was angry. "God damn brat! Waking me up!"

It was still dark, but he coud see a small light and followed it. Somehow, he knew that it would take him to Shuichi. He headed toward it and finally, when he reached it, all he could see was white.

Eiri woke up on the bed. He felt slightly dizzy and stared at the ceiling. How did he get to the bed? He remebered passing out on the floor and nothing else.

He sat up and looked around. He didn't regognize any of his surroundings and he could hear Shuichi next door ranting. He may have been a little muffled, but he could tell that Shuichi could hear him if he yelled.

"Hey brat! Where the Hell am I?!" He yelled to Shuichi. His end went quiet and then Eiri could hear Shuichi running over to the wall.


"Where are we brat?"

"I don't know. You brought me here."

"I did not! And come over here. I don't want to keep yelling."

"I can't! You locked me in here!"

Eiri couldn't remember any of this. What the hell was he talking about?

"The last thing I remember was you running away and me passing out on the floor! Is this some sort of game!?"

"No! You even told me I can't work anymore and my clothes consist of dresses now!"

Eiri still couldn't recall any of this. 'Shit! I've finally gone crazy!'

He got up and found keys in his pocket. After finding them, he left and found out that they were in an apartment. He quickly went to Shuichi's room, or he assumed t was, and unlocked the door.