"I can't believe you left me at the station!"

"It's your own fault brat! You were the one drooling all over a fucking poster!"

"You could have waited! And it was a poster of the Great Ryuichi Sakuma!"

"Well then why don't you marry the poster!" Eiri cringed inwardly at his insult. It sounded like a child making fun of a kid that had a crush.

Shuichi looked as though he was going to explode. Eiri had come to pick Shuichi up from the train station because Shuichi had gone on tour. By the time he had got there, Hiro and the others were all ready gone. And he found Shuichi practically worshipping a poster of Ryuichi Sakuma. Eiri would never admit it, but he felt a pang of jealousy and promptly left Shuichi there with all of his things.

Shuichi saw that Eiri leaving and chased after him, only to have Eiri leave him in the dust. After two hours of walking and lugging his stuff with him, Shuichi was pissed.

Thus started the arguement.

"Well why don't you go and marry the corpse that you love so much!" As soon as Shuichi said this, he clamped a hand over his mouth. Eiri now had a murderous look on his face.

"What did you say brat?"

Shuichi panicked, "Nothing!"

"Get. Out."

Shuichi didn't need to be told twice. He took off without another word. As he closed the door behind him, he heard a distinct 'thunk' of a shoe hitting the door.

"That goddamn brat!"

Eiri was seething. Shuchi just had to piss him off.


Eiri looked around the condo warily. "Brat if that's you, you'd better get your ass out of here before I kick it!"

There was silence. Eiri assumed that it was nothing. He headed for the kitchen to get a beer. About halfway there, he heard the laugh again.


Now there was definantly something wrong here.

"Where the hell are you hiding?! If you don't stop-"

"What will you do? Kill me again? You already did Eiri. Remember? So many years ago?"

The voice was talking now, and it sounded vaguely familiar.

"Who the hell's there?"

"Just go to sleep Eiri. You won't have to worry about Shuichi ever again."

Eiri felt himself drop to his knees. He felt so tired all of a sudden. He let his eyes close and fell to the floor.

A few minutes later, the body of Eiri Uesugi started moving. The movements were sloppy and looked as though it was fighting itself.

Finally, it stopped all together and pushed itself up off the ground. There was an odd gleam in its eyes and a smirk formed. Yuki pushed himself off the ground and went to the bathroom. He examined his new body in the mirror. He thought he never looked better. He grinned at himself and ran his hands over his face.

"Tonight, Eiri Uesugi shall cease to exist. And instead, I, Yuki Kitazawa, shall take his place."

Shuichi had gone to the park when his phone started ringing. The screen said 'mom.' He answered it only to get an earful of her sobbing.

"S-s-s-Shuichi....Your s-s-sister....She's....sob......."

"Mom? Is everything okay? What's wrong with Maiko?"

"She's...She's.....Dead!" And she continued to cry.

Shuichi went numb. He dropped his phone and tears fell from his eyes. How? How did she die?

He retrieved his phone and heard his mom still crying. "How?"

"I d-d-d-don't k-k-know! She w-was in the b-bathroom. A-a-and she w-was l-laying on the f-f-floor!"

She told him that she was at the hospital right now. Shuichi asked if she wanted to see him, but she declined. She told him to stay at home and that she would talk to him later.

They hung up and his phone went off again. This time it said 'lover.'

"Yuki! I'm-"

"Ssshhh...I know. I shouldn't have yelled at you. And I shouldn't have left you at the station. I'm sorry Shuichi."

Shuichi just stood there in shock. Eiri was acting wierd. He called him and was apologizing? That definantly wasn't Eiri.

"Yuki. Wha-"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the park."

"I'll be there shortly." And he hung up.

Shuichi stared at his phone. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Yuki found Shuichi sitting on one of the park benches. He was hunched over, crying. Yuki approached him and sat next to him. He pulled Shuichi closer to him. This made Shuichi flinch and stare at him.


"I'm here Shuichi."

"My sister's dead. Mom found her lying on the bathroom floor."

Yuki cringed inwardly. 'Shit! I forgot to hide her body! Oh well, not like I have to worry about anything.'

"I'm sorry that she's gone. Come, let's go home."

Shuichi nodded and figured out that maybe his mother had called the house phone. She probably told Eiri first. 'And that's why he's being so sweet.'

They got into the car and drove home.

A week later

Shuichi was putting his tie on with difficulty. He was getting ready to go to Maiko's funeral and Eiri was going to.

'He's acting strange lately.' Shuchi was right. Eiri was being nice to him. He cooked for Shuichi without complaining, he cuddled with him, talked to him regularly, and he would pay attention to Shuichi whole heartedly.

"Must be because of Maiko."

"Who're you talking to?"

Shuichi turned around to see Eiri standing in the door. "No one. I'm just frustarated that this thing won't tie."

Yuki chuckled and went to help Shuichi. Shuichi was taken aback. Normally Eiri would say "figure it out" and walk away. Now he was helping him. Things were not adding up.

Maiko had finally been buried. After the funeral, people were starting to leave one by one, until finally, Hiro, Tohma, Shuichi, and Yuki were left.

Hiro had his arm around Shuichi and was whispering comforting words to Shuichi. But Tohma however was watching Yuki. Ever since the blonde novelist had shown up with his arm around Shuichi's waist, Tohma had a funny feeling. Now he was watching as Yuki was glaring at Hiro. He looked as though he wanted to rip Hiro's arm off.

'Something's not right. Eiri never shows his affections out in public. He never looks this possessive over Shindou san. And he's never been jealous of Mr. Nakano.'

Yuki was still glaring at Hiro. 'Get your hands off of him! That is my new toy and you can't have him!' Yuki finally had enough and grabbed Shuichi free hand.

All three of them were shocked at Eiri's behavior. "Let's go Shuichi."

He pulled Shuichi away from Hiro and practically dragged him away. When they reached his car they were stopped by someone shouting at them.

"Eiri wait!"

They both turned to see Tohma and Hiro hurrying after them. "Eiri, this is Shindou san's sister. It was awful rude to drag him away like that. I know you hate funerals, but-"

"Shut it Tohma."

Both Hiro and Tohma looked surprised.

"I don't want Shuichi to be near either of you anymore. Understand?"

Finally Hiro stepped in. "Yuki san, Shuichi is our only singer. He has to be near us for his band. And Mr. Seguchi is his boss, so-"

"Then Shuichi will not be in the band."

"I will to! Yuki I have to sing! It's what I love!"

"Shindou san is right. You can't stop him from singing Eiri."

"Oh yes I can."

Shuichi walked over to Hiro and stood next to him. "What's gotten into you? Your acting all funny. Your being nice all of a sudden, then you want me to stop seeing the band. I'm going to Hiro's for awhile."

"No your not."

And in less than seconds, Yuki had grabbed Shuichi and threw him into the car, got in, and drove away. Leaving a very confused Hiro and Tohma behind.

How'd I do? Let me know!